Saturday, April 30, 2011

My New Default Setting

Read: Romans 12
“I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your body as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” Romans 12:1-2

There are two keys to hearing God clearly. The first has to do with surrendering your life as a living sacrifice. In verse one, the word “body” represents the totality of one’s life and activities. The second key deals with transformation. The key to this change is the mind. My mind is the control center of my attitudes, thoughts, feelings, and actions. One’s mind is continually made new by the spiritual input of God’s Word, prayer, and Christian fellowship. A new mind leads to a transformed lifestyle.

Being separated from God is no longer the natural state of a believer. Through Christ I have been reconciled to God. I have been made righteous by my faith in Christ and His Lordship over my life. I am a new creature and my natural state now is fellowship with God. This is my new default setting. But like everything else on earth, nothing functions properly all the time. Sometimes my fellowship with God is cut off. When this happens, this scripture reminds me that there are only two causes for a believer to feel separated from God.

My life with God starts with submission. He desires that I give Him the totality of my life and all its activities. I have to come to Him with nothing held back. The moment I start taking things back or trying to control outcomes, I will begin to lose my connection with God. The moment I start trying to apply conditions to God’s claim on my life, I will lose my fellowship. The moment I stop viewing my life as a living (and life giving) sacrifice, is the very moment I begin to stray from the intimacy with God that is promised to me through Christ.

While my life with God starts with submission, it does not end there. Submission can only be maintained if I allow my mind to be continually renewed by God. The mind is essential. Attitudes, thoughts, feelings, and actions are all birthed from what I dwell on in my mind. Correctly applying the Word of God to my life, allowing the Holy Spirit to lead me in prayer, and being in accountability with a community of believers are the methods by which my mind is renewed. All three are required and if I am not diligent in pursuing them, separation from God will result.

This has been an amazing reminder today. I am struggling with You because I am trying to control the outcomes of my life. I still have very high opinions of how I believe things should go, and I lose heart when I don’t get my way. I am also struggling because I am not allowing the Holy Spirit to guide my prayers. My prayers right now are grounded in my attitudes, thoughts, feelings, and desired results.

Understanding where I am now, I just sit at Your feet today. As best I can from where I am, I lay my life back down. As best I can from where I am, I ask that Your Spirit teach me to listen and pray His thoughts; not my own. My only true ambition in life is peace with You and rest in Your presence. Strengthen me today to endure through to what You have already promised and have already made available to me.

Friday, April 29, 2011

The Original Sin

Read: Romans 11
“For who has known the mind of the LORD, or who has been His counselor? Or who has given a gift to Him that He might be repaid?” Romans 11:34-35

In this chapter Paul is trying to reconcile the Jews and the Gentiles by helping them understand that neither group is superior; they are both equals. This teaching was raising a lot of questions about fairness. “Well, how could God allow” or “What about what God promised in” type of questions were popping up as Paul preached the gospel. Paul addressed these questions with the knowledge he had been given, but he then brought his audience back to the basis of God’s wisdom and sovereignty. The knowledge, plans, and ways of God lie outside the abilities of man to understand.

There is a seed in my flesh that desires to be equal with God. This seed was handed down to me from Adam and Eve, as it was the motivation behind their fall. Desiring equality with God was the original sin and will always be at the root of all my issues. Since it is a fair and true statement that striving to be equal with God is the root of my sin, then the solution to any sin in my life is humbling myself under the mighty hand of God.

Much of what is going on in my life right now does not make much sense and I am uncertain of exactly how to move forward. My steps are hesitant and my faith is weak. I am seeing things with my eyes that are making me doubt in my heart. Day and night I cry out to You and it seems as though everything remains stuck in the mud. I open Your Word or bend my knees in prayer and it feels as though confusion and silence often are the only things I find. I recognize my sin in this today.

I want to know Your mind. I want to be Your counselor. I want to position myself with You. I desire the universe and all that it contains to function according to what I desire or find to be fair and reasonable. I want to live my life according to my rules and I get upset at You when I don’t get my way. I confess this sin to You and ask Father that You transform this rebellious part of my heart by the power of Your grace.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Nothing has Malfunctioned

Read: Romans 9
“Don’t suppose for a moment, though, that God’s Word has malfunctioned in some way or other.” Romans 9:6 (The Message)

For Paul’s audience the message of Christ meant that they had missed the promised Messiah. No only had they missed Him; they killed Him. In this passage Paul calls them back to understand that regardless of our actions God’s Word is still sovereign.

