Friday, May 29, 2009

My Sinful Lifestyle

Today's Reading:  Proverbs 10; Proverbs 12:1-13; & Romans 10



"Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all transgressions."  Proverbs 10:12



This world is full of hatred.  Things come out of nowhere and just smack you right in the face.  And hatred is not reserved only for the wicked.  It often comes from very good people we love and trust.  The wound of hatred runs deep and leaves painful reminders.



I must learn to counter hate with love.  This sounds very Christianese and almost so Mr. Rogers that I do not want to write about it.  But what I sense from God this morning is not a command to be a door mat.  Instead, what I sense from Him this morning is a command to understand warfare. 


The first rule of warfare is to know my enemy.  His Word tells me that I do not wrestle with flesh and blood.  No matter what my emotions say, my enemy is always satan.  I need to look past the person and see this every time. 


The second rule of warfare is to use the most effective weaponry available.  When satan attacks me with hate the best weapon is always love.  It smothers out the attack and defuses the situation. 



Ok, so there is really not very much I am worse at than countering hatred with love.  Just the thought of taking a hit from someone and returning love to them strikes a hard blow to me and opens my eyes to see just how full of nasty pride I am. 


It is impossible for Your Spirit and my pride to occupy the same space so I also realize just how far outside of obedience to You I am.  I confess to You this morning that I am in sin.  I have not just sinned in this area; I am walking in it now.  It is a part of my lifestyle and is as ugly to You as any other lifestyle of sin I could choose. 


This is a major field of battle and I know beyond any shadow of doubt that I am helpless.  You alone are capable of making my heart clean and I offer it to You today.  Speak to me and guide me today.  Help me find the way which leads to You.  I need to die to myself and live for You.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Letting Go

Today's Reading:  Proverbs 8:12-21; Proverbs 9:9-12; & Romans 9



"Why? Because they did not pursue it by faith, but as though it were by works.  They stumbled over the stumbling stone." Romans 9:32



Understanding the balance between works and faith is a confusing task.  This task is compounded when one must also throw into that equation the internal conflict created by trying to reconcile the justice of God and His sovereignty over all of man's choices. 



There are mornings when I look at a passage of scripture and the application literally comes screaming off the page at me.  Then there are mornings like this when I sit and struggle to understand what I need to do.  I hear God saying to me this morning, let Him break my heart for the lost, let go of my compulsion to perform, and honor his sovereignty over the earth.  I just am not clear on what that looks like practically.



You alone are God.  You created the heavens and the earth.  There is nothing created that is not in Your hands and subject to Your control.  My mind, will and emotions are included in that.  I ask this morning that You help me relax and trust that You are guiding my steps.  I fear failure, especially moral failure.  I have seen the dark side of my choices and my desire to not return to that place often drives me more than my desire to see Your Glory. 


My heart needs to be more broken for my brethren.  You did not place me on mission in some foreign land.  You left me in the United States.  You did not do that so that I could live a comfortable life.  You did it because of Your desire to redeem my countrymen.  I pray that You break my hear for the lost among me here.  I pray that this country turn from our lusts and passions and commit our resources to advancing Your kingdom.  Take the resources stored up in the houses of the ungodly and put them in the hands of men and women who will use them to pursue Your heart's purpose for the world.  

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Heart of Man

Today's Reading:  Proverbs 4:20-27; 6:16-35; & Rom 8



"Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flow the springs of life,"  Proverbs 4:23



The heart of man is the battle field of God and Satan.  It is the most tender and vulnerable part of a man.  Cut the heart, cut the man.  Reward the heart, reward the man.  Control the heart, control the man.  Destroy the heart, destroy the man. 



There is no part of me that I had better understand more deeply than my heart.  I must protect it will all that is within me.  Proverbs 4:23-27 offers a few good reminders on how to keep it safe.


First, I must guard my mouth.  What gushes from my mouth is the clearest indicator of what is taking place in my heart.  The world will tell you to bite your tongue but what the Word of God says is clean your heart. 


Second, I must guard my eyes.  There is not a sin committed by me that does not originate by something I have seen with my either my outward, physical eyes or the inward eyes of my imagination.


Finally, I must guard my steps.  Not to the left or to the right but straight towards Him.  That is the call from the scripture.  Do not even turn my foot towards something not on His path. 



