Monday, May 31, 2010

A Kick in the Pants

Read: 1 Corinthians 15

"Now I make known to you, brethren, the gospel which I preached to you, which also you received, in which also you stand, by which also you are saved, if you hold fast the word which I preached to you, unless you believed in vain." 1 Corinthians 15:1-2


Time and pressure have a way of eating away at the hope of Christian faith. Trials of life, the pain in the world, and tormenting questions can test even the strongest people of faith. This was the case in the church of Corinth and many found themselves having lost their hope. Paul writes this section of his letter to remind them of the basics of their faith, encourage them to get a grip, and implore them to stand their ground.


Losing my way is almost guaranteed. As long as I continue my life in this world I will be constantly tempted to doubt my faith, question God's will, and succumb to temptation. Dark days will find me. Paul offers three things that I need to remember when I find myself stuck in a pit and struggling to find hope.

First, believe that my faith is real. The heart of all depression and anxiety starts with a little seed of doubt that maybe all the things I have believed about Christ and faith is junk. I start to fear that all this Christian stuff is some great deception I have fallen victim to and in the end it is of no real value. Once this seed is planted, life for a Christian quickly unravels. The first rule of getting out of a pit is to return to the basics of my salvation and allow God to assure me of my hope.

Second, get back in my right mind. Losing hope has a way of creating desperation for relief. Desperation for relief is a great breeding ground for stupid choices. Stupid choices are always accompanied by ignorant people willing to affirm my stupid decisions. Getting back in my right mind will always necessitate dealing with bad thought patterns and stepping away from people who are feeding me with bad advice.

Finally, get back in the fight. Everything that satan throws at me is always designed to get me out of the fight. In the final verse of this chapter I can hear Paul screaming to me, "Stand your ground and don't hold back. Throw yourself into the work of the Master. Be absolutely confident that nothing you do for Him is a waste of time or effort."


Ok, so I have been a little less than joyful the last few days. For the past several weeks You have been pressing me to take bolder stances on Your word, to pray bigger prayers, and to ask people to make bigger commitments. As that has happened and I have responded in obedience to Your requests, satan has thrown everything he has at me. He knows my weaknesses and he has hit them with painful precision. I have obviously tried to stand on my own because I have fallen down and found myself struggling with despair. Isolation, loneliness and frustration have chased me down and gotten the best of me. Thank You for the kick in the pants this morning; I needed it.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

The Opposite of Love

Read: 1 Corinthians 13

"If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but do not have love, I have become a noisy gong or clanging cymbal." 1 Corinthians 13:1


Paul had seen some stuff. Ship wrecks, snake bites, beatings, jailbreaks, people raised from the dead, sick healed, deaf received hearing, blind restored to sight, and the risen Lord Jesus had all been witnessed by this man. In writing this letter, Paul could have called the church's attention to many great things, but he said the greatest was love.


In the book The Screwtape Letters by C. S. Lewis, a devil briefs his demon nephew, Wormwood, in a series of letters, on the subtleties and techniques of tempting people. In his writings, the devil says that the objective is not to make people wicked but to make them indifferent. This devil cautions Wormwood that he must keep his target comfortable at all costs. If he should start thinking about anything of importance, encourage him to think about his luncheon plans and not to worry so much because it only leads him to stress about something he can not affect. And then the devil gives this instruction to his nephew: "I, the devil, will always see to it that there are bad people. Your job, my dear Wormwood, is to provide me with people who do not care."

The opposite of love is not hate. It is apathy or indifference. Apathy is becoming a person who does not care enough to care. The list of logical reasons to not care is long and exhaustive. The list of logical reasons to be a person of love is short and sweet... God commands it.


I pray and call out to You for many things, but I seldom talk to You about growing my love. Maybe it is my nature as a man. Growing in love can at times be interpreted as asking You to make me soft and weak. Maybe it is my inability to process what I see. If I open my heart to feel for the things that I see going on around me, I quickly become overwhelmed and my overloaded emotions shut my feelings down. Maybe it is that I am just too busy. Life presses forward at a pace that literally overwhelms me. I work ten hour days just to keep up at work and have to throw in an extra six hours just to maintain my personal life. Maybe it is selfishness. My own hurts and neediness have my attention captured and causes me to look upon the world with a blind eye. Perhaps it is a combination of all these things.

