Friday, October 30, 2009

Completely Astonished

Today's Reading: Mark 5 & Mark 6:4-13; 45-56


"And immediately they were completely astonished." Mark 6:42


Completely astonished. That is the experience that this couple had with Jesus. They faced an amazing crisis in their life and came through experiencing such a massive movement of God's grace and power that they were left with a sudden and overwhelming sense of amazement.


As I camp out on the phrase "completely astonished" I realize that I often walk away from a circumstance lacking the ability to say this about my encounter with God. To be completely astonished would signify experiencing something so far beyond human logic that all I can do is sit and marvel at the greatness of my God.

To change my experience with God means I will have to change some things about myself. First, I need humble myself before God and give Him my problems. My first tendency is to take my problems, try to deal with them myself, and then get angry at God when things do not go so well.

Second, I have to be prepared to see all hell break loose after I release a matter to God. Jairus' situation did not get better after he came to Christ. His daughter moved from being sick to being dead. It does not get much worse than that. Likewise in my life the things I face often require a period of intense faith before they get better. I must better learn to expect and endure this.

Finally I have to realize that miracles only occur in miraculous circumstances. I can not live in ordinary circumstances and expect to experience extraordinary movements of God. My level of personal comfort is inversely related to my level of astonishment with God. I must learn to stay calm and poised in the face of adversity knowing that conditions are ripe for an astonishing experience of God.


Completely astonished sounds good. Utterly hopeless does not. I crave the first and avoid the latter. The problem is that I can not be completely astonished until I have walked through utter hopelessness.

This morning I am fully awakened to my need to have a faith that is able to endure seasons of hopelessness. I need to have a faith that becomes aroused and energized at the thought of experiencing Your greatness. I need a faith that separated from my circumstances and instead is grounded in the majesty and power of who You are.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Confessing Frustration

Today's Reading: Job 19:25-27 & Mark 1 & 2


"Immediately the Spirit impelled Him to go out into the wilderness." Mark 10:12


It had to be an incredible moment. Jesus walks forward in obedience to the Father's call and allows John to baptize. John dips the Darling of Heaven underneath the murky waters of the Jordan river and as he raises Him back up the heavens open and God the Father affirms God the Son.

The serenity of the moment is then crudely interrupted by scripture referenced above. The affirmation that God gave Jesus was not intended to usher Him into a place of peace; it's intent was to prepare Him for what was to come next. Over the next forty days Christ would find Himself alone in the wilderness; tormented and tempted by satan.


I want God to speak to me so that I can feel better. I can sugar coat that or word smith it to death but the heart of the matter is that I seek after God more for my own good than do I pursue Him for His plan and purpose.


Father I must confess that I have been frustrated towards You this week. I have allowed my desire for resolution to some things in my life to become more important to me that my relationship with You. My desire to find a solution has hijacked my thoughts and my emotions. As things have piled up this week I have struggled keeping You front and center in my life. I pray to You this morning asking for your forgiveness.

As I look at the life of Jesus this morning I am totally enamored with how He loved and connected with You. His life did not matter to Him. His all consuming desire was to see that Your mission was accomplished. He suffered far beyond the petty things that have annoyed me this week and yet He stayed on task.

There is a desire and a willingness inside of me to model this trait of Jesus, but I am unable to overcome my flesh's drive for self-preservation. I ask that You empower me today to thrive on Your presence in my life and to walk above the things in this world that pursue me. I rest in Your promise to fulfill what You said I can never do on my own.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Rigidly Religious

Today's Reading: Job 17:8-9 & Acts 26


"And now I am standing trial for the hope of the promises made by God to our fathers." Acts 26:6


Reading about the life of Paul prior to his conversion and observing all the things that the religious leaders did to him following him turning his life over to Christ is the ultimate warning against become rigidly religious.

In this passage the religious leaders of the day were persecuting and murdering people for believing that God actually did what His Word said would happen. God gave them the thing that they spent their whole life hoping to receive and they violently rejected it.