Father, the freedom to speak is one of the most dangerous gifts You gave me.  In the heat of the moment or in a moment of carelessness I can utter some really nasty things.  Help me to monitor the things that come from my mouth, but to realize allowing You to heal my heart is the only hope I have in ever taming my tongue.


My eyes.  They are the most blessed gift I have.  Through my eyes I see the beauty of Your creation.  Through them I see the adorable kids You gave me.  Through them I see the perfect mate You provided in my wife.  And through them I betray everything I know to be Holy and good to pursue something worthless.  I pray that You help me return to my heart and allow You to heal it each time I sense my eyes seeing something that they should not see.


Whether it is my physical feet carrying me or the inward feet of my choices and decisions; my feet complete what my mouth and eyes start.  Each time I sense the desire to turn towards something that is not of You I pray that You slow me down long enough to examine my heart and allow You to heal it.


Father the depths of my heart are unsearchable by me.  I can only know their content after they have been revealed through my choices and actions.  But You Father know what is there.  I pray that as much as possible You reveal to me the impure desires of my heart before they have given full birth to sin.

Monday, May 25, 2009

An Amazing Reminder

Today's Reading:

1 Kings 11:1-13 & Romans 6



"Therefore what benefit were you then deriving from the things of which you are now ashamed?  For the outcome of those things is death."  Romans 6:21



I have made so many mistakes.  I still carry the scars of some and others have left wounds that have yet to heal into scars.  In the midst of deep regret I have often uttered the words, "if I only had it to do over again."  Romans 6 reminds me that every day is a do-over.  It is up to me to make the most of it.



Although I can not see into the future I do have the ability to look upon my past with perfect vision.  I do not know what will come tomorrow but there is do doubt about what I did yesterday.  90% of my mistakes in life are driven by my own choices. 


The freeing part of that truth is I will face the same types of choices tomorrow that I faced yesterday.  The lessons I allow myself to learn from the mistakes I made yesterday enable me to see better results for tomorrow. 



Father Romans 6 is an amazing reminder that I am no longer helpless to sin in my life.  I have a choice.  There are many situations where I do not feel that this is truth.  Sin can be so inviting.  It is so tempting.  I am a weak vessel and I often find myself sitting in a pile of mess that is my own creation. 


Instead of playing victim I ask that You enable me to take ownership in all my sins.  Give me the knowledge I need to know where I gave myself away and the wisdom I need to make better choices today.


In the midst of working out this process in my life I am so grateful for Your grace that is covering my sin.  The wages of sin is death, but the gift of Your Son is life for today and all of eternity.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Seeking the Unexplainable

Today's Reading:  2 Chronicles 7:14; Psalm 135; & Romans 4



"Without becoming weak in faith he contemplated his own body, now as good as dead since he was about a hundred years old, and the deadness of Sarah's womb; yet, with respect to the promise of God, he did not waver in unbelief but grew strong in faith, giving glory to God, and being fully assured that what God had promised, He was able also to perform."  Romans 4:19-21



The story of Abraham is challenging to me.  He constantly walked with God in the realm of the impossible.  God was moving in his life in a manner that required Abraham to experience things that were beyond rationalization.  God performed works in him that could not be attributed to human effort and defied all logic. 



Why is my life so predictable and explainable?  That is the challenge that I sense today.  There is no consistent movement of God so extraordinary that there is no explanation for it other than God's hand on me.



Father I have become complacent.  I do not seek You as I should.  I do not walk in the realm of the unbelievable.  I have found the comfort of the predictable. 


I pray today that You shake me up.  I ask that You move in my life.  Help me to stretch beyond what is comfortable, explainable or predictable.  Lead me to pray bigger prayers and experience bigger movements.  You are the same yesterday, today and forever.  I do not want to settle for living through the stories of others I read about in the Bible.  The drum beat of my heart is to have stories of my own.  Help me to lead my family to be a family who witnesses an extraordinary God doing unexplainable works of greatness.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Avoiding the Edge

Today's Reading:  1 Kings 6:11-13; Psalm 97, & Romans 1:18-32



"For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them."  Romans 1:18



Much is made of God's grace.  This is as it should be.  His grace and forgiveness of sin are incredible.  The work of the cross is the greatest security ever known. 


The other side of this can not be lost.  God is a righteous God and He expects us to be holy as He is Holy.  He constantly reveals His truth and I am expected to act appropriately with it.



Sin never starts of in its most aggressive form.  Satan knows that if the temptation he throws at me is too far removed from where I stand, he will never get me.  So, he throws a bone a couple feet from where I stand and creates an opportunity to enjoy something that is only a couple small steps removed from where I stand.  Once this takes place, the process of justification starts. 