I am selfish. I am scared. I am confused. I am lost. I do not know how to love like You call me to love. I ask that You ground me in Your love for me and help my love for You to become the center of all I desire. I pray that my heart reflect Yours. I pray that Your love for the world in which I live be reflected in my thoughts, actions, and expressions. There are many things I desire, but a greater love is the only thing that is truly of value.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A Little Red Man

Read: 1 Corinthians 10

"No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it." 1 Corinthians 10:13


Paul took the Corinthians back through the history of Israel's exodus from Egypt and reminded them that there are five common failures the people of God face: 1) Craving things from their past. 2) Idolatry, to value something or someone in a way that hinders the love and trust we owe to God. 3) Sexual immorality. 4) Griping about the goodness of God or His work in our lives. 5) Rebelling against God-ordained leadership.


If a little, red man with horns on his head and a pitch fork in his hand popped out from behind a bush and asked me to participate in something from the list above then I would not be so tempted. It would be obvious that it was satan and that what he offered was sin. But temptation does not work that way. Satan has a way of hooking me in by little decisions I make along the way. My bad choices ultimately lead down a path to a crossroads. Once I am at a crossroads any of the five sins listed above and seem like a logical and justifiable next step.

God will allow me to be tempted. That is why it is so important to constantly allow Him to create inside of me an awareness regarding the choices that I make. Most of the choices I make in a day are subconscious thoughts. In the midst of the rhythm of life it is easy to not notice the direction I am heading until I have failed and suffered the consequences of my choices.

This verse today reminds me that while temptation is a given, failure is not. I do not have to sin. As justifiable or logical as a sinful choice my be, God always leaves me a way out. Temptation is a process. The earlier I recognize the temptation, the easier it is to find the way out.


Father, I can look in my life and see traces of these five sins. I face them everyday. There are times when memories of my former life seem to offer more joy than the my current one. I constantly wrestle with not allowing family, work, or dreams to become a greater love than the love I have for You. Sexual temptation is around every corner and is constantly available. My confusion regarding Your sovereignty and the evil I see in the world tempt me to doubt You and question Your goodness. The stubbornness of my will and my personal preferences create inside of me a tendency to resist leadership and forces me to constantly resist submission to authority.

I am so dependent on You. I absolutely can not stand against the weight of temptation. Teach me to be a better me. Lead me today in a way that is tangible. I ask that Your voice be clear and that I be made aware of the choices I am making. I ask that Your still, small voice inside of me be the only source of guidance I hear. Help me live a life today that honors You, gives You glory, and reflects Your Son.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Read: 1 Corinthians 9

"Do you now know that those who run in a race all run, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win." 1 Corinthians 8:24


The church at Corinth was comprised mostly of Greeks. The Greeks enjoyed two main sporting events, the Olympics and the Isthmian games. The Isthmian games were held in Corinth so the analogy of competing to win was very familiar to them. Paul, in this chapter, outlines to the church that just being a Christian was not enough. He implores them to model their lives around three main things: Denying things that could impact their ability to share the gospel, being a servant to all men with the goal of leading them to Christ, and disciplining themselves to do whatever it takes to position themselves to maximize their prize in Christ.


Self-denial is covered in verses one through eighteen. The context of these verses is not saying no to things that I am not supposed to do. That is covered later. The context of these verses is denying things that I have a right to but using that right would jeopardize my ability to win people to Christ.

A call to serve all men is covered in verses nineteen through twenty-three. The context of these verses is not mercy ministry intended to just meet a need of another person. The context of these verses is intentionally doing whatever it takes to position myself to win a person to Christ.

Finally, striving for a crown is covered in verses twenty-four through twenty-seven. The context of these verses is clearly saying know to things that hinder me from competing to win.


Self-denial. As I look at those words this morning I am a little alarmed by what I feel inside of me. Father, my pride refuses to be denied of something that I feel I deserve. My pride resists saying no to something that is desirable and not sinful. This morning the fight I feel going on in me is against the desire to be recognized and rewarded.

