Monday, September 15, 2008

Three Plagues of the Day

"And they sang a new song before the throne and before the living creatures and the elders and no one could learn the song except the one hundred and forty-four thousand who had been purchased from the earth." Revelation 14:3

Living a pure life on earth is a constant struggle. Temptations are everywhere. Things are becoming more and more assessable and the publicity of temptations relentlessly pursues you whether you want it or not. Resisting these unholy pursuits becomes exhausting.

But one day the labor will end and the rewards will be given. In that day, a new song will be sung in heaven; one that has not been sung before and one that only those of us who have suffered here on earth will know how to sing.

There are few traits of those purchased from earth which are listed in verses 4-5 from this chapter of Revelation. The first is they have not defiled themselves with women. Immorality is an incredibly important area for God. I must never remove my attention from this area of my life. The world is literally full of sexual traps set by Satan. He has created a world in which it is nearly impossible to make it through without falling victim. Everywhere you look, the opportunities are there. I must stay in a place of submission to God which results in His holy power guarding my heart, my eyes, my thoughts and my actions. In the midst of the threats created by the traps Satan set, He is my deliverer.

The second trait listed is that they follow the Lamb where ever He goes. I like this one. In the realm of traditional church time is copiously given to teaching people what not to do; but is hardly any focus is given to what we are called to do; follow the Lamb. I believe that God is active and at work around me today. My calling in life is to join Him in that labor. I must pay attention to the opportunities he presents to me daily to offer His love and grace. I was not created to sit back and concentrate on just being good. I was created to worship God with my life's labor. I am a warrior. I am a saint. I am called to join God in great and might works. I am empowered to overcome the world and prove to all who see just how great is God's ability to bless the lives of those who follow Him. The things I am asked to not do are not the end. They are the means that allow me to stay connected with God's mission for my life to serve in the redemption of this lost world.

The third trait list it that no lie was found in their mouth. God despises dishonesty. Outside of immorality I can think of no sin God wars against harder, than the sin of deceit. He hates it. There is no place for dishonesty in the life of a believer. I must stay committed to the truth. The trouble is lies come in many shapes and forms. We have created a system of lies that is really tough to navigate. We have created so many different shades of truth and as a result, we have really broadened the loopholes and it is hard nail down what it means to tell a lie. There are lies we tell to others and there are lies we tell to ourselves. There are lies we tell to avoid consequences and there are lies we tell to reap rewards. Bent truth, half truth, white lies. Anytime I withhold any form of truth in a statement, I am lying. It is really that simple. I must constantly focus on living in the truth.

Moral purity, obedient submission to a greater purpose, and absolute honesty. These things do not exist in the world I live in. What was once heralded as the American way is a memory long lost to the people that we have become. I pray that You bring about a great repentance in our land. Help us return to the values we once held.

As I think about the state of the country, I am also convicted about the fact that this issue or moral defilement, rebellious hatred towards Your truth, and open deceit is a very personal issue. It is not one that any organization can address. It is one that each individual must make for Himself. I ask for Your help. I do not want to be the man I used to be and the glimpses I get of the man I have the potential to become scare me. I ask for Your daily strength and wisdom to overcome the demons that pursue me. There is no way for me to remain morally pure, submissive to Your Word, and without lies outside of Your grace and favor.

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