On November 30th, 2010 I stepped off a plane in South Africa. In that moment everything in my journey took a turn. What had become an enthusiastic, live-giving pursuit of God became a painful reality. The closeness of God I had grown accustomed to experiencing suddenly seemed to be replaced with isolation. The clarity of what we were supposed to do and the ease with which it was coming together were painfully replaced by obscurity and frustration. From that day to this one there have been many moments when I have been left feeling like the Word of God malfunctioned in some way or I seriously missed the calling. This passage is a great reminder that neither are true.

I feel alone. I feel the weight of my lack. I see my prayers go by unanswered. I am walking continually beat down by confusion. You owe me nothing. I can’t demand anything from You. All I can do is cling to what the Word reveals about Your character. Your character says You will never leave me. You character says You will always supply for Your mission. Your character says what ever I ask for I will receive. You character says that You are not the author of confusion.

I will not quit. I will not be quiet. I will not go away. I will trust in You no matter what happens. This path that I am own is the path You have chosen. You spoke clearly to me in the beginning of this journey and I have sacrificed everything in my life to walk in obedience to You. I fully trust that You will come through in Your own way, in Your own timing, and in accordance to Your perfect will.

Your Word has not malfunctioned. I trust You to guide my steps today. I trust that You will bring power and authority to my prayers. I trust that my loneliness will be met with intimacy, my obscurity with clarity, my lack with provision, and my defeat with victory. I trust You to provide the strength I need to get me through this day. Father, all I have is Yours and for the first time in my life I can honestly say You are all that I have. I pray that I not be put to shame and Your name be robbed of its glory.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Four Building Blocks

Read: Romans 8
“No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.” Romans 8:37

In this chapter Paul outlines four building blocks of faith that once put in their proper place create the strength required to live for Christ.

The first block is freedom from condemnation. There are no eternal consequences for my sins. God disciplines me for my own sake and well-being, but His wrath has been forever removed. No matter how many times I fail, I am forever forgiven and my sins are forgotten.

The second block is the hope for a future glory. There is something important to grasp with this block. Hope means I do not have it yet and therefore will have to wait patiently for it. It is also important to realize that it is a FUTURE glory that is not of this world. There will always be a longing inside of me that can’t be satisfied with things of the earth. My glory is in the world that is to come.

The third block is the very Spirit of God. The same Spirit that led Christ, sustained Him through the cross, and raised Him from the dead has been planted inside of me. THE SAME SPIRIT. I am not weak. I cannot be defeated. God made provision for me to have everything I need to be all that He has called me to be.

The fourth block is sonship. I am not just a sinner saved by grace. I am an adopted son of the King of the earth. I have full rights and a guarantee that nothing can come against what has been given to me in Christ. I also have in Christ a brother who sits at the throne of God and defends me. Nothing has power over me because I am in Christ.

My faith does not reflect these four blocks. I still carry with me condemnation. The future glory that You have promised is not a present reality to me. I am weak and defeated more than I am strong in the Spirit and I fail to live with the confidence that comes with knowing I am a son.

I read these promises from Your Word and I believe in them; I just can’t seem to get them into their proper place in my life. Jesus, You have sat where I sit and struggled with the same things against which I struggle. Help me today I pray. Lead me to not only think about these things and believe in them but to also put them into practice.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Wide-Open Spaces

Read: Romans 5
“Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Through Him we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God.” Romans 5:1-2

Religion continues to be a great enemy of God as it persistently attempts to place requirements on salvation. The scriptures combat this thinking. There are no behavioral requirements on salvation in Christ. It is a free gift made available to all who will accept it by faith.

In reading this passage there are three key things that I needed to hear today. First, there is absolutely zero reason to ever carry a sense of guilt, fear, condemnation or rejection. None. Not even the least little bit. I am good with God and NOTHING I do will ever affect that in the least. My standing with God is no longer based on my behavior or a standard set by any religious group. The only thing that matters as it relates to God and me is Jesus, His death for my sins, His resurrection, and His seat at the right hand of God.

Second, troubles are guaranteed. There is no escaping the fact that God will forge my character through circumstance. As a believer, I am called to not only accept this fact but to actually embrace it. The end result of suffering and trouble is hope. All I have to do is hold fast to my faith and endure to the end. Struggles allow me to see me for who I really am and to experience God deeper and that depth allows me to realize that He is even more worthy of my faith and praise.