Serving all men. I look at this phrase and it is all well and good unless it means tolerating a person who gets under my skin. Serving is easy as long as it is a feel-good venture. Father, I hate being annoyed and there is nothing more annoying than serving people who are ungrateful or even adversarial. The fight I feel going on inside of me this morning is against the desire to give people what they deserve.

Striving for a crown. Where my treasure is there my heart will be. Father, I do not value my salvation as my only crown. Your call on my life is not the sole prize in my life for which I strive. I count the things I must refuse as a loss and mourn for them. I resist sin, but I often resist as one who struggles against something he longs to have. The fight that I feel going on inside of me this morning is a battle for control of my heart.

I confess to You this morning the sin that I have clearly seen in my heart and I also profess to You my desire to be seen as a man who denied himself, served all, and strived for a crown. I pray that all I do today will be done from a heart that truly desires only the things that advance the kingdom of my God.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Three Pieces of Leaven

Read: 1 Corinthians 5

"Clean out the old leaven so that you may be a new lump..." 1 Corinthians 5:7


Leaven or yeast represented sin. During the Passover feast all of Israel would remove all of the leaven from their house so that, that which illustrated sin was taken out of their presence. In likewise manner Paul was calling the Church at Corinth to not tolerate literal sin in their Church.


The process of being formed into the likeness of Christ is a pervasive process. As long as I continue on earth their will be leaven in my life that I need to take out. This morning's reading reminds me of three.

First, I need to keep a sober self-judgment. Being realistic is not the same as being condemning. To understand grace is to understand the joy and freedom that is found in confessing sins. Every sin confessed allows God more room to fill my life with His presence. Every time He expands in me my peace and joy are multiplied. Learning of shortcomings can be painful at first, but the fruit of the process is incredible. I need to remove arrogance and condemnation from my heart and mind and live with a true sense of self.

Second, I need to stop judging the world. The world is lost and it will behave as such. The world is not my battlefield, it is my mission field. God did not call me to judge those outside the faith. He called me to live my life in a manner that reflects His power, love, joy and hope. His calling on me is that my life be so set apart that those outside of the faith would question the difference they see in me. I need to stop judging and start loving.

Finally, I need to start judging my fellow believers. The only type of person that the Word calls me to judge is a believer who is living a double standard. The trick to this is love. God does not call me to condemn a person. He calls me to speak the truth in love to the person in hopes that they will turn back to Christ. This is not a blank check to speak my mind, but it is a call to care enough about a person to lovingly help them strengthen weaknesses.


First and foremost I pray that You fill my life with people who love me enough to speak truth into my life. I do not desire to live my life blind. There are times when I need another set of eyes to help me see things that are hidden. I ask that my attitude and behavior invite this type of feedback into my life.

I also pray that You take away my desire to judge the world as being bad and replace it with an insatiable desire to see it redeemed in love. Instead of just being detested by the sin of the world, I ask that I be engaged in Your call to take the gospel to it.

This last one is perhaps the most difficult. Speaking truth to another believer is the last thing satan wants me to do and is quite possibly the thing he fights against the hardest. He tempts me to doubt my responsibility. He tempts me to question my motives. He tempts me to be angry and arrogant. He does everything in his power to keep me quiet.

Father my simple request for the day is that I be the me You desire me to be.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

More Than Milk

Read: 1 Corinthians 3

"I gave you milk to drink, not solid food; for you were not yet able to receive it. Indeed, even now you are not yet able." 1 Corinthians 3:2


Paul called the Corinthians infants in the Christian life because they were not yet spiritually healthy and mature. The proof was that they quarreled like children, allowing divisions to distract them. Immature Christians are "worldly," controlled by their own desires; mature believers are in tune with God's desires. How much influence do your desires have on your life? Your goal should be to let God's desires be yours. Being controlled by your own desires will stunt your growth.

(from Life Application Study Bible)


My desires assert to much influence on my life. What I feel or don't feel consumes me. If my emotions are strong then I am strong. I my emotions are weak then I am weak. My inner desires lead me around and have more control on me than they should.