There is nothing my capacity. Whether good or evil, there is no person that I am not fully capable of becoming. As I study this passage I am reminded of three things that will prevent me from missing out on God doing new things in my life.

First, I must remember that it is not enough to study and learn the Bible. I have to apply it. I have to live it. Every idea, every thought, and every teaching should be taken to the Word for examination and evaluation. I have to look for it coming to life in my world and then pursue that new life with all that is within me.

Second, I must remember to stay open to new things. It is so easy to get locked into certain beliefs. As this happens I can become very rigid. As rigidity sets in I began to lose my ability to flex and move with God. Once I lose the ability to move with God I will naturally reach out to prevent others from moving towards Him.

Finally, I must remember to allow God to be God. God defends His name. Ultimately God blesses what He chooses to bless and curses what He chooses to curse. It is not up to me to set people straight or judge the movement of God in their life. The thing that God calls me to do is have a pure pursuit of Him, base my understanding on the teaching of His word, and share His movement in my life with others.


It is definitely in me to be judgmental. I hate that part of me but I am very grateful that You have made me aware of it. It sounds weird but my natural tendency towards arrogance keeps me humble as every prideful impulse reminds me of how much I depend on You to stop me from being an idiot.

I ask that You be gracious to me this week. I have more pressure on me than I am capable of handling. I will make many decisions and the impact of those choices will affect thousands. I pray that You protect me for being afraid of new things. At the same time I ask that You prevent me from being so pliable that move away from the tasks You have called us to finish. Lead me to find the balance between the tensions You have created and choose a direction that leads to Your heart finding joy.

Friday, October 23, 2009

My False God

Today's Reading: Acts 17:10-34 & Acts 18:1-17


"Being then the children of God, we ought not to think that the Divine Nature is like gold or silver or stone, an image formed by the art and thought of man." Acts 17:29


This scripture is all about the practice of idol making. For the most part I normally think of idols in terms of false gods created and worshipped by others or things in my life that I have placed above God. This text opens my eyes to see a third form of an idol: my false thoughts of the true God.


My view of God has to be Biblical. My struggle against this is that my fears, desires, and mental capacity all fight to create boundaries for God. It is hard for me to accept what I cannot comprehend so my heart, mind, and soul are always trying to put an infinite God in a finite box. This will never work.

The concept of God is not a rational concept. No matter how hard I study or how hard I strive, God will always exist outside of my logic, feelings, and concerns. I have two choices with this reality. I can work against it and create a false image of God that fits into the box I make for Him or I can surrender to truth of who God is.


The mental boxes I use to process things are always made up of some blend of my fears, desires, or mental images. If something assuages a fear, soothes a desire, or fits a vision then I can understand it, pursue it, and appreciate it. This is my grid for evaluating things and I have unknowingly applied it to You.

I have created images of You that are no more holy than a golden calf. I confess to You this morning that I am often guilty of not serving or seek You but rather I serve and seek after my false image of You.

I ask today that You teach me to accept what my mind, will, and emotions refuse. Help me to stand firm on the truths that I know and strengthen me to not be overwhelmed by the questions that remain unanswered.

I do not want to seek after the god I have created in my mind. The desire of my heart is to fully experience the God who can not be contained by the images of my mind.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Impossible Missions

Today's Reading: Job 11:7-9 & Acts 16

Scripture: "So the churches were being strengthened in the faith and were increasing in number daily." Acts 16:5


Paul was on an impossible mission. There was nothing of worldly means that could offer them any hope of success. There is simply no logical reason that they were able to accomplish anything. Every aspect of their culture violently opposed them; yet the church grew daily.


The circumstances of my life are not nearly as intimidating as the ones Paul faced, but there are still impossible tasks set before me on a daily basis. As I read through this chapter this morning I see four things Paul teaches me about staying engaged with a tough calling.