In the midst of my making a case for taking the bone, God always speaks.  He makes His desired way evident by making me uneasy or giving me a check in my spirit.  Sometimes I listen.  Other times I do not. 


In moments when I choose poorly and take the bone, satan immediately throws me another one, God's voice becomes a little softer, and the downward spiral begins.  Before long God has completely turned me over to my sinful lusts and I find myself lost in a world in which I would have never imagined making my place of residence. 



Looking back over my life I can not remember a single time that I made a blind error.  I always had a sense of right or wrong.  There was always a check in my spirit about what I was doing.  You have never once failed to make Your will known to me. 


I am honestly at a loss as to why I have done some of the things I have done and continue to do the some of the things I do.  Satan is very deceptive and my flesh is incredibly corrupt.  There are moments of weakness when I exchange Your glory for the temporary pleasure of something else.


I pray that You help me to hear clearly Your voice today.  Allow Your joy, glory, peace and presence to be more tangible to me than any other desire I face.  Strengthen me to destroy that part of me which desires to live as close to the edge as possible and instead turn all my energy an desires to living as holy as I possibly can.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Hard Work

Today's Reading:  Psalm 101 & 2 Thessalonians 3



"But the Lord is faithful, and He will strengthen and protect you from the evil one."  2 Thessalonians 3:3



In the context of this passage Paul is speaking to the church on what to do when a believer in ministry is not pulling their own weight.  In reading this letter I see two primary ways Satan will attack me when I am those same types of situations.



"What's the point!?"  I have felt those words come upon me many times as I have observed people around me not pull their own weight.  As they share in the benefit without completing their fair share of the work it is easy to become jaded and stop working myself.  That is the first way satan attacks me.  He will give me every opportunity and every rational thought I need to stop doing what I know is right. 



"They've got to go!"  These words come upon me and seize my emotions every time I have an issue with someone serving along side of me who refuses to put his heart and soul into what he is doing.  While there is a time and place for removing dead weight from a team, I must never make it about the person.  The word says that we do not wrestle with flesh and blood.  I must always look through the person and realize that we are both fighting against the same dark, enemy.



Thank you Father for reminding me of these three very practical things I need to ask of You this morning.  I need you to strengthen me and protect me from the evil one.  I am no match for him.  Your strength is my only hope.


Help me to keep working hard no matter what.  I must avoid allowing the poor efforts of others to affect my on output of work.  Even if everyone falls away I pray that my connection with Your mission for my life be so strong that I will continue on in pursuit of its completion.


Also help me to not make people my enemy.  We all have a common foe in satan.  He pits us against one another, divides us and then devours us.  Give me a heart that, like Yours, is patient and long suffering with the person but aggressively opposed to the sin. 


Above all, please protect me from being the lazy one on the team.  The pace of life can accelerate to the point where my energy and motivation just flat-line.  I can fall into the sin of slothfulness just as easy as anyone else.  When I do that I open my life up to the enemy and he is vicious in his intentions and their execution.  

Monday, May 18, 2009

Not Shaken or Disturbed

Today's Reading:  1 Kings 3:5-15; Psalm 78:11-25; & 1 Thessalonians 2



"...that you not be quickly shaken from your composure or be disturbed…" 1 Thessalonians 2:2



In the context of this verse Paul is encouraging the church of Thessalonica to not allow people or spirits to deceive them into thinking they had missed the second coming.  False teachers were rampant and they were causing many to stumble.  In the context of my life and the reading plan this morning I sense God saying these same words to me in some different areas.



In the passage from 1 Kings, Solomon was very young and had been given and enormous task of leadership.  It would have been very easy to have become disturbed.  God spoke to Solomon and gave him everything he needed to be all that was demanded.  The same will be true of me.  Regardless of the situation I face I must not allow the circumstances of my job to shake me from my composure or disturb me from my peace.


In the passage from Psalm, the people of Israel grumbled against God.  Though He was miraculously providing for their basic needs; their unmet wants and emotional needs shook them and they grumbled against God.  Ingratitude on their part invoked wrath on God's.  Emotional needs are real needs, but I can not allow them to drive me.  I must battle against my flesh and learn to trust God to provide for me and never allow unmet wants to shake me from my composure or disturb me from my peace.


