Saturday, November 8, 2008

True Calling

"For consider your calling, Brethren…" 1 Corinthians 1:26

In the Christian life, it is sometimes tempting to stop at personal salvation. It is almost like once we have our ticket to heaven punched, complacency kicks in and we set our lives on cruise. The gift of salvation is an amazing thing and an eternity in heaven is quite a "perk", but there is so much more. God's offer of salvation did not just rescue me from hell, it included a higher calling of living for my life in service to others.

So this verse challenges me to consider my calling. The first two chapters of 1 Corinthians contain a wealth of things to consider about my calling.

First, I am a saint. I look at those words on this screen and I feel uncomfortable about them. In chapter 1:2 Paul refers to the recipients of this letter as "saints by calling". That is crazy to me. My past and present are full of many reminders of just how un-saintly I can behave, but my behavior is no longer an issue. Once I accepted Christ, His grace sanctified me. I am blameless.

Second, I have a mission. In these two chapters it is hard to miss the fact that Paul models what Christ said in Matthew 28:19 and Acts 2:8; "Go spread the good news and make disciples." That is a universal call to every believer. There are times that I feel I need to study or get ready, but when I read these verses I am reminded that I will never be ready. I will never be comfortable with this part of my calling. I have to just step out in the simplicity of my own speech, with much fear, and share the story of what God has done and is doing in my life.

Third, I need to remember that I was enriched in Christ. God starts with the most simple of people. In chapter 1:26, Paul reminds the church to look around at themselves. There were not many people who would make logical choices for the mission of God. In order to make sure that people know it was God, He very often picks unlikely candidates to entrust with His purposes. Once I made the choice to trust Christ as my Savior, I became enriched. He added something to me that I could not have on my own. My life now is not limited by my deficiencies.

Finally, I need to remember that in chapter 1:3 Paul points out that I am not lacking any gift. One of the current trends in the church today is the teaching of spiritual gifts. There are may resources that help you identify how God has gifted you for service. I think these tools are great, but I also think they are dangerous. It is tempting to sometimes excuse myself from certain things simply because I am not "gifted" to do them. As logical as that may seem, it is also equally false. There are core gifts that are just a part of how God has wired me, but there are also times that God chooses to send me into something that will totally depend on him showing up for me to succeed.

I have a purpose. My life has meaning. This morning has been an incredible reminder of that. Please help me to never lose sight of that. As long as there is breath in me, I ask that my life be used in impacting the lives of others for Your purpose. I ask that You allow the truths outlined in these passages from Your Word to become the call of my heart and the very fabric of my being.

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