First, Paul followed the Spirit's prompting. It was not Paul's ambition that he chased; it was God's. That is a key for me to remember. There is nothing in the scripture that assures I can accomplish my work. There is only the promise that nothing will prevent God from accomplishing his own.

Second, Paul allowed others in on the task. Paul did not adopt a me versus the world attitude. He brought other people in and discipled them along the way. As God Pours into me I have to pour into others and the harder the fight, my need for others to be in the fight with me becomes much more desperate.

Third, Paul kept his praise separate from his circumstances. In the midst of unlawful and undeserved beatings and imprisonments Paul kept singing praises. If my praise becomes conditional based on my circumstances then I am giving myself to a miserable and inconsistent existence.


Father there is a longing in my heart for a bigger mission to pursue. There is a urging inside of me to push further towards the edge of my faith and allow the boundaries of my life to be scratched out and redefined. There is growing inside of me a storm of discontentment that is becoming hard to escape. I do not know what it is You have planned for the next season of my life but I give to You my yes in advance.

I pray that I attune myself to Your Spirit's prompting, that I connect with the people You desire to join in the journey, and that my praise for You find a new life that is separate from the conditions of my life.

You alone are my God. You alone are my hope. You alone are my ambition. It is You alone I desire to serve. I ask that You lead me and affirm me today by Your presence, Your voice, Your favor and Your peace.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Who is my God

Today's Reading: Job 9:4-14 & Acts 13:1-12

Scripture: "But how can a man be in the right before God" Job 9:2


It is He who moves the mountains. It is He who can shake the earth out of place. It is He who can block out the sun. It is He who stretched out the heavens with His hands. It is He.

Job had a really big view of God. His vision of who God is was so great that the circumstances of life could not rattle it.


I have a lot I can learn from Job. My God is a very, very big God. Should I allow myself to become rattled by anything? Seriously, who in my life has power or strength that can compare to God.

I can do many good, noble and even great things today but nothing is more important that expanding my view of God. There are only three ways I know to do that: 1) Prayer. 2) Study. 3) Obedience.


Father I desire a deeper experience of who You are and what it is that You will for my life. I look at the life of Job and look at my own life and realize that my view of You lacks the staying power required to navigate life on this earth. Theory, concept, and hope are not enough. I need concrete, rock-solid, tried and true faith.

I ask that my day be filled with moments of awe and wonder as I experience walking after You. I pray for peace, wisdom, and knowledge to tackle the problems You have set before me; and I ask that You fill me with the energy, vision, and resolve needed to pursue the opportunities You ask me to pursue.

In the verse I jotted down at the top of the page Job asks, "But how can a man be in the right before God". He could not answer that question. In the days of Job there was no answer, but those of us born after the sacrifice of Christ can answer this question boldly. A man can only stand right before You through submission to Jesus as Savior. Thank You for the peace I have in knowing that truth.

Monday, October 19, 2009

The Steadfast Heart

Today's Reading: Job 5; Psalm 108; & Acts 10:23-48


"My heart is steadfast of God..." Psalm 108:1


The thing I love about reading a Psalm from David is that he was a less than perfect warrior of God who faced adversity far greater than anything I hopefully will never know. In the midst of it he never lost his love or pursuit of God.


There are days when the heaviness of all that is on my plate threaten to steal my heart away and the nastiness of this world feels like it steals the very air from my lungs.

In this passage there are three things I see David doing that lead to me keeping a steadfast heart regardless of what I face.

First, I need to determine to sing. Praising God and singing to Him is not something reserved for only on Sunday. Singing is also not reserved for when I "feel" like it. My heart and soul need to sing to God every day. Even in the midst of the mess that happens during a day I need to teach my heart and soul to be filled with praise for God.

Second, I need to determine to seek God's glory. Those who seek the glory of God with all of their heart, soul, and mind find it; period. There are no exceptions. If I determine to seek after God's glory above all else in my life I will find what I seek.

