Friday, July 11, 2008


"This One will be our peace. When the Assyrian invades our land, when he tramples on our citadels." Micah 5:4

One thing that sticks out to me in this passage is the wording. It does not say when we simply see our enemy. It does not say when we come close to our enemy. It says that He will be our peace WHEN (not if) our enemy TRAMPLES on our citadels.

Citadel is defined as a fortress that commands a city and is used in the control of the inhabitants and in defense during attack or siege. Trample is defined as to tread heavily, roughly, or crushingly (usually fol. by on, upon, or over): to trample on a flower bed.

Peace is a promise from you. Good circumstances are not. I often catch myself surprised by hard times. I want to run away from them. They annoy me and rob my peace. They pursue me at night and take away my sleep. They taunt me. I confess to you today my spoiled behavior. Satan often fools me into thinking that a lack of faith is my problem, but that is a lie. I have full faith that you can and will do something. I just get ticked off at Your timing. I am wrong in that. I pray for the humility and endurance I need to submit to the challenges that are placed before me. Even when the things in my life that offer security are trampled into the ground like flowers, I desire to hold onto my peace in you.

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