Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Forgetting to Remember

Scripture: "But for all this, you did not trust the LORD your God, who goes before you on your way, to seek out a place for you to encamp, in fire by night and cloud by day, to show you the way in which you should go."
Deut 1:32-33 NASU

Observation: The Israelites took their eyes off Jesus and focused on their giants. In doing so, they forgot all that God had done for them. He was the LORD their God. The one who delivered them from Egypt. He went before them. He sought out a place for them to encamp. He was their fire of light by night. Their cloud of comfort in the day. He led them in the way to go.

Application. The promises of God are mine through faith in Christ Jesus. This passage is an incredible reminder of what those promises are. God goes before me to seek a place for me to encamp. Often times I feel like I have wondered into a strange place. Nothing looks familiar and almost everything threatens to over take me. In these times I must remember that God is before me. Even if I have rebelled, God is still right there; seeking a place of peace for me to camp. He is the LORD my God. I just can't fathom that. The God of all ages is my LORD. He goes before me, seeking a place for me to find rest and safety. Even in the midst of adverse circumstances God is able to provide me with safety and rest. He shows me the way I should go. In daylight, He is there as a cloud standing out on a clear day. He offers shade from the hot sun. Rain for the parched land. Relief for burnt skin. At night, He is a glowing fire illuminating the darkness around me. Either way He is there in a form that is easy to see. He is right there directing my steps. But it is also easy to miss. That is why it is so important to pay attention to what God does in my life… keep a record of the many ways that He has delivered me.

Prayer: There are so many things that can compete for my attention. The struggles are before me constantly as I walk through a land full of giants that tower over me. There are so many times that I feel inadequate. I struggle with that daily. I grow tired. I burn out and look around and feel like I will never overcome the things that I am up against. I forget to remember just how good You have been to me. You have done so much for me. As I sit here tonight reflecting over the life that you have given me I am totally amazed. The struggles You have brought me through. The hang-ups you have broken. The blessings that you have poured out on me are more than I ever could deserve. Regardless of what comes my way I have total confidence in Your ability to deliver me. Help me remember your ways. I never want you to say to me "But for all this, you did not trust the LORD your God". Build inside of me the strength of Caleb and Joshua. I want to look through the hardships and see the providence of You going before me. May I see your guiding presence as a cloud in the day and as a fire by night.

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