Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Reminders of God's Character

Today's Reading: Exodus 20

"Then God spoke, I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery." Exodus 20:1

Observation:This simple little verse contains some amazing reminders I needed to hear this morning. First, God speaks. In all of the scripture I see that. God does speak. Second, He is a personal God. Though He is above all things and controls all things He still connects with people one-on-one. Third, He is a God who delivers. The scriptures are full of stories revealing the redeeming nature of God. He is a God who pulls His people out of the pit.

Last night Brandy and I had a discussion about some spiritual things I am struggling with. There are some patterns of weakness I can't get past and some concepts of walking with God that just drive me nuts. In the midst of wrestling with these things I needed a reminder this morning of God character.

God speaks. There was a season in my life when God only existed to me through other people. Everything thing I got of God came through someone else. I rarely heard His voice first hand. I am no longer in that season. God speaks to me frequently and a majority of the instruction I receive from God I get directly from Him. He is alive to me in ways that I never imagined. That said, I still have a tendency to get stuck with certain situations and feel like God is saying nothing to me. I need to remember that God does speak. I need to continually pursue His voice.

God is personal. This is perhaps one of the more challenging aspects of living life with God. He is a personal God. He does not want me worshiping or serving Him as one would worship a statue or theory. When I think about religion, that is what it mostly programs people to do. I must constantly fight against falling into this rut. God is a personal God and he desires for me to know Him in first person. He desires for me to have encounters with Him and to be with Him one-on-one. As great as the teachers of my church are, they can never be enough. I need to daily feed myself on the Word and connect with my God personally.

God delivers. No matter where I am. No matter what I feel. Not matter the odds I face. God has and always will deliver. That is so hard to remember. The desperation of moments often overwhelms me and forces me into places of doubt, fear, panic and frustration. Issues left unsettled or obstacles left unconquered drive me nuts. The weight of my emotions sit on top of me like a coat of iron and hinder my movements. In moments when my spiritual legs feel as if their muscles are about to burst and their bones crack under the weight of my struggles or pain I must remember that God delivers. He seldom does it in my timing or according to my ways; but he always DOES.

I needed this morning. Thank You. You are a God who listens and speaks. Though I there are times I feel the weight of Your silence, I am grateful that Your silence is never permanent. I pray that You open my ears and allow Your voice to heard in the dark places of my heart.

You are a God who is personal. I do not worship a God who is from afar, but one who draws near. You are alive and active. I pray today that I not settle for second hand information. You are a first hand God and my relationship with You must be built upon Your personal involvement in my private life.

You are a God who delivers. As I look back over my life I'm reminded of many things through which You have brought me. Then there are also things in my past that did not turn out that well; experiences that I did not seem to find deliverance. That creates inside of me a conflict. It opens the door for doubt. I pray this morning that You bring healing and understanding to the disappointments of life and help me connect the I AM God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Moses; the God who delivers from slavery.

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