Sunday, October 2, 2011

I Want This Mountain

Read: Nehemiah 7
“Now the city was wide and large, but the people in it were few, and their houses were not yet built.” Nehemiah 7:4

Nehemiah built the city according to the size of the vision given to him by God, not based on its current capacity or his limitations.

I never need to allow the vision of God’s plans for me to be shaped by the limits of my current capacity. Just because I have a lot today does not mean that I will experience more in the future. Likewise, small beginnings do not indicate a limited future. The detail that is most important is what has God asked me to build.

I do not think I will ever forget 35. Today as the days of my life roll over into another year, I look back and stand amazed. As we have said yes, with each step You have provided. As I assess the choices we have made and compare them to this scripture this morning, I feel great about where we are. By Your grace we have not backed up a single time. No matter how dark it has gotten or impossible the odds have felt, I have kept moving toward the vision You placed in my heart. I sit at peace today knowing that I held nothing back from You.

Today we stand at another crossroad. I feel a lot like Nehemiah this morning. The walls have been built and I stare across at a very large city, but there are a lot of empty lots. You know the battle that we face daily and the fears that threaten our hearts. Your word says that we will face enough pressures to mold our character and strengthen our faith but never so much that we can’t stand. By Your grace we have stood the test, held fast to our commitments, and honored Your Name in our conversations. Likewise, we have found Your promises to be steadfast and always true.

I do not want relief. I do not want rest. I do not want my old life back nor do I desire another task. I WANT THIS MOUNTAIN. I ask today that You open the heavens and continue to fulfill the vision You have given. I pray that we be able to see fully the completion of the desire You have planted in our hearts for South Africa and Your Church in the U.S. Let my hands be strong today, my sword be sharp and my aim be true.

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