Today's Reading: 1 Kings 3:5-15; Psalm 78:11-25; & 1 Thessalonians 2
"...that you not be quickly shaken from your composure or be disturbed…" 1 Thessalonians 2:2
In the context of this verse Paul is encouraging the church of Thessalonica to not allow people or spirits to deceive them into thinking they had missed the second coming. False teachers were rampant and they were causing many to stumble. In the context of my life and the reading plan this morning I sense God saying these same words to me in some different areas.
In the passage from 1 Kings, Solomon was very young and had been given and enormous task of leadership. It would have been very easy to have become disturbed. God spoke to Solomon and gave him everything he needed to be all that was demanded. The same will be true of me. Regardless of the situation I face I must not allow the circumstances of my job to shake me from my composure or disturb me from my peace.
In the passage from Psalm, the people of Israel grumbled against God. Though He was miraculously providing for their basic needs; their unmet wants and emotional needs shook them and they grumbled against God. Ingratitude on their part invoked wrath on God's. Emotional needs are real needs, but I can not allow them to drive me. I must battle against my flesh and learn to trust God to provide for me and never allow unmet wants to shake me from my composure or disturb me from my peace.
In 2 Thessalonians the church was being swayed by the false teachings of men. I can not count how many times I have allowed something someone else said shake me. Regardless of what people think, believe or say I must always return to the scripture to find truth. That is why studying God's Word and storing it in my heart are so important. The deeper the Word is hidden in my heart the better equipped I am to stand firm. Then, there will be no words of man capable of shaking my composure or disturbing my peace.
Father I ask for the wisdom I need to lead the life You have given me. Regardless of what happens I know that those who stand on Your truth can never be shaken. I can handle any task, be completely satisfied in Your provision, and stand firm in the truth of Your glory as long as I am submitted to You will in my life. Anytime the temptation finds me, I pray that You remind me I do not have to be shaken or stirred.
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