My goals are fleshly in nature. I do not think my goals are immoral or dirty; but they are very much about me, my convenience, and my joy. I want things that create for me freedom and comfort. I have an agenda and I want God to pursue it.

I want growth without sacrifice. I say I want to grow near to Christ, but I really do not want to be greatly inconvenienced by what He asks of me. Thinking about sacrificing my lifestyle for a deeper pursuit of God does not always seem so invigorating.



My desires can lead only to death. Even my greatest intentions and highest ambitions will ultimately lead to nothing. You could give me every desire in my heart and I would eventually find myself longing for more. There is no satisfying them.

I offer You today the best dreams that I have for my life and ask that You burn them. I do not want them anymore. My only desire is that You give me a greater expression of Your heart. I want to follow the dreams that You have for this life You have so graciously given to me.

I need to hear Your voice today. The fear that I feel regarding what You are stirring in my heart is more than I can handle on my own. My flesh wants a conditional pursuit of You and without Your strength and guidance I will collapse under the pressure.

Your word reminds me that if I ask You for Your best You will give it. It also reminds me that Your idea of what is best differs greatly from my own. Lead me today so that I may discern the difference.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Difficulty Communicating

Read: 1 Corinthians 2

"so that your faith would not rest on the wisdom of men, but on the power of God." 1 Corinthians 2:5


Paul was very careful in how he taught others about God. He would adjust his message based on his audience and never gave a person so much information that they did not have any questions left. He taught with the intention of creating a disturbance in them so that they would pursue God's wisdom on their own and would have to rely on the Holy Spirit to feed them truth.


There are seasons of my life when my communication with God becomes difficult. I am in one of those seasons right now. For the past two weeks, reading and applying scripture has been a real grind. I have forced myself out of bed and really had a hard time comprehending what God is saying to me. In this chapter from 1 Corinthians, I see a few things that help me understand the struggle I have been facing.

First, I do not always want to be a self-feeder. Seeking, searching, and struggling to find spiritual food on my own is a challenge. I live in a day when there are so many resources available that make finding wisdom easy. Podcasts, assessments, books, blogs, and commentaries all stand available to offer me short-cuts to hearing from God. There are times when I want someone to just give me the answer to the things that bother me or tell me what I should do so that I can mark that issue off my list and move on to the next thing. God's desire is that I learn to rely on my personal connection with the Holy Spirit to be my main source of food.

Second, I want to work on my own agenda. This passage talks about the wisdom of God being hidden from the wisdom of man. To me, this does not mean God hides His wisdom under a rock so that I can't find it. It means that my personal agenda, attitudes, beliefs, and desires hide His wisdom. For the past couple weeks I have had three very specific struggles in my life. My compulsion to deal with those things has caused me to become deaf to anything else. God's desire is that I learn to lay aside the things on my agenda and pursue the agenda He has for me. He is speaking. He just is not saying what I want to hear.

Finally, I do not always get the Holy Spirit. The scripture makes some wonderful boasts about the role of the Holy Spirit in my life. In verse twelve of this chapter Paul says, "now we received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may know the things freely given to us by God." It is hard to grasp the power of the Spirit in my life. I have inside of me the Holy Spirit of God. He has been given to me as a pledge of my inheritance. This means that God's desire is that the work of the Holy Spirit in my life should be so alive and vibrant that He serves as a proving of my faith.


The attitude of my heart towards the trials I face have a huge impact on my prayers. My quite time with You has been impacted of late by some issues that I have desired to see resolved. I confess to You this morning that I have really struggled to communicate with You because I have allowed my heart to become encumbered by frustration.

I want to connect with Your Spirit, release my agenda, and find my own Spiritual food. Teach me the balance I need in order for these things to be true. I pray that I use the words of wisdom from other men to encourage me in my personal pursuit, but that I not try to make their pursuit my own. I ask that You help me release to You my agenda, but not separate myself from the life You have called me to live. In all that I do I pray for the power and wisdom of Your Holy Spirit in my life to become the sole driving force in my life.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Dare to be Bold

Read: Psalm 70 and 71

"I will come with the mighty deeds of the Lord God..." Psalm 71:16


The Psalmist in this Psalm is never identified. He is an old man who has walked with God since he was a young man. Throughout his life, the Psalmist has seen many ups and downs. In this Psalm he is enduring a season of hardship. The old man in this Psalm offers a great deal of wisdom.


