Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A Little Red Man

Read: 1 Corinthians 10

"No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it." 1 Corinthians 10:13


Paul took the Corinthians back through the history of Israel's exodus from Egypt and reminded them that there are five common failures the people of God face: 1) Craving things from their past. 2) Idolatry, to value something or someone in a way that hinders the love and trust we owe to God. 3) Sexual immorality. 4) Griping about the goodness of God or His work in our lives. 5) Rebelling against God-ordained leadership.


If a little, red man with horns on his head and a pitch fork in his hand popped out from behind a bush and asked me to participate in something from the list above then I would not be so tempted. It would be obvious that it was satan and that what he offered was sin. But temptation does not work that way. Satan has a way of hooking me in by little decisions I make along the way. My bad choices ultimately lead down a path to a crossroads. Once I am at a crossroads any of the five sins listed above and seem like a logical and justifiable next step.

God will allow me to be tempted. That is why it is so important to constantly allow Him to create inside of me an awareness regarding the choices that I make. Most of the choices I make in a day are subconscious thoughts. In the midst of the rhythm of life it is easy to not notice the direction I am heading until I have failed and suffered the consequences of my choices.

This verse today reminds me that while temptation is a given, failure is not. I do not have to sin. As justifiable or logical as a sinful choice my be, God always leaves me a way out. Temptation is a process. The earlier I recognize the temptation, the easier it is to find the way out.


Father, I can look in my life and see traces of these five sins. I face them everyday. There are times when memories of my former life seem to offer more joy than the my current one. I constantly wrestle with not allowing family, work, or dreams to become a greater love than the love I have for You. Sexual temptation is around every corner and is constantly available. My confusion regarding Your sovereignty and the evil I see in the world tempt me to doubt You and question Your goodness. The stubbornness of my will and my personal preferences create inside of me a tendency to resist leadership and forces me to constantly resist submission to authority.

I am so dependent on You. I absolutely can not stand against the weight of temptation. Teach me to be a better me. Lead me today in a way that is tangible. I ask that Your voice be clear and that I be made aware of the choices I am making. I ask that Your still, small voice inside of me be the only source of guidance I hear. Help me live a life today that honors You, gives You glory, and reflects Your Son.

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