Monday, June 30, 2008

Learning to Change

"Always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of truth." 2 Timothy 3:7

Learning is a tricky process. It comes in two main forms:
1. Knowledge acquired by systematic study in any field of scholarly application.
2. The modification of behavior through practice, training, or experience.

One of the key factors to learning is starting with an open mind and a pure heart. I have watched people my whole life spend countless hours in pursuit of knowledge only to observe two key mistakes. These mistakes are especially true in the church. First, they enter the process with a preconceived idea and search for supporting arguments for their position. I have heard it said that you can take scripture and justify just about any side of almost any argument. If scripture is "learned" in this manner it will indeed produce knowledge, just not truth. The second mistake that I see people commonly make is that they take their knowledge a mile wide, but never go more than an inch deep. Depth comes as we take knowledge and allow the actions of our life to be transformed by it. It does not really matter how much truth lies in a persons head. It is how much truth can be measured in the actions of their lives that truly counts.

I need to empty myself before I study the Bible. I was once told that 80% of everything a Christian knows about God is something that was told to them by another person. This is a scary thought. Acquiring most of my knowledge from other people is problematic. We are all cracked pots. No person on earth has all the truth. The only source of pure truth is God. As I open the Word, I need to set aside all that I think I know and allow Him to guide me. I think that is the source of most of my confusion, frustration, and disappointment in my relationship with God. I end up standing on beliefs that are both logical and appealing, but they are also wrong. Nothing can twist scripture more out of context than my errant desires.

I also need to slow down. I like to check things off the list. I hear something once and want to apply it and move on. The trouble is that behavioral change can't keep pace with the minds ability to learn. I can learn something overnight, but it takes weeks of focus to see it applied to my life. Slowing down and allowing my behavior to come into alignment with what I know to be true is essential. I have a bad tendency to rush this process.

I do not want to be the Christian described in 2 Timothy 3. My greatest fear in life is to be a hypocrite. I sit down everyday with Your Word and my laptop in hopes of acquiring knowledge that will make me a better me. The problem is I really can’t change. I sat this weekend and I realize that I struggle with some of the same things today that I struggled with as a teenager. After 16 years of wrestling with certain issues, I am beginning to realize that something is obviously broken in my learning process. I pray that You teach me to empty my mind and heart of anything that would bend the truth of Your Word so that it fits my life. Help me to approach my quiet time with You with no thought other than finding Your absolute truth. I also need to better understand how to allow that truth to transform my life and behavior. I hope that the image I see in the mirror changes with each day as my life is transformed by Your truth, love, mercy, kindness and grace. My heart is filled with gratitude over Your great patience with me. Life is an amazing journey. The ups and downs, twists and turns keep me on the edge of my seat. I wake up each day with an eager anticipation of wondering what will come next and walk through each day knowing that there is nothing I can do to affect Your love for me. Thank You for my life. Regardless of what I face, I rest easy knowing that You are with me each step of the way.

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