I need to understand that I will never stop facing adversity. There is a part of me that wonders if I will arrive one day and stop facing trials or fully see my longings settled. The answer is no. As long as I reside on this side of heaven I will have troubles. Any hope contrary to this is not hope; it is empty and wishful thinking. My ambition in life can not be to live a trouble free life. The only ambition that does not disappoint is for me to be determined to reflect the greatness of God through the results of my life.

In order for this to happen I have to walk with God. God is not simply a bailout strategy. He is not a panic button or a form of meditation. He is a God who comes with power and might. He wants me to submit my life to Him and walk after Him daily. I need to lean on Him continually. I need to release to Him my worries and my concerns. I need to draw close to Him and learn to live by His counsel and wisdom. Every ounce of desperation and desire I have should be pointed towards a great drive to experience God.

I need to dare to be bold. The Psalmist in this Psalm had absolute confidence that he would "come with the mighty deeds of the Lord God." I am often tempted to face a trial with more of a "Jason might not make this" attitude. This really does not make any sense. If I really believe in the God I say I believe in why would I ever hesitate? I need to stop living conservatively and start pressing myself talk to reflect a man who knows that God is for Him. As long as I am pursuing His heart and will for my life; there is nothing that should concern me. Troubles will find me, trials will test me, and terror will try to seize me; but the Lord God will bring me trough with mighty deeds that are fitting to a Mighty God.


I must confess that I have had a rough week. I have allowed my mind to wonder and invited worry, stress, and anger to consume much of my attention and energy. I have allowed my desire to find rest to press me into a near desperate state and honestly have wiped myself out. This is not a good way to live life. I am grateful that You love me enough to speak truth to me. I confess my doubt and frustration to You this morning. As best I can from where I am I release to You the outcomes that have so consumed me this week.

In You Lord I take refuge. I ask that You turn towards me and set my feet upon firm ground. Enable me to boldly trust in the promises You have made. Open my heart to accept the truth of Your word and the greatness of Your plans. I ask that the path You have for me be illuminated and that the results of my life will boldly declare Your greatness.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Sing Loudly

Read: Psalm 68

"Sing to God, O kingdoms of the earth, sing praises to the Lord." Psalm 68:32


Gratitude is important. David always found something about God that was worthy of praise. He did not get stuck in his problems and he always chose to see God at work in his life. David's call in this verse is for the people of God to allow a song for God to develop in and bubble out of our hearts.


My heart is critical. So much of my life pours out of what is in my heart. My fears live in my heart. My insecurities dwell in my heart. My deepest wounds trace their roots to my heart. The messages to my heart are numerous. Satan's most vicious attacks are aimed at my heart. "You are not good enough. You will not make it. God does not care for You. Your failure has separated you from God. You do not really believe. You need something more. You deserve something more. You can't live this way." All these messages bombard my heart incessantly. There are times when fatigue sets in and I allow myself to be held captive my these vicious lies.

The antidote to all of this is praise. "You are not guilty any more. You are doing just fine. I am strong in You. My love for you is unending. You are perfected in Christ. I see your failures no more. Your faith is being made strong. You have all you need. I go before you daily. You have been redeemed from the death you deserve. Your eternity is set. I know the plans that I have for you and nothing will prevent Me from completing the work that I started in You." These are the messages God sends to counter the attacks of the enemy.


It is always seems to me that it is easier to hear the negative messages. I am not sure of why that is but it is so very true. A good word seems to pass away while the negative ones seem to dig deep into my heart. I suppose that at the core it has to come back to my attitude, but I am not really sure why I struggle to walk in gratitude.

I ask that You open my heart to praise You today. Where I am shaky and insecure I pray that You hold me steady and make me bold. Where I am weak and needy I pray that You provide me with strength and fill my needs. Where I doubt and wonder I pray that You make me absolute and certain. Where I gripe and complain I pray that You teach me to sing and rejoice.