The final reminder I received this morning has to do with rejoicing in God’s glory. I love the way the message translates verse two of this chapter, “We find ourselves standing where we always hoped we might stand—out in the wide open spaces of God’s grace and glory, standing tall and shouting our praise.” Wide-open spaces, standing tall, and shouting praise. Every ambition I have has these three outcomes as its objective. God’s glory is intended to supply these in abundance.

I trade wide-open spaces for the cheap confines of religion and sin. Instead of standing tall, I often slump with disappointment. Instead of shouting praise, I often grumble over not getting my way. That is such a foolish way to live.

I am good with You. I acknowledge that to You. I am fully justified through Christ and there is nothing left undone. I ask that You help me tear down the fences that I have built and show me how to fully experience the wide-open spaces of Your grace. As troubles come, I pray that I experience fully the hope that they are designed to produce and I also ask that genuine praise develop as I learn to trust and experience You in this life. All that is Yours is mine and all that is in me belongs to You. Thank You for my life. Thank You for my salvation. Thank You for Your glory.

Friday, April 22, 2011

A Word from You

Read: Romans 4
“For the law brings wrath, but where there is no law there is no transgression” Romans 4:15

In the time before Christ the Jewish leaders built the law as their means to obtaining God. Their faith was not faith. It was a contract. They fulfilled their part and by law that would give them justification to demand something from God. This was never God’s intention for the law, for the law cannot bring righteousness. The purpose of the law was to prove our inability to live holy before God and to prepare us for the promise of God to justify us by faith in Christ.

There is no scoreboard. There are no tally marks. There is no behavior chart. It is finished. Done. Completed. God calls me righteous. He calls me son. He has adopted me and given me an inheritance among the saints. There is no longer any wrath held against me. I am free. I am holy. I am righteous. There is nothing I did to deserve this and nothing I can do will undo it. God spoke it and so it is what He said it is.

I have heard it said that faith preaches easy but it walks hard. This is a statement that I have learned to accept as being profoundly true. Faith demands that I move past what is seen and hold fast to what is unseen. My eyes still see my sin. My thoughts still see room to doubt. My instinct still sees trouble. In all of this, the only safe harbor is Your Word and Your Truth.

The trouble I find is that I can easily accept the promise of my eternity and my salvation by faith in Jesus, but I struggle to figure out how to merge faith with the day-to-day. There are times when I really do not feel like I have a promise from you regarding specific things I face. When I do not have a promise from You specific to a situation, I struggle to know where to place my faith and in what outcome to believe.

Right now my life and all its circumstances are completely built on faith. I cannot do anything about anything on my plate right now. It is all beyond my control and beyond my abilities. My only motive is a compulsion to serve You and be a part of Your ministry on this earth.

A ship cannot hold course if there is no rudder. It tosses back and forth with the waves and is driven mindlessly by the wind. That same is true of me. I feel like I understand the ship I have been given and know the desired destination; but the rudder has not yet been installed. Consequently I am left feeling unable to hold a course. In all things I acknowledge that Your mighty hand holds all things together. I thank You for Your sovereignty and presence in my life. You word says we have not because we ask not. I ask You for a word specific to the decisions I am having to make. A word from You is incomparably greater than any plan I could ever think of drafting.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A Mirror for My Soul

“For in passing judgment on another you condemn yourself because you, the judge, practice the very same things.” Romans 2:1

“Everyone in the entire human race has turned away from God and commits sins even though there are differences of frequency, extent, and degree. In addition the entire human race, especially moral pagans and the Jews, stood condemned before God (and have no excuse [because God’s judgment is based on three divine standards—truth (2:2-4), impartiality (vv. 5-11), and Jesus Christ Himself (vv. 12-16)—which are absolute and infinite, condemning every person.”-- Bible Knowledge Commentary

The sins that I see in others are the mirrors that allow me to see into my soul. When my anger is kindled and my judgment falls on another I should simply fall on my face and confess before God my own guilt.

Sin is sin. I judge sin based on a complicated scale of evils that is designed to place my sin on the lesser side and the sins of others on the more evil side. You do not judge this way. Your three standards, truth, impartiality, and Jesus, are consistent and perfect and under these three all fall short of Your glory. I am absolutely no less evil than any other person on the planet. I am equally capable of sin and equally in need of grace.

