Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Be a Man

Today's Reading: Psalm 49 & 1 Corinthians 16

"Be on the alert, stand firm in faith, act like men, be strong." 1 Corinthians 16:13

This verse is a great challenge to the men of God to be men of God.

Be on the Alert! I really struggle with this. There are so many distractions. Money, family, work, home maintenance, and other demands of life strip away my energy. I become distracted and my attentiveness slips away. There are days God Himself could walk past me and I would miss the encounter.

Stand firm in faith! Complacency, sinful habits, doubts, frustrations and my own selfish nature cut against my fellowship with God. Instead of my faith being firm, it often feels more like 50/50.

Act like men, be strong! There is no crying in baseball and there is no passivity in being a man of God. I am called to charge into the journey to which God has called me. All that I do is to be grounded in God's love and in submission to the spiritual leadership he has placed over me. Where ever I am and whatever I am doing I should always be moving forward in my journey.

In all that I do pray that You teach me to do it in love. I do not want to be mindlessly bound to my duty. Instead, I desire for all that I do be out of an overflow of the love You placed in my heart for the world around me.

I pray today that you allow me to submit to the authority You have placed over me. All leadership is ordained by You. You hold the hearts of my leaders in Your hand. Align my ambitions with the direction of those given to lead me.

Today I reject passivity. It is so tempting to drawback and play it safe, to give in to the distractions, or to allow my faith to fold. Opposition arises in all directions and every open door leads to a battle I must face. Help me face these battles as a strong man, full of valor, and grounded in Your truth.

Monday, March 30, 2009

The Stuff in Life

Today's Reading: Psalm 42 & 1 Corinthians 15:1-34

"As a shattering of my bones, my adversaries revile me…" Psalm 42

Stuff happens. There is no avoiding it. God is constant. He is faithful and dependable and never fails. The world, on the other hand, is a fallen place. It is a wicked world, is filled with wicked people, and is ruled by a wicked adversary. Bad things are going to happen.

As life hits the fan and splatters its mess all over the heart of my faith, stability, thoughts, and peace; I am grateful that I have God's word. God's word is filled with stories of real people journaling their real thoughts as they journey with God. This mornings passage offers me three hints on surviving the stuff in life.

First, I need to be honest about how I feel. In verse 10 the Psalmist speaks bluntly about how he feels by saying the situation felt to him like his bones had been shattered. My pride often rises up within me during trials and I am tempted to brush it aside and never confess my true feelings. A real expression of my true emotions is not nearly as dangerous as hiding what I feel.

Second, I can't let my despair drive me away from God. The Psalmist starts off in verses 1 & 2 by confessing his longing for God. There are times that I get really frustrated at God. My desperate pursuit of peaceful circumstances can at times leave me behaving a spoiled child who has been denied a request.

Third, I need to develop a history of solving problems with God. In verse 4 the Psalmist says, "These things I remember." The trouble with the pace of life is that it pushes me past events and does not allow any time to assess and review what took place. God has been very faithful in my life. He has brought me through many things. I need to carve out some time and really develop an understanding of the history I have with God. Knowing how God has worked in my past offers great security in seeking Him in my present circumstances.

With each passing day I am reminded with greater clarity of the fact that this world is fading and there is nothing in it that can offer security. Relationships can go bad. Money can simply disappear over night. Homes can be invaded and destroyed. Jobs can become victims of the ebbs of the economy. Leaders can fail. Life can be lost. There is nothing under the sun upon which a person's hopes can rest with confidence.

The only hope of peace, sanity and security I have is You. I long for You this morning. I long for a level of intimacy with You that is beyond what I currently know. I long for an experience of Your power that is stronger than what I have ever experienced. And I long for a giving of myself to the world that is above what I am able to do on my own. Help me face the stuff in my life today with honor, courage, dignity and in a way that proves my faith in You.

Saturday, March 28, 2009


Today's Reading: Judges 4 & 1 Corinthians 13

"But now, faith, hope, love, abide these three; but the greatest of these is love." 1 Corinthians 13:13

The ABC's of the Christian life are contained in this verse. Faith is the system of truths upon which I build my life. Hope is my positive reaction to that system of truth. Love is a self-giving attitude that flows vertically to God and then horizontally to those around me.

It is amazing just how backwards the Word of God is from my own logic. The Bible says that the greatest thing in all the world I could pursue is love. That is not to the neglect of the other items listed in this verse. My faith must be pure. I must always guard against adding things to my faith or twisting my beliefs to fit my own preferences. I must also guard my hope. The world is a mess and I am undeniable part of that mess. It is easy to get overwhelmed and lose heart. Hope is the constant reminder that things will turn out for the best.