Third, I need to determine to trust in God. As David closes out this Psalm he reminds himself of his dependency on God and how faithful God is. This is huge. If my life's joy is tied to my life's circumstances, my resources, and my time then I am hopeless. I need to force my heart to look past what can be seen and rest fully in the promise of God to complete what He started in me.


Father I needed to be reminded of the condition of my heart today. I am so grateful that You take the time each day to meet me where I am and offer me counsel on how to move forward. Your patience with me is incredible and far more than I deserve.

Keep me engaged today in the battle for my heart. Satan is hard at work trying to steal away my steadfastness. He wants nothing more than for me to take my eyes off of You and be overtaken by the storms that threaten the skies about me.

My rest is in You. My hope is in You. My joy is in You. There is nothing on this earth that can compare to You. I ask that You reveal Your glory through my life and actions today.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Fickle Me

Today's Reading: Job 1:21-22 & Acts 6


"Through all of this job did not sin nor did he blame God." Job 1:22


Job never allowed his respect, obedience, or adoration of God to be tied to or based upon the tangible earthly blessings he had received.


My relationship with God is too conditional. That is the basic and ugly truth about the matter. My personal affairs and the state of my life completely affect my connection with God.

I have never suffered anything close to the calamity experienced by Job, yet I have quite often sinned in the midst of adversity and blamed God for things not working out as I planned.


In this world I will have troubles. Your Word makes that abundantly clear in John 16:33. In that passage, Jesus, You also teach me that I should take courage in the midst of my trouble because You have overcome it and are greater.

That is where I get stuck. In the midst of hardships, trials, frustrations, and persecutions it is incredibly easy to lose heart. The noise of life drowns out the truth of heaven and I am tempted to fall away.

I am fickle. I am a fair-weather fan when it comes to my attitude towards You. Blessings come praises follows. Struggles come lamentations follow. I confess this to You this morning as being a strong-hold of sin in my life.

You hard-wired me to get results. When results do not come something deep inside of me wells up and forces action and advancement. I believe that this is how You naturally gifted me to be. It is what makes me good at what I do.

It is also my greatest weakness. Even as I sit with You this morning I carry frustrations over some things in my life that tempt me to turn from You. I do not desire this to be true of me but I also recognize I am helpless in working to overcome it.

From where I am, as best as I can, I submit to Your will in my life. I acknowledge the sin I see and trust Your grace to make me whole and move me past it.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Finding Success

Today's Reading: Psalm 1 & Acts 3


"He will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in its season and its leaf does not wither; and in whatever he does, he prospers." Psalm 1:3


This Psalm is just as relevant now as it was when it was penned hundreds of centuries ago. The wisdom of the world is always much more evident and readily available. It does not take much to find advice, but it takes something extra to find God's counsel. Psalm 1 is a great blue print to finding true success.


I have to delight in God's way, make pursuing Him my greatest goal, and rest in the fact that His ways are different.

Learning to delight in God's way is huge for me. Sometimes it is easy to allow obeying God to become a duty and a painful sacrifice. It should not be that way. It should produce fruit that withstands even the hardest of times, a joy that is independent of circumstances, and a delight that satisfies the depths of my soul.

Meditating on His law day and night is the standard set by this passage from Psalm. Above all else that is in my life God wants my searches to point towards Him. In the quiet moments of every day my thoughts should point back towards reconnecting with God. He is constantly active in my life, I should constantly be active in searching for Him.

Walking away from the world's counsel is tough. There are so many worldly examples to follow and there are so many proven trails created by people doing things there own way. The flippin door is just so wide open. But as I learn to truly delight in God's way and make experiencing it a real part of my life; saying no to the world becomes more likely.