Over the past few weeks I have allowed my perception of the sins of others to greatly affect me. As a matter of fact I have allowed them to consume me. Injustice angers me, especially when it goes unchecked. I have wanted to see justice and vengeance for my own personal benefit and that is wrong. In doing this, I acknowledge that the sins I have judged are only aspects of myself that I have projected on others.

Forgive my anger. My anger is not holy and it boils over when my way is challenged. Forgive my arrogance and pride as they rise up and demand that I be in control. Forgive my indifference to the pain of others. I get so consumed with my agenda that I overlook the suffering others face and fail to minister to their needs. Forgive my greed. I will stock pile resources and try to make sure that I am covered before I give to the mission You have for others.

Your kindness is meant to lead me to repentance and that is my destination this morning. Father I do not want to judge another person. I repent of my judgment and my own sin today. I want to only be focused on being patient in doing well in my own life. Set before me today Your glory, honor, and eternal life. Allow them to become all consuming passions that will lead me to walk a different path than the one I find myself on today.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Grace is not the Objective

Read: Romans 1
“…through whom we have received grace and apostleship to bring about the obedience of faith for the sake of His name among all the nations…” Romans 1:5

Paul calls the church in Rome to understand that two universal gifts are given to every person who is obedient to Christ in faith. They are given grace and apostleship. In Christian circles today much has been made of grace, which is the unmerited favor of God. Songs are written about it and are sung with gladness. But Paul does not stop with grace. He also speaks of apostleship. He not only speaks of it; he positions it as being the purpose of the grace handed to us. Apostleship means a person who is a messenger sent on a mission. The mission is to carry the message of obedience in faith, for the sake of His name, to the nations.

Passages like this one change everything about my faith. Actually it is not my faith. It is the faith of all the saints. I have a tendency to make grace the objective, but it is only the provision for the mission. Faith in Christ is not about me receiving unmerited favor and living a blessed life. Faith is about me assuming the role of apostleship. The question that matters following salvation is, am I living my life as a worthy messenger on God’s mission of carrying the saving knowledge of Christ to all the nations?

Jesus, I hear Your gentle rebuke this morning. I have a tendency to use the term missionary in reference to people who are called to go and carry the gospel to the nations. I realize this morning that in calling some missionaries I by default call the others non-missionary. There are no non-missionaries. We have all been given the mission of taking the gospel.

Realign my life to reflect not only Your grace but also my apostleship. I pray that I connect with You in a way that breathes life on my mission. I pray that the joy of salvation come to life in me in such a way that it compels me to share it with others. I pray that my heart be broken for the nations and that seeing people in my city, state, country and foreign places come to obedience in faith will become my all-consuming passion.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Handling Adversity

Read: Judges 3-4 & Psalm 69; 118
“The LORD is on my side; I will not fear…” Psalm 118:6

Being a child of God does not come with an exemption from struggles. They will happen. In reading Psalm 69 and 118 together there is great wisdom to be found regarding how a child of God can handle adversity.

The first thing that jumps out at me is timing. Timing is not mine to control. When I place time constraints on God I am really just trying to force Him to work on my timetable. I am telling God what to do and when. That is not mine to do. I have to trust God with the timing of His deliverance. Most of the disappointment and frustration in my life is tied to God not answering me in the “now”.

In this reading I also see great examples of faith. I can never lose hope. In reading these passages it becomes clear that while avoiding all pain is not an option, neither is living in defeat and misery. God will deliver me. His character compels Him to do so. God will provide joy because His very presence is joy. When things drag out and circumstances heat up I must stand firm in the things that I know are true of God.

The final thing I am reminded of is probably the hardest to accept. Praise offered to God during times of doubt, struggle, threat, and pain are beautiful offerings to God. Anyone can praise when things are good, but only a fool would offer praise when all hell has broken loose. God loves people who are fools for Him.

Father You are good to me when there is nothing good in me. You pursue me when nothing in me desires You. Your love for me has never abandoned me even when I cursed You and lived a lifestyle that defiled Your name. Your love is more steadfast than anything in me and Your grace and mercy defy the laws of human reasoning.