In 2 Thessalonians the church was being swayed by the false teachings of men.  I can not count how many times I have allowed something someone else said shake me.  Regardless of what people think, believe or say I must always return to the scripture to find truth. That is why studying God's Word and storing it in my heart are so important.  The deeper the Word is hidden in my heart the better equipped I am to stand firm.  Then, there will be no words of man capable of shaking my composure or disturbing my peace.



Father I ask for the wisdom I need to lead the life You have given me.  Regardless of what happens I know that those who stand on Your truth can never be shaken.  I can handle any task, be completely satisfied in Your provision, and stand firm in the truth of Your glory as long as I am submitted to You will in my life.  Anytime the temptation finds me, I pray that You remind me I do not have to be shaken or stirred.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Dwelling Place

Today's Reading:  1 Chronicles 28:9; Psalm 91; & 1 Thessalonians 5



"He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty."  Psalm 91:9



Dwelling in the shelter of the LORD is an amazing place to be.  As the words of this Psalm unfold in verse the promises of God's protection, provision and deliverance are staggering in their beauty.  They paint a picture of security that is seems to good to be true.



In all of scripture, I have not found a passage more comforting to me than the 91st Psalm. There have been many times that I have turned to these words and found comfort.  There have also been many times that I have turned to the verses and found disappointment.  In those seasons of disappointment my initial reaction is to feel like God let me down or that I am not good enough. 


Neither are true.  God's word never returns void and there is no promise of God that hinges on my personal goodness.  The promises of God are always yes, but they also always carry a responsibility.  That is the truth that I often miss.  Dwelling in the shelter of the LORD is not a privilege, it is a responsibility.  I have to continually pursue the 3 primary qualities of a man who is able to dwell in the shelter of the LORD; I must know Him, I must love Him and I must serve Him.



Father the only way I can know You is by placing my faith in the work carried out by Christ on earth and through the cross.  Everything needed on my part rests in Christ alone.  I ask today that You allow the gospel Christ to become fully alive to me.  Help it to dwell in my heart and mind and serve as a constant, tangible connection to You. 


To know You is to Love You and love for you means that I obey You.  Father there are days You do not have first place in my heart.  So many things get in the way of me actively pursuing You with all my heart and all my mind.  As best as I know how, I give to You my heart and mind.  Teach me to do this better and I pray for Your continued grace as my knowledge of You is being perfected.


The ultimate test of my knowledge and love is the manner in which they reveal themselves in the service of my life.  If truly know and love You then good works of service will be a natural outflow of my heart. I ask that You make me attentive today to the opportunities You give me to be Your servant in the lives of others.


Father, You alone are able to search my heart and know my every intention.  You alone are able to save me from my selfish desires and empty ambitions.  I pray today that I experience the truth of Your promise that says You allow Yourself to be found by those who seek You.  I want the dwelling place of the Most High to be more than just words on a page.   

Friday, May 15, 2009

The Quiet Life

Today's Reading:  1 Thessalonians 4



"and make it your ambition to lead a quiet life and attend to your own business and work with your hands, just as we taught you."  1 Thessalonians 4:9



Live in purity; verse 3.  Live in love; verse 9.  Live with hope; verse 13.  Those are the three main challenges I see in this chapter and are three corner stones I see to living this quiet life style Paul calls for in this chapter.



Sexual impurity is so destructive.  There is no way I can live a quiet life if this aspect of my life is not in balance.  I have heard it said by men, "its ok to look a the menu as long as you don't eat."  But that is a lie.  Jesus said that to even look upon a woman lustfully was to commit adultery in the heart. I must never allow even a hint of immorality to take root in my heart.


Love is hard.  People do some crazy things and they can really get the best of me.  Here is the thing I love about this passage; it teaches me that God Himself teaches me this part.  God is the only being who can teach the level of love he desires for us to achieve.  If I walk with Him in obedience, He will give me more and more of His heart for people.


Hope can be difficult.  Jesus is coming back, there is a life after this one, and heaven is beyond what we can imagine.  The key to living a quiet life on earth is to know that regardless of what happens here life is not over at death.  The choice I made to surrender to God forever sealed my eternity.  It is set.  I have nothing left to fear.  Anything that happens to me on earth is only temporary. I have to trust that God is at work completing His purpose for both me and this world in which I live.