The past two mornings I have struggled to find words to pray to You. I sense You and I am hearing from You, but I just can't put into words what I feel in my heart. In moments like these I rest in the truth more than I rest in my feelings. My feelings say something is wrong but the truth is that even when I can't find words the Holy Spirit intercedes on my behalf. It is His prayer for me that gives me rest today. Guide me in following after Your plans, Your purpose, and Your counsel for the time You have provided me today.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Edge of My Faith

Today's Reading: Nehemiah 9 & Acts 2.


"Everyone kept feeling a sense of awe; and many wonders and signs were taking place through the apostles." Acts 2:42.


There was nothing ordinary about the faith of the men and women in this verse. They pushed themselves out the edge of where their faith could take them and experienced and extraordinary connection with God.


Awe. Wonder. Life. There are days when those words describe my relationship with God. There are moments when I have abandoned myself to the point where I walk in contact with God and see Him do some really amazing things.

Apathy. Contempt. Dead. There are days when those words describe my relationship with God. I have moments when I land in a place so cold and so distant that the very existence of God seems like an empty dream.

So what is it that carries me to these very different places? How can the same relationship produce these two extremely different outcomes?

Selflessness, intentionality, and self-abandonment are the keys I sense this morning. When I abandon my self-interest, focus on purposefully pursuing God's movement, and remove all concerns of personal ability or cost; God comes to life in a new and amazing ways. When I get caught up in building my life on earth, stop actively seeking God's purpose, and seek to limit God to comfortable movements; my connection with God loses life and take me to some really dark places.


Father this morning I am reminded that You are never not at work in and around my life. There is not a single place on earth I can go to escape the hold You have on me. That is the promise of my salvation through Jesus Christ. I irrevocably belong to You.

The flip side of that is my stubbornness, my disobedience and the weight of living in a fallen world can all three come together to make my existence on this earth miserable. I can find some dark places to abide that simply are not befitting the adopted son of a king.

I am struggling today to fully understand how my decision making contributes to this. Things in life happen so fast that it often seems like I make more subconscious choices than conscious ones. Slow me down today and make me fully aware of the choices I make that pull me back from the edge of my faith and begin the process of leading me to distant places.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Seeking After the Holy Spirit

Today's Reading: Acts 1


"...after He had by the Holy Spirit given orders to the apostles whom He had chosen." Acts 1:2


The Holy Spirit is active in my life. IS. Not maybe, should be, or could be. He IS. The moment I became a believer I received the Holy Spirit and in that moment He began the process of leading me. It is up to me to acknowledge this and seek after Him. In this passage I see four things that can keep me on task with the Holy Spirit.


First, I have to seek His power to walk after God's mission. Acts 1:8 is the call for every believer to go and be God's witness. Everything in my life has to be a means to this end. If not, then I can fully expect to struggle hearing from the Holy Spirit. He did not come to earth to make me a better person or to make me successful. He came to earth and indwelled my body to charge after God's plans to redeem to earth.

Second, I have to take timing off the table. Acts 1:7 addresses this. How long should I pray for a person? When will deliverance come? How long must I suffer? When will God come back? There are hundreds of questions regarding timing that I ask on a weekly basis. Timing in not for me to know. Wondering about it only tortures me. I have to rest in being obedience regardless of how long it takes.

Third, I can't get stuck in a great moment. Acts 1:11 speaks to this. Regardless of how wonderful a moment I have with God I can't get stuck there. God is always advancing and I must advance as well. He does not live in my past and nor can I. My best days and greatest experiences with Him are always ahead of me.

Finally, I have stay united with others in prayer. Acts 1:14 addresses this. God did not design me to go after this alone. I must surround myself with people sold out to the same mission and CONTINUALLY stay before God in prayer with them.


I want more. There is no other way for me to say it or to ask but to simply tell You I want more of Your movement in my life. I want to experience Your hand at work in me and to know that I am pursuing Your call on my life. I want to experience moments that are beyond any doubt Holy encounters with and You,, my Almighty God.

