Monday, June 9, 2008

A Tall Order

"Therefore I, the prisoner of the Lord, implore you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called…" Ephesians 4:1

Somewhere in Ephesus around 61 A.D. a man unrolled the scroll containing the epistle from Paul to the Ephesians and read the same verse that I read tonight. That is just cool to me when I stop and think about the power of God's word to prove the test of time. As I read the text from chapter 4, I am asking myself what are some things that could qualify as a walk worthy of the calling on my life?

First, I need to understand that God created us all different and I must embrace that. This is one of those things that sounds simple in theory, but it really kicks me in the stomach in application. Gifts that differ from mine can be annoying. I hate nit-picky details, yet some people are gifted in identifying them. I do not enjoy long prayers, especially group prayers, yet some people are gifted with these abilities. In verse 11 of chapter 4, Paul lists out some of the different types of gifts God has given. In verse 16 he makes the case that it is a combination of all the gifts working together that make the body of Christ strong. If I am going to walk a life worthy of my calling, I need to fully understand what my gifting is and I also need to be content with the fact that I need the gifting of others to complete the mission that God has for me.

Second, I need to learn to walk in forgiveness, humility, gentleness, and tolerance. There are several places that this is referenced in chapter 4. Verses 2, 3, 26, 30, 31, & 32 all speak to this issue. I can really stink at doing these. I hold grudges. I want to be honored. I can become too harsh. Zero tolerance seems to always be the easier avenue. I do not like this about myself, but it is the truth. I am not really sure that I understand how to walk in the things listed above, but I am sure of the fact that it will take the working of God to bring it about.

Third, I need to grow in my knowledge and understanding of God. In verse 14 Paul encourages us to grow up and no longer be tossed about like someone trying to walk against the battering of waves. At times it does not seem to take much to cause me to doubt and wonder. A question I can’t answer. A situation I don’t like. A teaching I have never heard. A promise of a better life. Any of these things can start me down a path of doubt and questioning. I need to clearly own the beliefs that I have regarding critical elements of my faith and I need to stand on them.

Fourth, I need to watch my mouth. Verse 29 says "Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, so that you will give grace to those who hear." This is not one of my favorite verses. I often feel like I am gifted at being able to say the wrong thing at the wrong time. I can't count the number of times I have had trouble going to sleep as I relived the absolute stupidity of something that came from my mouth.

Tonight is a tall order. The things listed above are items that I can't tackle on my own. I can't even come close. The only thing that I know I can do is confess my sins and weaknesses. In doing so, I trust that you are able to forgive my past and better equip me to handle things in the future. As You continue to grow me, I pray that you allow me to be patient and tolerant of myself. I can often be my staunchest critic. Help me walk in the grace that You have provided. All four of the things listed above resonate deep within my soul as being something that You are calling me to pursue. I pray that you work within my mind, body and soul to bring these things about.

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