Father purity at the level You demand is impossible for me.  Images of sex exist everywhere.  Fashion trends for women's clothing increasingly call for less fabric.  Advertisements for products have plastered distracting images all over the place.  There is truly no place to go where temptation is not readily available.  I ask today that You help me live smart.  Help me learn to protect my eyes and my heart from committing sin.  My longings for intimacy belong exclusively to my wife.


Father love at the level You demand is impossible for me.  Clashes of personality, intentional attacks, bad attitudes, gossip campaigns, and hard hearts are just a few of the many things that make humanity work against love for each other.  This one is so far beyond my grasp that I do not even know how to get started other than to beg for Your teaching.  Give me the ability to love beyond what I am capable of reaching on my own.


Father there is no way I can live with a hope towards heaven or Your return if those things are not absolutely alive in my heart.  I pray that heaven and the coming return become a tangible reality in my heart.  Help me place all my focus towards those two things.


My life and all that is in it belong to You.  I ask that Your Holy Spirit guide me in making wise choices that will produce a quiet lifestyle honoring to You.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Work of Discipleship

Today's Reading:  Psalm 30 & 1 Thessalonians 2



"For you are our glory and joy."  1 Thessalonians 2:20



Paul realized that there would come a day when he would stand before God and give an account for the life he led.  He also realized that in that moment the only accomplishment in life that would matter would be the impact he had on others in moving them further down the road on their journey towards God.



There are a few lessons from Paul about discipleship that I can learn.  First, love the gospel.  I have allow the word of God to become the apple of my eye and the center piece of my heart.  I can't sell something to others that I have not fully bought in to.  I need to fall totally in love with God, Jesus the Holy Spirit and all that was given to me in through the work of the cross.


Second, I have to love people.  The more broken hearted I am for others the more hungry I will become for them to walk in the freedom of the gospel.  The gospel is a beautiful message of hope, peace, and freedom.  The catalyst for me sharing this message is not head knowledge; it is allowing my heart to be broken by the pain of those who live outside the faith.


Third, I have to speak the truth.  In my lifetime I have lived through two extremes of gospel teaching.  As a child the church was full of hell, fire, and brimstone.  Everything was about avoiding wrath.  Currently, the gospel is full of self-help and strategies for success.  It is like Dr. Phil and Donald Trump have taken over the church.  The truth lies somewhere in between.  The gospel is not a sharp stick in the eye, but it is also not walk down easy street.  I have to be in tune with the truth regarding God's demands for holiness, and balance that with his patience and forbearing.




Father there is much in the world that competes for my attention.  Demands are around every corner.  I awake each day and the pace of life pursues me from the moment I step out of bed until the moment I lay my head down at night.  During the gap between these two moments I can miss out many opportunities. 


I pray that the truth of what You spoke to me this morning continue to grow in intensity inside of me today.  Help me to slow things down today and pay attention to what is taking place around me.  Let me not miss out on a chance to learn a new truth about You, find a deeper love for people, or speak truth to a brother or sister.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

More than Words

Today's Reading:  2 Samuel 22 & 1 Thessalonians 1



"for our gospel did not come to you in words only, but also in power and in the Holy Spirit and with full conviction."  1 Thessalonians 1:5



Lifestyle matters.  As I read through these two chapters of scripture this morning I see that truth reverberating through both of them.  For David, his pure lifestyle before God lead to God's favored hand delivering him from his enemies and caused anyone who knew of him to pay him respect.  In Thessalonica the power of the Holy Spirit changing the lives of the people opened up doors throughout the region as people observed the tangible difference God was making in their lives.



I have to change.  My ambitious nature often overtakes my emotions and mind and I am often tempted to purse God's favor more than I pursue change in my own life.  I want both the power of God and the comfort of my lifestyle, but I can't have both.  A choice must be made.  Walking after God and experiencing all that He has to offer is perfectly correlated to my willingness to allow Him to transform my heart and consequently my lifestyle.



I am not sure how to pray this morning.  No matter how long I have walked with You and how certain I am of Your goodness I am still held back when it comes to letting go of what is comfortable.  I need to find another level of surrender to You but I also know that it can only be found after I reach another level of brokenness.  The process of being broken scares me.