Please take what You have spoken to me today and apply to my heart, soul, and actions. Help me live this day for Your glory alone. I pray that I may walk every step this day brings to me in complete awareness of the Holy Spirit's direction. Direct me on how to make today one to remember.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Leading Through Discouragment

Today's Reading: Nehemiah 4 & Luke 23:26-43


"All of them conspired together to come and fight against Jerusalem and to cause a disturbance in it." Nehemiah 4:8


Discouragement comes. Anything in life worth pursuing is tough to pursue. But the weight of the work is not the only thing that you have to deal with; you also have to deal with the attitudes of people. People outside the work will mock you and come against you. The people you are leading through the work will become weary from the burden you carry.

That is the situation Nehemiah faced and through it he models a few good examples of how to lead through discouragement.


First, stay above it. Nehemiah did not deny the weight of the situation but he kept himself from descending into the discouragement. The speed of the team equals the speed of the leader. If I lose heart with my teams; my teams will fall apart. They count on me being healthy.

Second, acknowledge it with action. By having the people assemble to defend weak parts of the wall, Nehemiah showed the people that he understood the source of the discouragement, that it was real, and he was taking action against it. The people I lead have to know that I am not disconnected from reality. I have to find ways to validate the discouragement but also not let people just wallow in it.

Third, have a vision of God that is bigger than the problem. Nehemiah's vision of God was much larger than the destroyed walls, the opposition he faced, and the mood of his team. He called the team to that vision. I must have a vision of God that is bigger than the work. This is not the same as just having thoughts of God. I must own a vision of God that is real and tangible enough for me to share it with my teams.

Finally, put feet to faith. Nehemiah trusted God but he worked his tail off. He took very practical measures, doubled the work load, and carried on with the task at hand. It is sometimes hard to push people on, but I must remember that the shortest route to overcoming discouragement is to complete the task at hand.


I ask that You guard my heart. My life is full of opposition and struggle right now. Discouragement is not hard to find and it can become really difficult to stay above it and continue on with what You have given me to do.

It is essential that I have a relationship with You that is greater than the issues I face. It is critical that my vision of You be real and tangible enough that I can confidently and powerfully share it with others. I ask for the benefit of those I lead that You pour Yourself out on me daily so that I may find the strength I need to stay in the fights that I face.

Father my life is not mine, it is Yours. All that I have and all that I am I lay at Your feet. The only thing I desire is to be in Your presence and know that You are pleased with what I do.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Three Traits of Great Leadership

Today's Reading: Nehemiah 1 & Psalm 133


"O Lord, I beseech You, may Your ear be attentive to the prayer of Your servant and the prayer of Your servants who delight to revere Your name. and make Your servant successful today and grant him compassion before this man." Nehemiah 1:11


In typical Old Testament fashion God had forewarned Israel that He was going to allow them to get overtaken by an enemy if they did not repent of their ways and return to God. Staying true to their customary behavior Israel refused to listen and so God allowed what He forewarned to take place.

Jerusalem lay in ruins. The people remaining, having lost everything, sat and looked at their city: walls broken, gates burned with fire, everything a total loss.

Upon receiving a report of their condition Nehemiah displays three remarkable traits of leadership: 1) He prepared himself on the frontend by staying humble about his position. 2) He prepared himself to face adversity through fasting, praying, repenting, and confessing. 3) He started slow but acted fast.


Success is not designed for the one experiencing it. It is designed by God to position a person to reveal God's glory. Nehemiah held a highly trusted position with King Artaxeres. It would have been easy for Nehemiah to rest in his lofty position and not worry about anything else, but instead he chose to recognize that God had posted him where he was to accomplish His own purpose.

Wise planning is a Biblical mandate but victory never rests upon it. Though God expects me to make wise choices the key to victory lies in the purity of my heart. Nehemiah fasted & prayed. He repented of the sins he knew to be at the root of Israel's failure. He proclaimed everything he knew to be true of God. Following Nehemiah's example is the best way to make sure that my heart is in the right place before I proceed with my plans.

