"On the very night when Herod was about to bring him forward, Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains, and guards in front of the door were watching over the prison." Acts 12:5
Peter was done. There was no way out. One of his good friends had just become the first apostle to be killed; now it was his turn. There was nothing that anyone could do besides pray and hope that God would move on their behalf.
I wonder what was going on in Peter's mind. The text does not say anything about his attitude other than to say that he was asleep. Given the absence of information I am going to use my holy imagination and figure out that Peter was not feeling all that optimistic about his outcome.
Finding myself in a situation that is hopeless is unavoidable. Chances are that I will not find myself in Peter's condition, but that is not the point. God did not plant this text in the scriptures to tell me a story that has no application to my life. He put this in there for me to learn from. So what is God saying to me this morning?
First I think He is telling me that I will find myself held captive. Though I have never been chained to a prison wall, I have found myself chained to other things. Addictions. Hurts. Bitterness. Poor self image. Painful relationships. Bad memories. These things can rise up and create a virtual prison that feels inescapable. I know what it feels like to struggle to find sleep because of the things that are chained to my mind. I also know what if feels like to awaken in the morning only to realize that I am still bound to them. It is a horrible place to be.
Second, I think that God is telling me how important it is to have others praying for me. Verse five tells me that Peter's friends were fervently praying on his behalf. This is a hard one for me. In order for someone to be praying on my behalf, they have to know what I am struggling with. I have to let down my guard. I have to let people get close. This is not easy to do. Swallowing my pride and being vulnerable with my current condition is one of my greatest struggles.
Finally, I think God is telling me that I have to walk it out. God could have just taken Peter out of the prison and set him outside, but He did not. Peter had to wake up. His chains fell off, but he had to stand up. The gates were open, but he had to walk through. Each step required a movement of God and a response from Peter. The same is true for me. God will create opportunities for me to find freedom, but it will always require movement on my part.
Father, I need for you to ground me in reality this morning. Regardless of how I live my life there is no escaping the fact that struggles will come. Hard times will rise up, punch me in the stomach and steal my breath. This is an unfortunate reality of living in a fallen world that is not my home. Instead of dreading or complaining, I ask that you help me learn to roll with the punches when they come.
I also ask that you give me the courage to let others enter the battle with me. Trusting people with what I feel inside or struggles that overtake me is hard. In fact, it is impossible for me to do on my own. But vulnerable and risking exposure is the only way I can get others engaged in battle with me. I pray that You surround me with people willing to stand alongside of me in prayer and support as You work things out in my life.
Finally, I ask for You to help me be content and find joy in the journey of becoming a disciple of Yours. Many times my desire is for you to rescue me out of something and I get frustrated when You make me walk through it. I do not want to be a complainer. Instead, I want to face my struggles with valor and from a pure heart. Instead of frustration, fill my heart with eager anticipation as I know You are going to show up and do mighty things in my life.
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