Father give me the courage to accept Your word to me this morning and help me to submit to the surrender You desire for me.  I have pursued things in my own method for far too long.  I genuinely desire to do things Your way and to be used by You.  Open doors before me today that allow me to find success in Your eyes.  Transform my personality, my speech, my choices, and my results in manner that proves, not how smart I am, but just how great Your hand is upon me.  I ask that my life reflect more than just words.  I want it to contain the transforming proof of Your presence at work advancing Your unstoppable agenda.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Learning to Lean

Today's Reading:  Psalm 55 & Matthew 28



"Cast your burden upon the LORD and He will sustain you; He will never allow the righteous to be shaken."  Psalm 55:22



God does not defend a man; He defends His righteousness.  That is the key to this passage.  David was not selfishly pursuing his own desires and ways.  He positioned himself as close to God's righteousness as possible and completely depended upon Him to make things right. 



Learning to lean on God more than just praying to God.  It is more than just a few empty prayers asking God to take my burdens.  Before I can cast my burdens on God I have to cast my rights, my desires, my dreams and my ambitions upon Him.  I have to surrender control of both the good and the bad in my life to Him.


I am saved and of that I have no doubt, but I constantly struggle with surrender.  Many times I take things upon myself and then turn to God only after I have failed or gotten myself in trouble.  God wants me to be surrendered to Him on a daily basis.  He wants me to do more than use Him as a life line during difficulties.  He wants me to stay constantly surrendered to pursuing His righteousness.



I often confuse my ways with Your ways.  Actually I normally want You to exchange Your ways for mine because mine seem to sound just fine to me.  I'm laughing at myself, but I fully feel the weight of my mistake in this.  I confess to You this morning my sin.  Please forgive my pride. 


I do not depend on You as I should.  There are days I know I need to pray, but I press on without it.  There are days when I sense my heart is not right, but I press on without letting You redirect me.  There are days when I know I am walking in my flesh, but I press on without falling on my face to set things straight.


Father I give to You this day and all that is in it.  Take my hand and guide me.  Help me to surrender to You both the things I would define as evil and the things that I would call good and substitute them for the plans You have for me.  Holy Spirit, speak clearly to me as I seek the face and voice of my Father this day.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

God is for Me

Today's Reading:  Psalm 56 and Matthew 27:32-56



"Then my enemies will turn back in the day when I call; this I know, that is for me."  Psalm 56:9



David's life was far from perfect.  He made mistakes.  In fact, he made some very big mistakes.  Mistakes I will hopefully never live through.  But he also got a lot of things right.  David never based his acceptance with God on perfection.  He based his acceptance on God's word to him. 



The application is simple today, God is for me.  Once I placed my life in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord; my salvation became complete.  There is nothing that can ever separate me from God. 



Father there are days that I feel a lot like David did in this passage.  Life starts to press in and things seem to pile in on top of me.  My response in those moments is to lose my temper.  I become irritated and my fuse greatly shortens.  I lose hope.  Depression, dejection and desperation all come together creating an opposable force that often gets the best of me.


Life is not perfect.  You said that in this world we will face hardships.  You said the world would hate me on account of You.  The darkness hates the light and I am of the light.  In the face of adversity, advisories, and admonitions I ask that You help me enter the sanctuary of Your acceptance. 


Help me to tangibly feel the power that You contain.  There are days that You do not feel very real to me.  There is no way I can stand firm if I am not solid on the fact that You exist in power and might.  Help me to walk out my life with You in holiness.  Be a tangible presence in my life so that I may find the strength I need to carry out Your plans for me.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

The Voice in the Crowd

Today's Reading:  Psalm 71 & Matthew 26:36-56



"Keep watching and praying that you may not enter into temptation; the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak."  Matthew 26:41



Pure and good intentions are not enough.  Jesus knew all that would happen to Him.  He fully intended in His heart of hearts to complete the mission given to Him by God.  He had no desire in the world other than to fulfill the desire of His Father in heaven.  Yet, this chapter reminds me that He also understood the weakness of His own human flesh. 



Prayer is more than empty, repetitive words.  It is more than a way to access a cosmic genie to grant my desires.  It is more than anytime access to the Dr. Phil of the heavens to help me feel better.  Prayer is a tool of war whereby I enter the presence of Yahweh, receive instructions, push back my enemies and find submission to the God of the universe. 



Father, I am not living my life intentionally enough.  "Keep watching and keep praying."  Those words from Jesus ring in my ears and sit heavy on my heart this morning as I awake to the lightness of my own prayer life.


There are so many distractions.  Father, it seems impossible to me this morning to find a the level of commitment that I sense You are asking from me.  I do not know where to begin.  I definitely want it and my desire to walk in Your will is strong.  At the same time the weakness of my mind, will and emotions are working against me. 