Spending time on the frontend seeking God and getting into alignment is critical, but when a clear path is given God expects me to move quickly. Nehemiah took the time necessary to get his heart in the right place but when it came time to act, he got it going in a hurry. I think I tend to get this backwards. I jump into something and when I hit my head against the wall I then slow down and seek God.


As I read this story from the life of Nehemiah I see the picture of the leader I desire to be. I want to exist for the benefit of others; to act from a pure heart before I seek a clear plan; and to run quickly, surely, and intently as soon as I have direction from You.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Leaders Lead

Today's Reading: Ezra 10:1-17; Psalm131: & Luke 21:1-4


"Arise! For this matter is your responsibility, but we will be with you; be courageous and act." Ezra 10:4


Israel was in a bad spot. They had seriously violated God's commandment and there was no easy way out. The consequences were huge and what it would take to correct the wrong they had done was beyond what anyone could comprehend. Ezra and the leaders of Israel had a daunting task in front of them.

In spite of the pain, fear and doubt the leaders paint an amazing picture of what true leaders do during hard times: they lead.


First, they clearly defined the problem and its consequences. When staring at a problem I do no one any favors by dumbing down the act or its results. Plain and simple truth is the best option. I need to make sure that everyone involved fully understands what went wrong.

Second, they clearly defined the plan to turn things around. There was no question about what should take place. When the solution to a problem is messy, hard, or painful I have a tendency to want to get unclear in communicating it. I just need to say it and do so in a manner that is unambiguous.

Third, they set a timeframe and consequences. People knew what to do, when to do it, and what would happen if they did not. The first two steps take so much energy that I am often tempted to sale this part of the process short. It is not micro-management to spell out the what, when and why. It is just good leadership.

Finally, the team implemented the solution as at TEAM. The leaders did not try to do it all themselves. They broke it down into manageable tasks and entrusted them to capable people. Different people stood up at different times and spoke into the solution. I must always remember that the job is not done until each member of the team owns part of the solution.


Leadership is difficult. Whether it is leading my home, leading groups, leading volunteers leading studies or leading at work each level demands a certain amount of energy even during good times. When things turn sour and the road gets rough then energy demands shoot through the roof. This morning is a great reminder to me that leaders lead even when they do not feel like leading. I pray for that truth to sink into the marrow of my soul and that I be a leader worthy of the purpose to which You called me.

Also, as I read this passage, I am reminded of something far greater than a leadership lesson: the incredible gift of Your Son and the forgiveness of my sins.

In the times of Ezra the price of reconciliation with You was steep. In the time following Christ the price has been paid. Thank You so much for my life and the freedom I have through Your Son.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

A Perfect Example

Today's Reading: Ester 9:1-5 & Luke 19


"For the Son of Man has come to seek and save that which was lost." Luke 19:10


Jesus walked the earth as a perfect example of how God the Father desires for a man to live his life.


Based on that truth it is easily safe to assume that God desires for me to seek and save that which is lost. As I read this passage from Luke there are 3 things that Jesus did to help stay on task

First, Jesus looked past the crowds. People had crowded the streets as everyone came out to get a glimpse of Jesus. It would have been a crazy busy scene. But Jesus did not get caught up in the hype and chaos of the moment.

Second, Jesus paid attention. Jesus continually scanned the crowd, but He did not see the crowd. He saw individuals. He saw their faces. He knew what He as looking for and kept His eyes open for an opportunity.

Finally, Jesus followed the mess. Once Jesus locked in on his target He followed it into some messy places. Jesus did not want to save only Zaccheus; He wanted to impact his entire network.


