Today's Reading: Proverbs 10; Proverbs 12:1-13; & Romans 10
"Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all transgressions." Proverbs 10:12
This world is full of hatred. Things come out of nowhere and just smack you right in the face. And hatred is not reserved only for the wicked. It often comes from very good people we love and trust. The wound of hatred runs deep and leaves painful reminders.
I must learn to counter hate with love. This sounds very Christianese and almost so Mr. Rogers that I do not want to write about it. But what I sense from God this morning is not a command to be a door mat. Instead, what I sense from Him this morning is a command to understand warfare.
The first rule of warfare is to know my enemy. His Word tells me that I do not wrestle with flesh and blood. No matter what my emotions say, my enemy is always satan. I need to look past the person and see this every time.
The second rule of warfare is to use the most effective weaponry available. When satan attacks me with hate the best weapon is always love. It smothers out the attack and defuses the situation.
Ok, so there is really not very much I am worse at than countering hatred with love. Just the thought of taking a hit from someone and returning love to them strikes a hard blow to me and opens my eyes to see just how full of nasty pride I am.
It is impossible for Your Spirit and my pride to occupy the same space so I also realize just how far outside of obedience to You I am. I confess to You this morning that I am in sin. I have not just sinned in this area; I am walking in it now. It is a part of my lifestyle and is as ugly to You as any other lifestyle of sin I could choose.
This is a major field of battle and I know beyond any shadow of doubt that I am helpless. You alone are capable of making my heart clean and I offer it to You today. Speak to me and guide me today. Help me find the way which leads to You. I need to die to myself and live for You.