The reminder to me this morning that that I can be theologically sound, full of positive energy and still be lifeless and useless. If my self-giving love is not flowing upward to God and outward to those around me everything else is for naught. I spend a great deal of time strengthening my faith or looking for hope but I often neglect to learn how to give more of myself away in order to better love God and others.

My natural reaction to frustration is anger. I have been dealing with a great deal of frustrating circumstances lately and consequently have been left holding onto a good bit of anger. My anger kills my love. My loss of love erodes my hope. The erosion of my hope cause me to question my faith. It is a vicious cycle and my enemy has really been pressing down me through it.

I confess to You this morning that I am harboring some things that I need to let go. A slave has no rights and I am a slave to You. Forgive me for feeling like my rights are being trampled or that I am being deprived of something owed to me. Reality is that You have given me more than I deserve.

I release to You today the dark things I hold in my heart. All my anger, frustration, resentment and disappoint I surrender to You today. Empower me today to walk in love, full of hope, and grounded in Your truth.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Not Meant to Divide

Today's Reading: 1 Corinthians 12

"…so that there may be no division in the body, but that the members may have the same care for one another." 1 Corinthians 12:25

God ordained that the Spirit would distribute gifts in a manner that ensured there would be variety in gifting, variety in acts of service, and variety in outcomes. It adds to the unpredictable nature of God working through people. He did this so that we would be forced to lean on and depend upon each other.

Same spirit, same Lord, and same God. Paul lays this out in verses 4-6. No matter the gifting of people, all freely received from the Holy Spirit. No matter the uniqueness of the service, all serve the same Lord. No matter the outcome achieved, all are under the same sovereign God.

This chapter of the Bible is a very sad one. It is not sad because of what God teaches us; it is sad because the church today is still divided over the same issue. What God designed to pull us together, satan has used to create division.

I need to better pay attention to the uniqueness of each situation. I like formulas because they offer a repeatable process to produce a provable answer to a problem. When it comes to gifting and the working of the Spirit, things do not always lend themselves to formulas and tests. If I allow myself to lock into a method, I open myself up to deceit and I open the body of Christ up to division.

Helping people discover their gifting, find a place of service, and learn to respect the gifts of others is a constant challenge for me. The gifting of some relegate them to a background job no one ever sees. The gifting of another places them at the center of attention. With the former I struggle to make sure they are valued. With the later, I struggle to make sure they don't think more highly of themselves than they should. This creates a great deal of pain for me and it breaks my heart. We are all one body and my greatest desire is that the Church come to see that.

Strengthen me today become an instrument of Yours in helping bring the body back together. As I navigate the conflict created by selfish interpretations regarding the distribution and value of gifts I pray that You protect me from anger, bitterness, frustration, and all the other land mines I encounter.

There is no lesser honor when it comes to gifts. I pray that You use the work of my ministry to allow each person to recognize their unique contribution and value to Your Kingdom purposes, to see their dependency on the other giftings and above all to recognize their need to do whatever they do out of pure love for Your Glory.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

3 Alerts

Today's Reading: Joshua 21:43-45; Psalm 47; & 1 Corinthians 10

"For I do not want you to be unaware, brethren…" 1 Corinthians 10:1

This is a great passage. In 1 Corinthians 10, Paul informs the Church at Corinth of several things regarding sin, legalism and self-centeredness. I see three reminders I need today.

I have to live alert to my patterns of sin. Verse 13 says that there is no temptation but such as is common to man. There are no new sins in the world and there are rarely any new patterns of sin in my life. Most everything I struggle with are things that I have struggled with for a long time. I play victim to these things and often feel like I was sideswiped or not given much of a chance. This verse reminds me today that when I give into temptation, it was my choice. God will never allow me to face more than I am able to withstand.

I have to live alert to escape. Verse 13 also says that God gives me a way out. Here is something I have learned about escape; the earlier I flee the better my chances. This is true in the natural world and it is just as true in the spiritual world. I need to flee from temptation early. My issue is that I linger. I want to get as close to the edge as I can. I try to savor the moment as much as I can without actually partaking. What ends up happening is I get close enough to the bait that I fall in the trap every time.

I have to live alert to the greater good. Paul points this out in several verses from this chapter. I need to be aware of the impact my actions have on the conscience of others. Of all the reminders, I despise this one the most. I have so much pride. Adjusting my behavior for the benefit of another person grates on my emotions like a piece of sandpaper down my back. This is a huge weakness of mine and I need God to do a mighty work.