I have never had a crowd of people usher me into the city, but my life can get really crowded. Father all the chaos and people can become a ear piercing flow of steady distraction. I ask that You help me stay focused on my mission. I pray that I have Your eyes and heart for the people I will encounter today and that when I see where You are working I will have the courage to stand firm in the middle of the messiness of life and be a firm foundation for someone to connect with You.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Three P's in Prayer

Today's Reading: Esther 3:13; 4; 8; & Luke 18:1-17


"Now he was telling them a parable to show that at all times they ought to pray and not to lose heart." Luke 17:1


Prayer is more than a passing activity for me to do half heartedly. It is a call to a life style that continually pursues the movement of God in my life.


Purity must be the basis for my prayers. If I am not walking with God or if I am seeking totally selfish motives then my prayers will not have a strong foundation. I need to walk obediently with God and seek His movement in areas that are important to His purpose and plans.

Passion must be the fuel for my prayers. Half hearted prayers are no better than not praying at all. My heart has to be fully engaged in the process. I must allow everything that is true about God become real to me in prayers to God.

Persistence must be the goal of my prayers. Prayer is not a one-and-done deal. Prayer engages a battle in the spirit realm and I must go into it dedicated to pray a matter through to completion.


Father I thank You for the gift of Your Son. Because of the work of Christ it is possible for me to be pure before You. Everything in my life is covered by my acceptance of His sacrifice and my submission to Him as Lord. At the same time I also acknowledge that You desire for me to be more than a sinner covered by grace. I pray that You lead me in walking before You in a manner worthy of my calling. Direct my thoughts, emotions, and actions to be only pure before You continually.

Religious rituals can become cold and meaningless. I fear that I am tempted to allow my prayers to follow this path. I ask that You teach me to pray with passion. Open my heart to express to You a great desire for coming to You in prayer. Break my heart for the things that matter to You and allow me the ability to reflect that broken heart to You in my prayers.

The mystical nature of praying can make it tough to stick with it during times of waiting. Doubt, pressure and restlessness all combine to push me towards dropping my prayers and getting on with my life. I ask that Your Holy Spirit strengthen me to be persistent in waiting for You in prayer.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Though I Walk

Today's Reading: Psalm 138 & Luke 16


"Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You will revive me; You will stretch forth Your hand against the wrath of my enemies, and Your right hand will save me." Psalm 138:7


This passage lays out a great method for dealing with life.


The world is a fallen place. Adam's sin ushered in a declining cycle of sin, depravity and destruction. Everything that comes to man on earth comes at a price: trouble. My kid's respect comes at the expense of trouble. Harmony in my marriage comes through trouble. Success at my job comes through trouble. On and on the cycle goes. What I get on earth, I earn by the sweat of my brow. It is a fact of life that I must accept. Nothing comes easy.

I must walk. Quitting is not an option. The Psalmist doesn't say I sat on my butt until God did something. He said he walked in the midst of his trouble. Regardless of the pressures I face I must take a deep breath, calm my emotions, set my direction toward God, and get after it.

I will meet God in my exhaustion. The end of my strength, power, motivation, and passion is the meeting place of God. When I have worked to the point that I have nothing left; God has room to work. It is in the process of experiencing God revive me that I am able to get to know the reality of God.

My life is God's to defend. There is an element of pride in me that wants to take care of myself. I want to avenge the wrongs done to me. I want to make sure that I am not deceived. I want to make sure that I am treated fairly. But that is not my job. God does not respect me exalting my life or protecting what is mine. God respects me surrendering the results of my life to Him and depending on Him to do as He sees fit.


I will give You thanks today. Not because my life is easy. Not because I have everything I want. Not because I am full of strength. I give You thanks today because my life is Yours and You alone are worthy of my praise.

Father I ask that You forgive me of my whining and griping about the weight of life. There is a tendency for my desires to gravitate toward an easy life. That is not what Your Word promises. Your Word says that in this life I will have troubles, but in the midst of my troubles I will be renewed by Your strength. The only thing that matters is my submission to You.

Though I am pressed, I choose to walk. Though I am confused, I choose to walk. Though I am unsure, I choose to walk. Though I may be tired, I choose to walk. And though I choose to walk, my hope is only in You.