I want to offer You my praise this morning. You alone deserve my glory. You alone are worthy of my attention. There is no place I would rather be than right here, right now, standing in Your presence and fighting for Your will. When those close to me fall away and I am left standing, I am never left alone. You are my rock. You are my fortress. All of Your ways are good and You have proven that there is no God like You. I love the life You have offered me and I pray that I handle myself in a way that honors Your name and reflects Your character.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Do Something Ridculous

Read: Judges 1-2 & Psalm 49, 110
“And the LORD was with Judah, and he took possession of the hill country, but he could not drive our the inhabitants of the plain because they had chariots of iron.” Judges 1:19

Israel did not have chariots. Most of the land that they settled was in the hill country, where chariots were completely ineffective. On the flat plains, however, chariots were greatly needed. In this verse Israel fails to complete the task that God had given them because the fight for it would require them to learn to trust Him in new ways. They decided that they had enough and held up short of completing the entire mission handed to them by God. As a result they would eventually reap the effects of this, as the inhabitants they failed to remove would later lead them astray.

Following God is not an easy task. It is especially hard when it comes to finishing strong. When God starts me out on a task He normally provides so much clarity that it is impossible for me to miss His direction. As I step out in faith my normal is destroyed. I am continually faced with situations that require me to trust God in new ways. Some days it is easy to find justification to stop short of what He asked me to do. As distance passes from the moment I heard God it becomes increasingly difficult to hold fast to His direction as the weight of the mission builds and uncertainty rises.

Father, a great deal of time has passed since I heard Your voice with complete clarity. During this season of uncertainty I have held on to the last word of direction You handed me. I have fought for it and I have not held anything back from You. As best I can from where I am I have stood firm and suffered under the weight of the task You handed me.

I am getting tired Father. Your mission will never fail. You will accomplish what You have started. I know this but as the struggle has intensified I have found that I am incapable of completing what You have started in me. Help me hold fast to the vision that You have given. Restore my confidence today and order my steps. My life is not mine. It is hidden with Christ and the true desire of the deepest part of my heart is to be fully engaged in accomplishing Your mission for the time You have given me on earth.

There are several things weighing on me today and I need to have Your wisdom to sort them out. There are some realities before me that are impossible to overcome unless You strengthen me. I have waited on You until I have put myself at what feels like great risk. I am completely exposed at this point as I have laid my life and this journey out bare before everyone to see. I have held nothing back. I have not been slow to obey You. My only hope is that You will do something ridiculous that proves Your glory, Your power, and Your desire to defend the cause of the orphan, widowed, poor, and oppressed.

Friday, April 15, 2011

When Hard Times Hit

Read: Joshua 21-22 & Psalm 22

“O my God, I cry by day, but you do not answer and by night, but I find no rest.” Psalm 22:2


This Psalm is a song of person who is suffering greatly for unjust reasons. It is a lament to God over the pain being caused by others and the torment created by God’s lack of intervention.


As I read this Psalm I see three things to model when hard times hit me in the stomach. First, I need to be historical and futuristic. It is tempting to allow the pain of the present to steal the praise of my past. I need to return to the great things that God has done for me in my past, praise Him for them, and then set my eye to the future knowing that my present pain will not be my permanent station in life.

I also need to be honest with God but holdfast to my respect for Him. Throughout the Psalm the singer pleads the honest feelings of his heart to God but he always maintains a deep sense of respect for God. It seems like when things go bad I either withdraw from God or lash out at Him. Neither of these are healthy. I need to let God know that feel disconnected from Him but do so while maintaining my deepest respect of Him.

Finally, I need to be realistic but hopeful. It makes no sense to deny reality. When times get rough, as they often do, I have to acknowledge them to be what they are. It is healthy to be realistic and transparent about what is going on with me. At the same time, I need to be careful to not slip into depression. My hope is in the Lord and He will always come through in the end.


Jesus, my soul is very heavy today. The weight of all that we are facing right now at times becomes overwhelming for me. Something in my journey shifted in December and has felt like a dogfight since that day. There are mornings I wake up and struggle to hold firm. Your presence has felt inconsistent and the stripping away of my pride and sin has been more painful than anything I have ever experienced. Trouble literally awaits me at every turn. Many days have left me feeling like I am trying to plug a hole in a ship with nothing more than a roll of paper towels. Even this past week there have been moments when I felt like everything I touched with my hands fell apart. This fight has left me feeling fatigued and weak.

