Monday, October 12, 2009

Seeking After the Holy Spirit

Today's Reading: Acts 1


"...after He had by the Holy Spirit given orders to the apostles whom He had chosen." Acts 1:2


The Holy Spirit is active in my life. IS. Not maybe, should be, or could be. He IS. The moment I became a believer I received the Holy Spirit and in that moment He began the process of leading me. It is up to me to acknowledge this and seek after Him. In this passage I see four things that can keep me on task with the Holy Spirit.


First, I have to seek His power to walk after God's mission. Acts 1:8 is the call for every believer to go and be God's witness. Everything in my life has to be a means to this end. If not, then I can fully expect to struggle hearing from the Holy Spirit. He did not come to earth to make me a better person or to make me successful. He came to earth and indwelled my body to charge after God's plans to redeem to earth.

Second, I have to take timing off the table. Acts 1:7 addresses this. How long should I pray for a person? When will deliverance come? How long must I suffer? When will God come back? There are hundreds of questions regarding timing that I ask on a weekly basis. Timing in not for me to know. Wondering about it only tortures me. I have to rest in being obedience regardless of how long it takes.

Third, I can't get stuck in a great moment. Acts 1:11 speaks to this. Regardless of how wonderful a moment I have with God I can't get stuck there. God is always advancing and I must advance as well. He does not live in my past and nor can I. My best days and greatest experiences with Him are always ahead of me.

Finally, I have stay united with others in prayer. Acts 1:14 addresses this. God did not design me to go after this alone. I must surround myself with people sold out to the same mission and CONTINUALLY stay before God in prayer with them.


I want more. There is no other way for me to say it or to ask but to simply tell You I want more of Your movement in my life. I want to experience Your hand at work in me and to know that I am pursuing Your call on my life. I want to experience moments that are beyond any doubt Holy encounters with and You,, my Almighty God.

Please take what You have spoken to me today and apply to my heart, soul, and actions. Help me live this day for Your glory alone. I pray that I may walk every step this day brings to me in complete awareness of the Holy Spirit's direction. Direct me on how to make today one to remember.

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