Saturday, August 21, 2010

Re-writing My Scorecard

Read: Luke 21

"As for these things which you are looking at, the days will come in which there will not be left one stone upon another which will not be torn down." Luke 21:6


As Jesus walked the earth much of His interaction with those around Him who were seeking truth centered around Jesus' attempts at moving their scorecards. They had pictured in their minds what success would be and had an image of a blessed life in their mind. Their pictures and images were distorted and Jesus spoke directly about the shifts in mindset that would be required to follow after Him. He encouraged them to develop new scorecards for what it would mean to be a follower of Christ. There are three strong statements made in this chapter that I can apply to my life today.


First, I need to start with what I have and give more of it. That is the lesson from the widow's mite. She did not wait for an abundance to come to her so that she could give a large gift nor did she show up asking for a handout because of her lack. She looked at the little she had and gave all of it. God asks the same of me today.

Second, I need to prepare myself for hardship and stay on guard. The forces of satan and the Kingdom of heaven are not casually waiting for appointed times to arrive. They are at war with one another. Wars are nasty, ugly, and painful events that stir up much trouble. Following after Christ is following Him into battle. Much of this chapter in Luke is a clear warning from Christ for me to understand that choosing to follow Him is an invitation for all hell to break loose in my life. I have to be prepared for that and I have to stay on guard so that I am not taken away by it when it comes.

Finally, I have to remember that I know the end of the story. I am on the winning team. Regardless of what happens to me while I am in this earthly body I know that God will be faithful to see all His promises through to the end. The price I pay to follow after God in this life will be multiplied into the blessings I enjoy in the life to follow. The Kingdom of God is never far away from me. I must stay stirred in my spirit and focused on my mission.


I have never felt more connected to You than I feel right now. You have never been more alive, more active, or more tangible to me than You are in this season of my life. I have also never been more afraid of what You are asking of me. The weight of Your call on my life has never been greater than it is right now; and yet I feel alive and well. It is amazing how You work. I strive to make my life secure and I live in fear. I strive to lose my life for Your sake and I live in peace.

I take the little I have to offer and lay it at Your feet this morning. I ask that my time, talents, and resources be placed into service for You where they best align with Your mission and will for the redemption of this lost world. I ask that You open doors before me and continue to lead me with Your voice, Your spirit, and unmistakable signs. I pray that You help me stay engaged in the fight and alert to the movement of Your spirit.

It is easy to lose sight of the mission as the heat of the battle escalates. Sooth my mind and stir the excitement in my heart. From where I am and to the best of my weak knowledge I have done all that has been asked of me. Open my eyes to things that I may have missed and give me patience to wait on You before I take any next steps. The adventure of chasing after You is simply incredible. Thank You for the opportunity to join You. I am grateful for the life You give. Please do not stop re-writing my scorecard for a successful life.

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