I want to sing to You today from a heart that is full of life, joy, and hope. I want to be a source of strength for the weak, a face of joy for the broken hearted, and a voice of wisdom for the lost. I ask that You help my song for You to be heard loudly in a world that is dying for something of worth to celebrate.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

No Cliche

Read: Psalm 60, 61, & 62

"On God my salvation and my glory rest; the rock of my strength, my refuge is in God. Trust in Him at all times, O people; pour out your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us." Psalm 62:7-8


David affirmed that God was His Source of safety (Rock), deliverance (Salvation), and security (Fortress). He would not be shaken. God was his Salvation and his Glory.


This is a fun verse to read. It is a fun verse to quote. It is very easy to use this verse as a cliché and then attempt to take care of business on my own or retreat into darkness and process my pain alone. It is really easy for this verse to roll off of my lips and then immediately shift my focus to anger or resentment because someone has left my needs unmet.

My source of safety. My hope for deliverance. My impenetrable security. The promise of this verse is amazing. It is much more than a cliché. It is far greater than empty religion. It greatly exceeds any promise found on earth. This is the God of the universe promising to be these things for me if only I walk after Him.


Father, this is not a promise to have life my way. David uttered these prayers to You in the midst of trouble. No matter what happened to him he always pursued You. That is the lesson for me this morning. I do not want to experience You in pain; I would rather my experience with You help me avoid pain. When bad things start to happen I often lose site of You. I gripe. I grumble. I sin. That is my confession to You this morning.

I hunger today for the truth of this verse to meet me in my present circumstances and in the conflict I currently face. I do not want out, I want You. I do not want escape, I want deeper faith. I do not want to fix things, I want to see You do something that I could never do on my own.

You hold me up today. You are my strength. You are my rock. You are everything I need to be all that You desire for me to be. You have dealt graciously with me in the past and the best for me is yet to come.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Steadfast Heart

Read: Psalm 56, 57, 58, 59

"My heart is steadfast, O God, my heart is steadfast." Psalm 7


These four chapters from Psalm contain some very real confessions of David. In each Psalm he is facing some serious opposition from some seriously evil men. As I read these things I am reminded that standing firm with a steadfast heart while being attacked by another person is a process.


First, I have submit my hope and fight to God. That is what I see in chapter fifty-six. Just like David, I have to press into the heart of God. The temptation is to turn on God and get frustrated, but that is the work of my enemy. Above everything that is going on I have to maintain complete faith in my good standing with God and trust that my deliverance will come from Him.

Once I have aligned my heart and hope with God I need to pray for rescue. That is what I see in chapter fifty-seven. This is not a prayer for the situation to go away, it is a prayer for God to stop the bleeding in my heart. I need to seek God for an immediate place of comfort so that I can get my head back on straight, find relief from my emotions, and discern the best path for closure.

The first two steps are defensive. The next two are offensive. In chapter fifty-eight David prays against his enemies. As I read his words I am reminded that following Christ is not agreeing to be passive. As long as I know I am without sin in the situation I need to pray hard against the person attacking me and I have to know that God will oppose the proud who attack the innocent.

Finally, I have to pray for deliverance. In Chapter fifty-nine David prays for God to get him out of the trouble and to prove the Glory of His name. This is the hardest step. I often want vengeance more than I desire deliverance, but that is not a good model. I must release this desire. My personal vengeance can only stir up more trouble. I have to give this to God knowing that He will set me in a secure place and make right the things that defile His name.


Father, when trouble strikes I often just want to get out of it as quickly as possible. This morning You have reminded me that deliverance comes, but it is the result of a process that takes some time.

As much as I hate waiting I submit to what You are asking of me. Much of what I a know in life and most of the strength that is within me is the result of the trials that I have worked through with You. Most the pain in my life and many of the weaknesses I have, have all been caused by me trying to get out of a jam on my own and in a hurry. Your way is clearly better.

Friday, May 7, 2010

A Little Blah

Read: James 3

"For we all stumble in many ways. If anyone does not stumble in what he says, he is a perfect man, able to bridle the whole body as well." James 3:2


Nobody is perfect and able to live without sin. The goal of the Christian life is not earthly perfection. As long as we are of this world perfection will be unattainable. The goal of the Christian life should be the passionate pursuit of the heart of God; knowing that perfection will come in the life that follows this one.


