Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Today's Reading: Exodus 2:1-10 & Luke 21.

"By your endurance you will gain your lives." Luke 21:19

In this morning's reading, I see two great examples of endurance. The first is given by the family of Moses. They refused to give in to the fear instilled by the Pharaoh. Moses' parents still wed. They still bore a child. Once the child was born, they refused to just let him be killed. Once he was placed a float in a basket and hidden in the river his sister stood watch. And finally, when the Pharaoh's daughter discovered the child, Moses' sister leaped at the opportunity to make something happen. Their endurance allowed them to raise their son and brother.

The second is given in the story of the widow as told in Luke. As the widow arose from her house that morning, she would have seen the empty pantry. She would have felt the pangs of hunger from within her frail body. She would have seen reminders of what her life once was. As she approached the temple, she would have been reminded of her lowly state. She would have observed the abundant gifts of the religious elect. As she moved her hand from her purse to the treasury, she would have fully felt the weight of her inadequacy. Yet she chose to give all that she had to offer. Her endurance captured the heart of a Savior and her gift is the only gift offered to that treasury anyone ever remembered.

This morning is just a simple reminder that things of worth never come easy. There are times that I become confused and feel that if God is behind something it should be easy. But as I review the scripture this morning I am see evidence that this line of thinking has very little basis. Things of God require endurance; high levels of endurance.

Father God, as I think on the life of Moses I notice something today I have never noticed before. You chose Moses before he was even born. He had done NOTHING of any worth to you. His life had not even begun. I still carry with me the added burden of feeling like I must earn something from You. That is why I over react to hardships. I take it as rejection or judgment against my work. This morning, I realize I am guilty of complaining and griping. I ask that You forgive me of that. My life's plan is the one chosen for me from birth. All I am asked to do is be obedient to the call.

As I look at the story of the widow this morning, I relate to her as I never have before. I look at my gifts and abilities and hold them in my hand as the widow did her two copper coins. Everything in my life feels inadequate when compared to the gifts of others. My pride causes me to hold back. My pride causes me to be jealous of the gifts of others and feel inadequate about my own. My pride is sin and I confess it to You this morning.

My heart has been burdened down my these things and I pray that they be removed. My life is submitted to You and is Yours to do with as You see fit. That is a scary place to be. Speak to me this day and guide me as I go. When things get tough help me continue on and when I feel inadequately prepared for what’s before me; remind me to give what I have to offer. In all these things I pray that I come to rest in Your glory and reflect that radiance to those You chose to be a part of my life.

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