Scripture: "But having the same spirit of faith, according to the what is written, "I believed, therefore I spoke", we also believe therefore we speak." 2 Corinthians 4:13
Observation: This is a hard chapter. It is so very rich in things that I can dwell on and receive instruction. This verse to me really sums up the entire chapter in three points. The same Spirit of faith. According to what is written believe. Therefore, speak.
Application: I am to have the same spirit of faith. Verse 18 is an amazing description of faith. The essence of faith is looking past the things that are seen and seeing the things that are unseen. This has been the hallmark trait of every great man of faith. They received from God a promise unseen and built their lives around it. I am to have the same faith, but it is not easy. In verse 4, Paul talks about the god of the world blinding us. The ideals, opinions, goals, hopes and views of the world fight against me accepting something that can’t be seen. It always has and always will. Whether I like it or not, I will forever pursue something that I will not fully grasp or see this side of heaven.
According to what is written, I am to believe. This is a hard one. My logic always wants to take over. My personal preferences can take hold of the basics of my beliefs and bend them out totally out of context. Sometimes I put my faith in these bent truths. When I look at verse 8 and 9, I am shocked at the verbs which are used. Afflicted. Perplexed. Persecuted. Struck down. Paul says these things are going to happen. If I pray and put my faith in God to not allow them to happen to me, am I not believing against what is written? Am I not destined feel let down? Although it is hard to make a case for praying that these things would not happen to me; Paul does give me another list that I can pray with absolute certainty. I will not be crushed. I will not be in despair. I will not be forsaken. I will not be destroyed. In the middle of my affliction instead of praying it to go away I need to learn that I can face it without being crushed. In the middle of perplexing times, I need to learn that I don’t have to despair. During the heaviest of persecution, I need to be reminded that God is still there. When I hit bottom and fall down to my lowest I need to trust in the fact that I will not be destroyed. So often I seek escape, but what is written indicates a better thing for which to pray.
Therefore speak. Two simple words yet they contain such a hard command. There are many things that get in the way of me speaking, but I see two main ones. The first is that I often only pretend to believe. Pretending to believe works great as long as you are in a safe environment. But in the middle of adversity or when in the presence of an unbeliever; my "pretend knowledge" lacks the strength to speak out. I really need to work at knowing what I believe and truly believing it. The second is that I feel inadequate. I am a sinful person. Far from perfect in almost every way. There is a verse in the chapter that really spoke to me tonight. In verse 5 Paul says, "For we do not preach ourselves, but Christ." What a great reminder of the fact that it is not about me. When I am walking after God, it is always Him that speaks through me. I am not there to preach about myself, I am there to speak out about the truth of who God is and what it is that He is doing inside of me. I will always be an unfinished work. I best get used to it and not allow it to prevent me from sharing with others.
Prayer: I am oppressed tonight. I feel it. I sense it in every fiber of my being. I hate it to. So often it leads me to be frustrated. I get angry and despair is rarely far behind. Tonight has been a great reminder to me of just what is the truth of Your word. I will not be crushed, even though I feel like I am. You will not abandon me and I will not get lost in despair, even though I feel like I can’t hear you and my search is leading me nowhere fast. I will return to a place of peace, even if I feel destined for destruction. That is Your truth and that is where I chose to put my faith.
You alone are God. There is none other like you. I pray that You would affirm in my soul the truth of Your word. As I face this oppression that is upon me tonight, allow me the discernment to clearly hear Your voice and find Your wisdom. Use this time of challenge to grow me. I thank You for Your promise to draw near to me tonight as I draw near to You. Help me to hold fast to the things that are written in Your word and to maintain my ministry to others as I seek ministry for myself.
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