Help me pay attention today. I need to be alert to the temptations that will come and the escape you have already set in place. Create a desire inside of me to flee early and God I trust that as I do that You will snuff out the pursuit of my enemy.

I also need to die some today. Father forgive my pride and help me soften to the needs of others around me. You have done an amazing work in every area of my life that I have released to You, but for some reason I am still holding strong to my unwillingness to adjust choices for the benefit of others. There is something vile in my heart and I see it clearly this morning.

Forgive me, heal me and make me whole in this area. Give me a greater love for others. Give me the strength to die to myself and live for the benefit of the greater good.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

3 Aims of a Believer

Today's Reading: Joshua 20 & 1 Corinthians 9

"Therefore I run in such a way, as not without aim; I box in a way, as not beating the air." 1 Corinthians 9:26

A good runner does not run without intention, they always have a goal for each run. A good boxer does not waste his punches, each one is calculated to hit its intended target. The same is true of the Christian life. As I read this chapter I see 3 aims every believer should have.

I must live under compulsion for the gospel. In verse 16 Paul says that he must preach the gospel because he does not have a choice. He can't help but do it. My issue is this, I allow myself a choice. I spend many more moments wondering if I am supposed to share the gospel that do I wondering how God is going to open the door. I give myself to many opportunities for escape. I need to allow God to fully develop His work inside of me not out of fear of punishment, but so that my desire to share His Word will become fully alive.

I must live free from any selfish distraction. Paul points out in verse 12 that the great thing about being a Christian is that I am free to do many things. The liberty of Christ is amazing. The trouble is I am also bound to do nothing that would hinder someone from being distracted from the gospel. I do not think that this applies to living life in a way that does not offend the religious. Jesus offended this group daily, but it does mean that I should say no to anything that would cause unbelievers to be turned off.

Finally, I must live a life relevant to the people I wish to reach. Paul points this out in verse 19. I have never had a problem with this teaching. I have been all things to all people. The problem is that I have often done it because I did not want to stand out or because I found this to be a more entertaining way to live. That is not the heart of this teaching. The heart of this teaching is that I always have my aim set on reaching someone for Christ. People have to connect with me before they will hear me. Being relevant is simple a conduit for that connection.

Father I ask today that the Word of Jesus Christ come fully live to me. I pray that It radiate every fiber of my being and grow so strong inside of me that I find myself living under its compulsion. I live today as a man desiring to share the gospel but I long for the day when I live a man who can't help but share the gospel.

Move me on mission. Help me to surrender anything in my life that would hinder me from living according to Your calling. I desire to have every selfish motive and ambition laid down before You so that I am able to be moved by You in any direction at any time.

Teach me to relate to others in a purposeful way. Open my eyes to live in a way that positions me to connect with others in a manner that allows plenty of open opportunity to offer them life You have so freely given to me.

Monday, March 23, 2009

A Greater Love

Today's Reading" 1 Corinthians 8

"Knowledge makes arrogant, but love edifies. If anyone supposes that he knows anything, he has not yet known as he ought to know; but if anyone loves God, he is known by Him."
1 Corinthians 8:1-3

Many times it is easy to turn pursuing God into a pursuit of knowledge. It is knowledge that people are often judged by when it comes to appraising someone on a spiritual basis. Often it is tempting to shrink back on a subject or issue if our knowledge is weak. Likewise, we find it much easier to speak out when we feel that we have knowledge regarding a matter. This verse serves as a great reminder that knowledge is a secondary pursuit to love.

I need a greater love for others. That is the conviction that I feel in my heart today. I have not pursued love nearly to the same level as I have pursued knowledge.

Father I feel convicted this morning of my arrogance and need to confess that to You. I have a desire inside of me to make much of myself. I study Your Word in hopes of elevating my knowledge and my position in the eyes of others. That is a sinful pursuit of pride and I confess it to You.

Father it is impossible for me to express Biblical love to others. There is nothing inside of me capable of giving that sacrificially to others. I pray that You empower me to lay down my pursuit of arrogant knowledge and help instead seek a greater love for others.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Three Places a Leader Should Spy

Today's Reading: Joshua 7 & 1 Corinthians 5

"Now Joshua sent men from Jericho to Ai, which is near Bethaven, east of Bethel, and said to them, 'Go up and spy out the land. So the men went up and spied out Ai." Joshua 1:7

Victories do not teach us nearly as much about ourselves as our failures do. This chapter represents the first failure of the Israeli campaign for the Promised Land. Prior to going into battle Joshua spied out the land. This was a prudent thing to do because it supplied him with critical information regarding how to plan his attack. But Joshua failed to realize that there are three places a leader needs to spy out as he moves his people forward.

