Sunday, July 20, 2008

Stability of Times

"And He will be the stability of your times, a wealth of salvation, wisdom and knowledge; the fear of the LORD is His treasure." Isaiah 33:6

My relationship with God should be a tangible part of my life. It should be source of life to me. In the shuffle of everyday routine it is easy to lose sight of the fact that God is there for me.

The past few weeks have been really unstable for me. My life has been surrounded by high levels of change and it has seemed like they all have come at once. Nothing has come easy. Every move I have made has been countered by an unexpected twist. I have caught myself looking around and feeling like there was very little I could cling too. Pressure and stress mount up against me and attempt to steal my peace. Reading this scripture this morning has really opened my eyes to a few things.

I need You. There is nothing of this world that can provide stability. The economy struggles. Stock markets drop. Team members lose their way. Kids go through phases. Relationships are hit with struggles. Spouses lose sight of each other. There are days that it feels like all these things go awry at once and I am left feeling as if I am walking across a frozen lake on a thin sheet of ice. Teach me to stand on the stability that is Your tangible presence. Your word promises here that You will be the one thing that I can turn to be a firm foundation. As I wrestle through the daily grind of life I pray that you be my salvation, wisdom and knowledge. I can read books and seek a number of counselors, but there is no wisdom like Yours. I pray that you send it to me in full measure. I pray that you help me to deal with each situation I face will a full measure of Your wisdom.

The greatest gift You can give me is a revelation of Yourself. I pray that you open the eyes of my heart to see You in a brand new way. Deepen my understanding of You. Remove anything from my life that takes me away from You and sweeten the fruit of anything that brings me close to You. In all my ways, reveal to me the path that brings You honor.

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