Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Two Expressions of Anger

Read: Nehemiah 5
“I was very angry when I heard their cry and these words.” Nehemiah 5:6

The Word teaches that anger is not always sinful. Leaders have to understand Holy anger and how to use it.

There are two expressions of my anger. It will either manifest itself in passion or rage. Passionate anger has the ability to defend others, cast vision, and overcome hardship. Passionate anger is what sets captives free, starts revolutions, and overcomes huge obstacles. Passionate anger captures my attention, destroys my apathy, and forces me to get involved. Passionate anger harnessed into a righteous response is a good thing.

Rage on the other hand serves no purpose for good. It only destroys me and harms anyone it touches. Rage exploits others, justifies anything, and hardens my heart. Rage will take me places I don’t want to go, keep me there longer than I thought I’d stay, and cost me far more than I ever would have imagined. Rage is arrogant, vicious, and its thirst cannot be quenched. Rage hiding under a false veil of righteousness is among the most destructive of evils.

Holy Spirit, I call to You this morning. I want my anger stirred over things that break our Father’s heart and once stirred I desire nothing else than to see it be channeled into a passionate response that honors the name of our Great Father. Rage is the friend of no one, but passionate anger channeled into a righteous response sets captives free.

I also need Your discernment over what really breaks the Father’s heart. The line between righteous indignation and my flesh just being ticked off is difficult to see. In the Name of being Righteous I can justify a lot of behavior and say some really nasty things. I hate that part of me and confess it to You. I have destroyed relationships, held on to bitterness, and exploited others all under the false banner of protecting what is right.

You also know how we are struggling right now. Brandy and I face uncertainty that we have never before experienced. It is hard to stand in the gap for those who have lost hope and not lose our own. This creates a pressure that makes containing my anger difficult. I beg for Your wisdom to guide my thoughts and actions today. Make my hands strong, my feet fast, and fuel in me a great resolve to see this task through to the end.

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