In the midst of it all I am held together by the reality that I can’t walk away from You. Where else would I go? What else could I do? I am where I am because I have followed what I felt to be Your voice and direction. You directed my steps and led me to attack some vicious strongholds of our enemy. To retreat would be unthinkable and to move forward without Your strength, power, and protection would be nothing short of disaster.

Keep my emotions in check today. I pray that You remind me today where my help comes from. I ask that You intervene in my life today in a way that restores my strength, fuels my hope, and affirms my faith. I pray that this day does not pass without leavening me awestruck by the glory of God given to me by You.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Launch of Restoration Hope

There were two prevailing fears I had regarding giving my life to God. I did not want to be a pastor and I did not want to live in Africa. Four years ago God led me to face that first fear by becoming one of the pastors on staff with Pinelake. I walked away from my family’s business and the career I had spent 8 years developing to help lead an amazing team of ministers, assistants, and volunteers. It was a leap of faith God used to help me see that His way was truly best and that there was nothing in my past or present I could do to disqualify myself from His plans for me. Two years ago God started stirring something new within me. Ironically, He used the Liam Neeson movie Taken to open my eyes to the repulsive reality of the sex trafficking of children. Additional research into that dark and nasty world further opened my eyes to see the reality of abandoned children living in abject poverty.

This pursuit ultimately landed Brandy and I on the ground in South Africa. On our first trip, we were only there for 10 days but honestly it only took one day for our reality to be shattered. I had read statistics on orphans and even had advocated for ministering to them, but standing in the middle of thousands of them changed everything. I once thought I was simply blessed to live where I lived and thought very little of my responsibility to the world. I looked at what I considered to be rich people and judged them for not doing more. Then I read a statistic that has forever changed my attitude. Standing in the middle of poverty unlike anything I had ever seen these words literally burned my eyes and heart as I read them, “If your household income is over $25,000 you are in the top 10% of the world’s wealth. If your household income is over $50,000 you are in the top 1% of the world’s wealth.” I suddenly became aware of just how much had been entrusted to me and I began to beg God to forgive me for my apathy towards those that suffer and my judgment of those whom I considered as being responsible for doing something about it. I looked into the mirror on that trip and heard God clearly call me to step up and put my faith and resources into action.

To be bluntly honest, the past 7 months have been nothing short of pure torment. We have wrestled with God, fought against our fears, and longed to just return to our normal life. In the middle of it all, God has continued to lead us toward fighting for those who have no voice. I am sending this out today to let you all know that Brandy and I are taking another leap of faith and to ask for your help. We have started a non-profit called Restoration Hope and will be relocating to South Africa to get the work there started. As you can imagine this is not a paying gig. We will be relying on the money we are able to raise. We trust that as God has placed this burden on our hearts to go and be used by Him to start this work, that He has been working in some of you to help us get there.

Please visit our website at There are a few things that you can do to help us:
1) Prayerfully consider making a financial commitment to Restoration Hope.
2) Sign up for our newsletter and share the website with others.
3) Read the prayer page and partner with us in prayer.

At this point in the journey there are still so many things that we do not know and the risks are crazy. Brandy and I have decided that we can handle failure, but what we can no longer tolerate is our own apathy towards children living in conditions that are unimaginable. We hold no illusions of grandeur and fully realize that we cannot save them all. The bottom line for us is that God has indicated to us both that He is preparing a great work in South Africa. We fully believe that He is going to show up and show out in the community of Sweetwaters and we are humbled that He has entrusted us to be a small part of it. We extend that invitation to you today and invite you to join us on the great pursuit of seeing an extraordinary God do an extraordinary work.

In Christ,

Jason and Brandy

Saturday, April 9, 2011

The Most Amazing Feat

Read: Joshua 9-10 & John 18
“Then Simon Peter, having a sword, drew it and struck the high priest’s servant and cut off his right ear.” John 18:10

Peter’s blind loyalty was touching, but it missed God’s plan. Zeal without knowledge often leads men astray. Over the course of the night Peter would display three ways a man of God can miss the direction of God: 1) Zeal for Jesus without knowledge of the Father’s will. 2) Passivity in following Jesus. 3) Denial of Jesus to avoid pain.

The Bible teaches that there is no sin except that which is common to man. These three traps to which Peter fell are sill alive and active today. I have to guard against them as I hope to stay close to God.

