Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Preparation for Battle


"But this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting" Matthew 17: 13


There is a lot taking place in this chapter. So much so that it is hard to key in on just one verse. To me, the entire chapter is summed up in the verse listed above. Jesus was leading the disciples to some places of deeper understanding. The message that He delivers to them at the end is this, it is always the work done in preparation that determines the outcome.


It seems like the world is getting harder and harder for me to keep up with. I am a procrastinator by nature and this makes keeping up really difficult. It seems as though everything in my life fights against me being prepared. I have to live with a great sense of intentionality at all times or things can get really messy for me. One bad day and it seems like everything can come unraveled.

I would guess that it was the same way for the disciples. I really am keying in on Peter, John, and James in this morning. Jesus starts off in this chapter by taking the three of them with Him on the mountain to pray. This is the first aspect of preparation God is revealing to me this morning. I have to get out of my routine and let God lead me to a place where I can be isolated from everything else. In addition to that, I feel like God is saying that this is not meant to be done alone. He did not pick one. He did not pick all twelve either. He chose three. There is some power in two or three getting together and following God into a deeper place.

While they are on the mountain praying with Jesus, He is transformed before them, Moses and Elijah show up, and God speaks to them. I do not understand all of this, but it is safe to say that the three of them saw Jesus in a new way. They found a deeper depth of understanding of who He was. This is the second aspect of preparation I sense from God this morning. The knowledge I have of God and Jesus today is not sufficient to carry me through tomorrow. I need to grow. I need to see more of Him. I need to seek to truly see His glory. I also need someone else there with me. The power of the experience is strengthened by having someone there to share it with me.

As they are coming down the mountain, the three ask Him a question. The question reveals a doubt that they had. Not just a little doubt, but a major question they had about who He was. They all three had the same question, but none had asked it before. There was something about becoming more intimate with Jesus that gave the freedom to ask deeper questions. This is the third aspect of preparation I am hearing from God this morning. What are the questions I have? What are the doubts? I need to address; not just by myself, but with others. There is something reassuring when another brother has the same doubts or questions. I need to learn to be open about those with both God and those closest to me. The only way to arrive at this point is by drawing closer to God.

Once they get down from the mount they encounter a man's son and a demon the disciples can't cast out. It is stronger than they are. Ultimately the man comes to Jesus. Jesus rebukes His disciples and casts out the demon. This is the forth aspect of preparation I sense from God this morning. I will face things that are bigger than me. I will face things that get the best of me. I might as well prepare myself for that now. That is the power of the verse above. Jesus does not tell them they will never be any better. He tells them to pray and fast. In essence, He is inviting them to grow stronger and be ready next time.


I just want to confess to you this morning that there is so much I don't understand. At times, things just seem so complicated. I get caught surprised more often than I find myself prepared. One thing has become clear to me this morning; I have to be prepared. In the moment of testing, the only strength I have to rely on is the depth of my relationship with you. I want to live my life in a way that deepens our relationship in the quiet time so that I will be ready in the moments of struggle. I pray this morning that You will guide me as I seek You in the things that You have placed on my heart.

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