S: Then Moses said to Aaron, “It was what the Lord spoke saying, ‘By those who come near me I will be treated as holy, and before all the people I will be honored.’” So Aaron, therefore, kept silent.
O: Wow. What did they do? Just one chapter earlier they took part in a ceremony that saw the glory of God knock people on the ground and His fire come down from heaven as affirmation of His good pleasure with them. Now, that same fire came down and consumed two of Aaron’s sons. A few verses down in the story, we are given a hint of what made God so angry. What God tells Aaron in verse 8 leads me to believe that they were drunk. They crossed a line in front of all the people that no doubt would have lead to confusion. Regardless of their state of mind, we know that they were being unholy in front of the people. They crossed a line that would have led the people watching to do the same. God had to act.
A: There are a few things that stand out to me in this passage. First, I should never allow my actions to become casual with God. It is easy to become lulled into complacency by the repetition of my patterns of life. I approach God in prayer and study so often that it becomes really easy to forget that He is a Holy God and though I am to approach Him boldly with confidence, I had better make sure that I approach Him in a manner that honors His Holiness. Second, God does not take it lightly when we lead people astray. It has been said, when referring to the study of the Bible, that the most dangerous phrase in the world is “I believe.” It does not matter what I think the Bible says. All that matters is what the Bible actually does say. As I approach God’s word I need to empty myself of selfish motives and not allow myself to be deceived into receiving or delivering false teachings. The third thing that stands out to me is Moses response to Aaron. Moses did not act surprised or confused. I wonder at what point he and Aaron knew that they had missed it? I wonder if they suspected they were drunk? No doubt, they would have noticed they were not doing things correctly, but they did not say anything. They allowed it to continue until God had had enough and responded. I must learn to speak out when I see people I love performing acts that put them against God. It is so hard to do, but then again nothing is more painful than the feelings of regret that settle when I see a life destroyed. I also must learn to build relationships with people that will encourage them to speak to me when I get off track.
P: You are a Holy God. It is so easy to forget this. The gift of your Son tore down so much formality that I often approach you flippantly and without reverence. I confess this to you as sin and I pray for Your guidance as I seek to give You the honor You deserve. I need Your Spirit to be alive to me and for Your voice to be clear as I receive instruction from Your Word. I do not want to lead anyone to do anything that is not pleasing to You. Give me the courage to speak the truth you have given to me and surround me with people who will offer me the same. Above all, thank You for the Grace given to me through Your Son. As I sit here this morning, I do not fear my sin nor do I sit in guilt and it is all because I know of Your Grace.
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