Sunday, June 5, 2011

Fueled Heart

Read: 2 Corinthians 4
“Therefore, since we have this ministry, as we received mercy, we do not lose heart…” 2 Corinthians 4:1

One of the greatest risks a follower of Christ faces is losing heart. In this verse, Paul explains that the reason he doesn’t lose heart is his connection to the glory of God, his gratitude over what God did in his life, and his heart to see others come to Christ.

The heart is everything. There are many ways to define it but all the definitions share a common theme in that the heart is the center of life. My emotions, my attitudes, my values, and the very essence of my being all flow out of my heart. If I lose my heart, I lose everything. Satan knows this. If he can get me to lose heart then I become weak, feeble, and useless. He also understands the opposite is true. If I hold fast to the glory of God in my heart; he is powerless over me. Nothing can stop a man with a fire in his heart that is fueled by the glory of God.

You have continually brought me back to Your glory and my need to allow it to overwhelm my heart. As You have done this, I have come to understand that Your glory is not something I have really ever tapped into as a source of life, strength and motivation.

Over the past few months I know without a doubt that the work You have been doing in my life has been clearing out my heart to make room for Your glory to expand. As You have stripped things away from me, You have made me aware that I had unknowingly placed those things above You. Although the journey that has brought me to this place has not been enjoyable, I recognize in my heart a deep hunger for You that has never been there before.

As I journey ahead into the next phase of this journey, I pray that the open spaces in my heart only be filled with a deeper experience, expression, and reflection of Your glory. Lead me to find joy in dying to myself, protect me from fearing rejection from others, and prevent me from losing sight of the eternal. Let my heart be fueled by an insatiable desire to taste and share Your great glory.

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