I ask today that You forgive me for my sleep.  It has been too long since I last went away to be alone in prayer for the sole purpose of relinquishing my desires for the pursuit of Your mission.  I am not alert right now.  Bills, my kids, my wife, my work, and my own needs all rise up and demand my attention.  I feel so distracted.  It is like I am in a room of a thousand different people and they are all calling my name.  I have lost Your voice in the crowd.


Thank You for the warning this morning.  I am here to the best of my abilities to listen to Your voice.  Guide me in clarity today.  Open my eyes to see and my ears to hear.  The passing of time catches me off guard.  I look up and realize that this year is nearly half gone.  My life is fleeting at a pace that seems to increase each year.  I have lost time that I will never get back.  Help me return to Your voice and to be a better steward of the days I have left.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Filling my Accounts

Today's Reading:  Psalm 32 & Matthew 25



"Therefore let everyone who is godly pray to You in a time when You may be found…"  Psalm 32:6



Time is nothing to God, but it is everything to humans.  We are finite beings and our days can be counted.  At some point each person's time on earth will expire and the accounts of their lives will be settled.  Our days on earth are our time to call out to God.  He will one day return to settle His accounts with us.  He expects a multiplied return on what He has invested and in this morning's reading I am reminded of three things that fill my accounts with God.



The first is confession of sin.  There is a connotation satan has created around sin that says it is better to lower my definition of sin and confess less to God.  David in Psalm 32 however states the case that confession is the key to a clean life.  Un-confessed junk in my life builds up, eats away at me and prevents me from walking in peace.  But once I confess my sin, all is removed and my slate is clean.  I find peace, joy and freedom.


The second is multiplication of what has been given to me.  The first half of Matthew 25 speaks to this.  God has entrusted me with talents, time and resources.  Upon His return He will expect a return on his investment.  It does not matter if I am a five talent guy or just a one talent guy; God wants me to start with what I have and make the most of it. 


The third is to take care of the needy.  God does not give to me to put a smile upon my face or make me feel secure.  He alone wants to be my reason for smiling.  He alone wants to be my security.  He gives to me to put a smile on His face and I am convinced that nothing makes Him smile more that seeing the least of the world being cared for by His kids.  That is the teaching of the back half of Matthew 25.  When I minister to the sick, the poor, the orphaned, the hungry or the imprisoned; I minister to God Himself. 



Your Word says that many are the sorrows of the wicked but the one who trusts in You shall be filled with lovingkindness. To trust in You means that I walk in Your ways.  This morning's reading has reminded me of three very important ways I need to do that.


God there is sin in my life that I am often tempted to accept as being part of me or as being excusable given the circumstances.  I confess to You this morning that sin is sin.  Regardless of what another does to me I pray that You give me the wisdom to confess the pride of my life, the lusts of my flesh and the lusts of my eyes. 


Father there are days that I wake up and do not feel that talented.  I feel like on the day when You passed out equipment I missed the memo.  My self-doubt, feelings of inferiority, and smallness in comparison to others has caused me to sin.  Regardless of my self-perception I ask that You help me stay engaged in life.  I desire to multiply what You have given me and provide You with a return on all that You have invested me.  I confess to You today my grumbling and express to You my deepest gratitude for all that You have provided.


Hard times fall upon people and in their moment of need Your expectation is that Your people step up to the plate and help them out.  I have failed in this area.  I confess to You I have allowed satan to fool me into staying away from this work.  I have believed people are a product of their own choices and abdicated my role in meeting their needs.  I am working to change this.  I ask that You bless the labor of my hands in this area of my life.  

Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Truth of His Goodness

Today's Reading:  Matthew 24



"Jesus came out from the temple and was going away when His disciples came up to point out the temple buildings to Him."  Matthew 24:1



The temple buildings were incredible.  Nothing made by man could be compared to them.  The size of the hand-cut, man-carried stones defied logic.  The amount of gold, pure gold, that adorned the walls was beyond imagination.  There was not one aspect of the temple that was not impressive.  As Jesus and His disciple left the temple the disciples were taken away by the beauty of the building.



This chapter of Matthew does not leave a warm and fuzzy feeling in the pit of my stomach.  It is a sobering reminder of the passing nature of time and things made of man.  It is also a remind that things will continue to get worse before they get better. 



Father, this word in Matthew is a call to live ready for Your return.  Ask that You help me know how to use my life, talents, wealth and possessions to best serve the coming of Your kingdom.  It is becoming increasingly difficult to live life on this earth.