In reading this chapter I am reminded of two key areas in which I will stumble. First, the things that I say. James uses the analogy of a rudder directing a ship to describe the power a man's tongue has on his life. I have the power to speak blessings or curses. In just a matter of seconds something can slip from my mouth that can cause untold amounts of pain for me and for others. I need to pay close attention to words I speak.

The second key area in which I will stumble are the things that I think. What I think will ultimate be revealed in the fruit of my life. The thoughts I entertain in private will eventually play themselves out in the things I say and do. Thoughts of self- depreciation, selfish ambition, bitter jealousy, or vengeful anger are caustic poisons. I need to pay close attention to the things I think.


Father, I am feeling a little isolated today. As I sit here this morning I am really struggling with what to pray. I am not sure of what is up. I feel sort of "blah." Something just feels out of place and it is really frustrating me. When I get really frustrated controlling my thoughts and tongue becomes increasing difficult.

I pray to You this morning asking for Your help. Your word says that You are a God who draws near. I ask that I be able to sense Your presence this morning. Invade my heart, mind, and soul. Comfort me. Restore my strength. Nurture my soul. Fill me to a full measure of all that I need to live the life to which you have called me. I ask that the overflow of my heart produce actions that are bathed in Your gentle wisdom and words that speak of Your heart and peace.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Persevering Trials

Read: James 1

"Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial; for once he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him." James 1:12


Trials are clearly part of spiritual growth. Contrary to some of today's Christian teaching, following Christ does not mean living an easy life. The scriptures all point to a central theme of war, battles, struggles, and testing. Any expectations to the contrary must be released and followers of Christ must gird up and strap it on. James gives us a few ways to do that in the first twelve verses of chapter one.


Stop sulking and get excited. No trial will ever overwhelm me. No struggle will ever beat me completely down. The absolute worst this world has to offer can only serve to strengthen the eternal riches that I will inherit. A bad attitude or depressed emotions will do nothing but put at risk the good that can come of a trial. If I truly believe in God, if I truly believe in my position in Christ, then why would I allow a trial to do anything but increase my joy and strengthen my faith?

Stop wondering and start asking. God is not some cosmic concept. He is alive. He is active. He is a God who draws near. He is a God who moves and responds. He is the one true God. He is the Master of the Universe. I never have to be without any wisdom I need to accomplish anything He sets before me. I need to passionately pursue God's wisdom and movement above everything else in life.

Stop waffling and start standing firm. Be a man. Be firm. Be bold. The life of a Christ follower is not a passive journey through earth. I can not doubt God and hold to faith. The word says that I can not expect to experience God and doubt him at the same time. I may have one but not the other. I need to lose my excuses, lay to rest my fears, unpack my questions, and just believe.


You have never abandoned me and You never will. You have never let me down and never will. You have never withheld Your joy from me and never will. These truths are at the core of my heart and I know them to be perfect.

Managing my emotions during the weight and pressure of a trial is not an easy task. I get cranked up and frustrated. I get angry and lose control of my thoughts and my tongue. I make foolish choices and carry myself away from You. I ask that you forgive me for allowing the discomfort of trials to lead me to sinful choices.

I ask today that You fill my heart with joy. My life is Yours and all that is in it belongs to You. In the midst my struggles and trials I ask that You allow my joy to be full in knowing that good will result if I persevere.

I ask that You give me wisdom today. I am not smart enough to navigate the things that are before me today. I am not strong enough to stand against the forces that I face. You alone possess the wisdom and knowledge I need and I ask You for an abundance of it.

Holy Spirit, make my faith complete today. I am prone to wondering and waffling. I ask that You make my faith a strong tower. Make me stand firm today and be unflappable in my confidence of Your movement in my life.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Facing Trials

Read: Romans 15

"Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you will abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13


Self-denial on behalf of others is the context of the verses that proceed this one. Paul takes the time to write to the church of Rome to make sure that they understand they cannot pursue the peace of God and be at odds with each other. In his teaching there are some very real and practical things for me to know.


