Monday, January 4, 2010

Sleeping Savior

Reading: Mark 4

"Jesus Himself was in the stern, asleep on the cushion; and they woke Him and said to Him, 'Teacher, do You not care that we are perishing?'" Mark 4:38


The sea is a beautiful place. There is something about standing on the shoreline, scanning the horizon and breathing in the sights, sounds, and smells of the ocean. The ocean can also be a scary place. In the blink of an eye a beautiful blue sky can give way to massive mounds of dark cloud and gentle waves can be churned into a white froth of fear. Sounds a lot like life.


There are seasons of life when the punches seem to just keep coming. Things get out of hand and every time I think I have hit bottom or reached the end of what I am able to endure another punch always seems to land square on my chin. In these moments I react much as the disciples do here. I look around and feel like Christ is asleep on the job.

Today's reading is a great reminder that I do not serve a sleeping savior. Discipleship is not an easy process. In the parable of the sower Christ reminds me of three things I can expect when I seek to grow in my faith: Satan will try to steal my faith, pressure and persecution will burn away half-hearted faith, and the cares of the world always choke out the fruit of faith.


Father I hear You saying to me today that the struggle I face in growing my faith is not Your neglect or lack of movement. The struggles I face all have to do with me. I fail to recognize the attacks of satan when he comes to steal Your word. I have a tendency to stand on faith that is only half-hearted, and I allow my desires and fears of earthly things to take over my thoughts.

I take ownership of these things before You today. You have been and always will be faithful. I am grateful that I serve a God who draws near and that I have a redeemer warrior who never sleeps. Enlighten my heart to fully grasp what it means to serve You with a pure and unbridled faith. Allow my heart to be connected with You in a manner that opens my life to be continually empowered by Your will, purpose, and power.

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