I ask that You raise up the men of Your church.  We have been led astray.  Just as Your disciples did in this verse, we have become enamored with the things of the world.  Buildings.  Cars.  Boats.  Success.  Sports.  Kids.  Family.  Looks.  Health.  Wealth.  Prosperity.  Comfort.  All these things have risen to a place of prominence in our lives.  They are not evil things, but we commit much evil in our pursuit of them. 


I pray that the desire to pursue You, Your will, and Your love be returned to a place of prominence in our lives.  I pray that seeking Your presence become our all consuming desire.  As we take steps towards You I ask that You reward us with an

undeniable, tangible taste of Your goodness.  I pray that the joy, love, hope, peace, contentment and blessing on the lives of Your sons be so evident that the lost world will be able to look and know beyond doubt the truth of Your goodness.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Hard Work of Evangelism

Today's Reading:  Psalm 20 and Matthew 22



"For many are called, but few are chosen."  Matthew 22:14



The "call" spoken of here refers to the general summons offered to everyone to accept the repentance and faith offered through the gospel message.  Once a person accepts that message they become part of the chosen. 


This passage lays out the difficult work of evangelism.  God is willing that none should perish.  No one should be left out.  He has called His people to go out into the streets and fill His house.  The problem is that people are not always that willing to accept the offer.


Some, like those in Matthew 22:5, pay no attention to the offer.  They return to their careers and pursue peace and prosperity there.  Some, like those in Matthew 22:6, become come angry and attack the ones sharing the message.  They have become bitterly angered at God and violently deny his calls.  Some, like those in Matthew 22:11, initially accept the offer but then refuse to follow through with the changes required.



This passage kills me.  My heart is totally broken.  I can put a face with each of these three people.  I seem them every week and there is a sense of helplessness as I watch them reject the free offer of grace God has provided.  The work of evangelism is tough but it must be carried out all by who answered have answered the call.



While I can't control the choices others make I can clearly control my own choice to offer the invitation. I pray that You continually provide me with the wisdom, energy and opportunity I need to run the streets inviting others to come into Your house.  Continue to reframe my goals and objectives in life so that they wrap around Your desire to bring redemption to all people.


Father I ask that You continue adding to the burden on my heart for those who do not know You, until my heart is crushed.  The consequences of rejecting You are stiff.  You are gentle, patient and long suffering, but time eventually runs out.  Please forgive my complacency towards the mission You have given me.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Duplicity of Mission

Today's Reading:  Matthew 21


"and he answered, 'I will sir'; but he did not go."  Matthew 21:30


This parable illustrates two sons.  The father approaches both sons and asks them to go into his vineyard and work.  The first one refuses on the frontend but later regrets his words and goes to work.  The second immediately says yes but later regrets his words and does not go into the vineyard to work. 

The point of the story was that the people of Jewish society who had initially rejected God and were considered sinners came around to accept God's call.  The religious elite who initially said yes to God later rejected His call.  It was a call for the religious leaders to recognize the duplicity in their mission.  They were no longer serving just God.  There were also serving themselves.


Duplicity:  acting in bad faith; deception by pretending to entertain one set of intentions while acting under the influence of another.  As I sit and read this definition over in my mind I feel the burden of its conviction and question my own intentions. 

I struggle with fulfilling my yes.  So much in life works against living out a "yes" to God.  It is very hard to stay on task and remain focused.  My own selfish nature gets in the way and my mission becomes split.  I am seeking after God but I am also watching out for myself.  Finding the balance between self-preservation and killing my old nature is hard. 


Father I am convicted this morning about the gap between my obedience and my words.  I do not want to tolerate one hint of this mess anymore.  I want to be wholly Yours.  I want to trade every dream and desire for the pursuit of Your mission. 

I ask that Your Holy Spirit guide me today as I seek after You.  Guide me in conversation today so that I learn to better hear Your voice and recognize Your leading in every situation.  Empower me to fulfill Your command to take captive every thought and force it into submission to Your will.

I want to live my life as a man with a call.   A man with a mission.  A man with purpose.  I can only do this based on the degree to which You are alive and active before me in tangible ways.  If I find myself not sensing Your guiding presence before me, please give me the wisdom I need to recognize this. In the midst of that awareness I pray that I have the humility to stop, discover where I got of track and return to the path of Your sovereign will for my life.