Right off the bat in verse one I am reminded that I have to bear the weaknesses of others just like others will have to bear my weaknesses. This sounds good in theory but in its application the battle is rough. We are all broken people. As such, we can do some really nasty things to each other. The call of verse one is to release my expectations for peace to be defined as an absence of conflict. There will be conflict. There will be betrayal. There will be unjust words that inflict pain. I need to accept this and allow my prayers to reflect this reality.

Second, I am reminded in verse four of the importance of living in the Word. The Bible is more than just words on a page. It is more than just wisdom passed down from a man. It is the living, breathing, inspired word of God and everything that is in it has the intended purpose of strengthening me to persevere trials and find hope. I may not always find answers to my problems, but I can always count on it to strengthen me to stay in the fight and provide me with sustaining hope.

Finally, I have to choose to let things go. Bitterness eats away at hope. I cannot harbor hate and harbor God. I cannot harbor anger and harbor peace. I cannot harbor doubt and harbor faith. No man can serve two masters. The things to which I cling are the things that will direct my life. I need to cling to forgiveness. I need to cling to peace. I need to cling to faith.



There is nothing easy about what You have given to me in this reading. Everything in my flesh has awakened and is at war against the truth of Your word. I want peace and faith fueled by strong hope, but I also want to respond to the wrongs of others and win the arguments they have started. I cannot be a man of war and a man of peace. I must chose one and sacrifice the other.

I confess to You this morning that this is beyond my ability. The application of this is more than a theory or thought. I can see specific faces. I can recall specific conversations. I am living through some very real trials right now. Choosing to release the offenses I feel is something that I cannot do on my own.

I give to You my sin. I have allowed my desire to be right to create anger inside of me. I have allowed my desire to be vindicated to fuel my flesh and in the process rob me of my peace. I ask that You forgive me of this.

Change my heart today. I ask that You secure me in the promises of Your word. I do not pray for escape, but I do ask that in the midst of the war I am in and the battles that loom ahead, that You fill me with hope, joy, peace, and the power of the Holy Spirit. Take me to a secret place where my soul can rest in green pastures even as I walk through difficult times.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Hostile Leadership

Read: Romans 13

"Therefore whoever resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God..." Romans 13:5


Paul was living in a hostile political climate to say the least. The Jewish leadership were attempting to kill him or have him executed. The Roman government could turn on him in a heartbeat and all the freedom he had could be stripped away in a moment's notice. If anyone had a case to rebel against the authority over him it was Paul. In the midst of hostile leadership, Paul gives three really practical things for a believer to keep in mind.


I should never elevate a man's position over the sovereignty of God. This chapter teaches that all positions of authority are established by God. Resisting a person in leadership over me is countering the will of God. This is not always a truth I like to hear. It does not mean that I sit back and do nothing, but it does mean that I stay in submission, fight the fight using spiritual tactics, and never think that any leader in my life can thwart the will of God for my life.

I must also render to leaders in my life what is due to them. It is not enough to just submit verbally. I have to give them all that I have in pursuing all that they lay before me. As long as they do not ask me to counter God's Word I have to honor them, respect them, and even sacrifice for them.

Finally, I can allow hostile leadership to fuel my fleshly desires. Being under bad leadership creates hardship and pressure. Hardship and pressure drain life. The draining of life fuels temptations of every kind. A bad day at work or fear created by poor leadership can send me searching for relief. The pursuit of relief can take me to some really dark places.


There is not a leader in my life who has not been granted their authority over me by You. I ask that through me You bless them with a great servant. Whether it is my wife, my pastor, my boss, or my government Your call on my life is for me to give myself in helping them succeed. As long as they are not asking me to make a choice counter to You I am obligated to do what is asked of me to the best of my abilities.

There is a line in this chapter that calls me to put on Christ and make no provision for my flesh. I ask that You lead me in that today.

Help me to walk in love; I ask that everything I think, do and say be grounded in love for You and love for others. Fill me with truth; I ask that I not make choices based on bad information. Ground me today in humility; I ask that I have a healthy sense of who I am in You. Empower me in service today; I ask that you compel me towards the mission that You have for my life.