Friday, October 24, 2008

Honest Questions

"He said to them, 'Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?' And they said to Him, 'No, we have not even heard whether there is a Holy Spirit.'" Acts 19:2

Observation:Honest questions deserve honest answers. This group of people were faced with an honest question regarding the condition of their faith. In situations like that an almost irresistible desire can often rise up making it hard to answer truthfully. It had to be tempting to say, "Oh, yeah. The Holy Spirit. Right. Absolutely. We got that." But instead they were honest about where they were, what they had, and what they knew. The result was astonishing.

Memories of situations such as this one litter my mind. I can remember many times I was faced with an honest question that revealed a weakness in me. "Are you angry?" "Worried about something?" "Do you really believe that God works like that?" "Are you ok?" There are hundreds of questions such as these that I face on a daily basis.

Many times, I lie in response. "Why would I be angry?" "No, everything is fine." "I totally believe God can do something." "I said I am fine!" Before I even have a chance to make a conscious choice, my defenses pop up and I find myself deflecting the questions and hiding behind false answers. I do this with my wife, my kids, my friends and my co-workers. Worst of all, I do this with God.

False fronts and fake beliefs make for a really miserable existence. I regret all the times that I have avoided the things that You have wanted to teach me. I ask that You forgive my pride. Teach me to honestly connect with where I am and help me to be honest about that. I do not want to settle for fake feelings. I want the real thing. I desire to have all of You that is available to me. Give me the courage to open up my life and honestly share my struggles and my triumphs as I persevere in my journey home to You.

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