Zeal without knowledge is trying to do things for God with a heart, attitude, and method that do not honor Him. I have to know what the Father is doing and carry out my part of the plan in a manner that honors His character.

Passivity in following Jesus means that I go through the motions and try to stay in touch with Jesus, yet I keep enough distance to stay safe and maintain control. I have to follow after Jesus fully. There is never a good time to throttle back and play it safe.

Denial of Christ is folding under pressure. There have been many times in my life that I have felt God give me the conviction that I should do or say something. In those moments my stomach usually churns and nervousness sets in. As the pressure mounts I have often found myself denying the thing I knew I should do.

Jesus, I stand amazed at all the crazy things that You did on earth. From the feeding of the 5,000 to the raising of the dead; the Bible is full of stories of Your greatness. Of all the things that are recorded in the scriptures, the feat that amazes me most is how well tuned-in You stayed to the Father’s will. You never allowed Your zeal to push You ahead, You never allowed fatigue or fear to pull You back, and when the chips fell against You, You always stood firm.

I seem to carry a great deal of doubt. My doubt is not of You or the Father. Most of my doubt is caused from simply not knowing what it is that I am supposed to do. I am asking that You teach me to learn to hear the voice of our Father in the way You modeled.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Work of Bearing Fruit

Read: Joshua 3-4 & John 15
“Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself…” John 15:4

Abide has three meanings: 1) To accept Jesus as Savior. 2) To continue or persevere in believing. 3) Believing, loving obedience.

When I first read this chapter it can come across as a “too good to be true” passage. It sounds simple. Abide in Jesus, bear much fruit, ask for anything I want, and all in life will be well. My flesh can quickly latch on to this passage and turn it into the ultimate self-help program. The benefits of this passage are literally too good to be true. The promise is intimacy with Jesus, a life that bears fruit, and the power of the Holy Spirit working through me. But like anything in life that has lasting value this verse has work associated with it.

Salvation is not tied to work. Jesus in verse 3 tells me that I am clean because of the word He has spoken to me. Salvation absolutely is not tied to works. Fruit bearing, on the other hand is. I must persevere in believing. Believing in Jesus does not come natural and it does not come easy. Many things will rise up against it. Many days will leave me wondering and tempt me to fall away. The forces of hell are set against me holding fast to my belief in Christ. I must determine at the beginning of each day to persevere until the end.

I also have to practice loving, believing obedience. My life is not intended to be lived as a mindless drone or beat-down slave. God desires me to follow Him with love and joy in my obedience to Him. I have to commit myself to the hard work of doing what He asks because I believe it is best for me and because my love for God longs to see Him pleased.

My life is to be about the Father’s glory. At the end of the day that is the only measuring stick of success for me. The only way I can do that is to abide in You, Jesus. When You spoke these words to the disciples You did so knowing the battles they would face. In the same way I know that You understand the struggles I have to endure in applying these principals of abiding to my life. You know now, like You knew then, that it is impossible for a man to do this on His own so You had the Father send the Holy Spirit to be my guide and strength.

That is the point of my prayer today. The Holy Spirit is more of a mystery to me than He is a blessed assurance of my salvation, a personal mentor, or an overflowing power. He exists to me more in theory than in tangible presence and understanding. I do not know how to change that except to acknowledge things are not as they should be and pray for You to bring about a change.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Not Left Abandoned

Read: Joshua 1-2 & John 14
“I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.” John 14:18

In this chapter Jesus begins to prepare His disciples for His departure to heaven. Throughout chapter 14 Jesus outlines several benefits that are given to all of those who love Jesus and follow His commandments.

I have not been abandoned by God or left on earth as an orphan. In reading this chapter I have noted to following major blessings that are mine:
1. Jesus in completing His work on earth and returning to the Father has enabled me with power to do greater things than even He did. (John 14:12)
2. Jesus and the Father come to me and desire to make their home with me and in me. (John 14:23)
3. The Holy Spirit has been given to dwell in me, to teach me, and to enable me to remember all that has been said to me. (John14:16 & 26)
4. Jesus has taken the same peace that enabled Him to rest, even as He faced the cross, and given it to me. (John 14:27)
5. Jesus makes sure that if I follow close to Him I have the ability to understand things before they happen. (John 14:29)

Jesus, I live far below my potential. I live my life more like and orphan left to fend for himself than do I live as an anointed warrior left to carry on with Your mission. The key to unlocking these powerful gifts can only be found by sharing Your heart, obeying Your commands, and following through with Your mission.

Teach me to love You more. I look at the list above and realize that my life does not reflect a greater power than the one You modeled on earth, I do not feel like I dwell with You and the Father in a tangible way, the Holy Spirit is not that active in my life, peace is rarely my closest friend, and I am often caught off-guard by what happens in my life. I confess to You this morning that I believe the reason for these gifts not being fully experienced in my life has to do with my desires to dwell in my flesh.

The deepest longing in my heart is to follow You in a way that enables me to live fully the purpose You have for me on earth and to dwell for eternity in the world You have created in perfection. I ask that You take my life and direct my steps today. Lead me to be a better disciple.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Acting on What I Know

Read: Deuteronomy 33-34 & John 13
“Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.” John 13:17

God blesses His servants not for what they know, but for their response to what they know.

In this chapter I see one thing I need to know and two things I need to do. In verse 3 John tells us that Jesus knew God had given all things into His hands and that it was His time to return to the Father. This is a core and critical belief that I must hold close to my heart and understand deeply in my soul. I serve a Savior who lives and who is seated on His throne. He is alive and all power has been given to Him. Once I became adopted as a son I gained access to all things that were given to Jesus. Knowing this is essential to my faith.

The first thing I need to do with this knowledge is allow it to transform my life to the model Jesus gave. If I were to sum up the life of Jesus on earth, I would say He lived with the heart of a servant, the wisdom of a king, and the valor of a warrior. God calls me to bring glory to His name by spending my days serving, leading, and advancing His kingdom as He leads me towards home.

The second thing I need to do with this knowledge is to allow the love of Christ to transform my interactions with people. There is no way to read the story of Jesus and not recognize that He loved people intensely. In verse 34 Jesus tells His disciples to focus on a new command; love one another well. By doing so, others will know that we are of Christ and that is the greatest testimony we have to offer the world.

Jesus, it is amazing to think of all the power that is available to me through You and the Spirit of God within me. My amazement turns to shame when I examine my life and realize how little of that power I use and how easily I fall away when adversity strikes. Somewhere between You and me lies a leak in my system. The power You have given somehow is lost and my life feels as if it does not run on full strength. I do not understand the cause of this, but I ask that You open the eyes of my heart so that I may know the power that is available through You.

Jesus, it is not enough to just love people. I have to be able to love them as You loved them. Father, as I examine the way in which You loved others, I pray that You continue to develop inside of me the heart of a servant, the wisdom of a king, and the valor of a warrior.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Crossing the Jordan

Read: Deuteronomy 27-28 & John 10
“And on the day you cross over the Jordan to the land that the LORD your God is giving you…” Deuteronomy 27:2

The discipline of the LORD and His preparation are very painful and testing seasons of life. These times bring with them a weight that is hard to carry and a scourging that makes it hard to breath. The days can become so long and dark that one’s heart can lose hope. This verse calls back into focus the promise of God that discipline and testing only last a little while.

The past few months have represented an incredible time of testing and scourging for my family and me. I do not know that I have ever felt a heavier weight, sensed a deeper darkness, or wrestled with stronger emotions. In the middle of it all, God has been faithful and I have been acutely aware of His work. This week has represented a shift in my prayers and interaction with God. He has been reminding me daily that as long as I continue to follow His voice and bless His name I can rest knowing that the day to cross my own Jordan will come.

Father, as I read Your word this morning and reflect on the promptings I hear in Your Spirit, I acknowledge to You my sense that You are ready to take us out of this place of testing and release us to pursue the mission You have for us. The work before us is incredible and the odds are impossible. That said, we are simply following Your voice and trust in You to lay low the things that come against us. As we move forward there are a few things on my heart. First, I do not want to forget where You have brought me from. I look back on the life we have lived over the past ten years and I never want to return to my former ways nor do I want to lose sight of the great growth You have allowed us to experience. Second, I ask that You continue to enable me to pursue Your heart and voice above all else and follow in obedience. The only plans that lead to Your heart and provision are the ones that align with Your will and mirror Your character. Finally, I want to stand firm on Your promise to deliver me. There are many things that tempt me to doubt Your provision, but I ask that You stir inside of me a boldness that matches the greatness of Your name.