First, I must know the condition of my own heart. In verse 7, Joshua prays to the LORD and in a moment of weakness and fear something is revealed that represented a mortal risk to Joshua; he griped against God. That moment could have cost Joshua his leadership of the people of Israel. The same is true of me. In a moment of weakness and fear my greatest threat are the things hidden in my heart. Old wounds, stinking thinking, immoral lusts and deceptions all can lie buried, waiting for an opportune time to be used of satan.

Second, I must know the condition of my team. In verse 1 it is revealed that one of the Israelites violated the covenant. This truth represents a great deal of pain to a leader. No one likes to kick someone out. These decisions are painful to make and tough to execute. Regardless of the weight of removing an individual, there are issues of sin that just can be ignored. The integrity of the mission has to be valued above personal feelings towards a person.

Finally, I must know the condition of my target. This is the part Joshua got right in this passage. He sent spies to help assess what needed to be done and to form his plans. Joshua knew that the land was given to him by God, but he still planned as any prudent person would. No matter my faith in a situation I still have to be aware of where I am headed, what I will face, and how to allocate my resources.

Father, I needed to hear this truth today. There are things in my heart that just are not right. Little tendencies that I tolerate. Passing thoughts I victimize. Moral threats I ignore. I confess these things to You this morning and trust that Your grace is sufficient to bring forgiveness, wholeness and strength to my weakness.

I ask that You guide me in leading my teams. Help me to know the condition of my flock and not become oblivious to the choices my team is making. Help us keep each other clean.

Finally I ask God that You help me understand fully the challenges that I face as I pursue Your direction for my life. Help me attack things in a calculated and prudent manner. Move before me and give me victory over those who stand against Your purpose

Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Wet Feet of a Leader

Today's Reading: Joshua 3 & 1 Corinthians 4

"For the kingdom of God does not consist in words but in power." 1 Corinthians 4:20

Talk is not a good indicator God's chosen leader. The proof of a life surrendered to God is God's power working in them. This morning's readings reveal to me some simple truths about a the life of a spirit filled leader.

The first truth that I see is a spirit filled leader is not focused on advancement; he is focused on being a faithful steward of what is given. My drive in life can't be what I want to get done. Goals are great and I have plenty of them constantly before me, but I must not allow them to become my focus. My drive and ambition in life must be derived from the pure pursuit of pleasing God. He demands that I be a good steward, a faithful servant and a prudent leader. He expects a good return on all that He has entrusted to me.

The second truth that I see is it is God who makes a leader. This truth is clearly revealed to me in Joshua 3:7. Joshua did not decide to do great things and become the leader of Israel. He was consistently faithful to God and God Himself raised him up. God Himself decided to place His hand upon Joshua and prove His power through Him. The heights of my leadership are not mine to chose. All I can be focused on is the depth of my obedience, faithfulness, and stewardship.

The final truth I see in the life of a spirit led leader is the most difficult one. Spirit led leaders always take the greatest risk. In Joshua 3 I see this revealed clearly. Joshua made some outrageous claims before the people of Israel. He had to move forward only on a promise. He instructed the people to stay behind the leadership. Not just behind them, but a good distance behind them. As the leaders of Israel carried the ark before the people, they were the only ones that got wet feet that day. The same is true for me. I must be willing to be out in front of those I lead and take the first risk.

Father, thank for opening Your word to me this morning. The past two days have been like my own personal leadership summit with You. I submit to You my heart and all its desires. I want my only focus in life to be reflecting Christ's love to the lost and being found by You to be a faithful steward.

Father I am just reminded of the toil of a leader. Being to one with wet feet takes a lot out of me. I confess to You that I am often guilty of looking at the rising waters more than I focus on You. I release to You the direction of my life. The choice to advance my leadership is not mine to make; it is Yours.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

A Leader's Call

Today: Joshua 1 & Psalm 37

"Now it came about after the death of Moses the servant of the LORD, that the LORD spoke to Joshua the son of Nun." Joshua 1:1

The first nine verses of Joshua speak directly to the heart of leadership. The road before the Israelites was long and threatening. They would face many battles and the odds were not in their favor. Joshua, God's chosen leader to replace Moses, stood poised to lead the people into their land.

God tells him three times in the first nine verses to be strong and courageous. In doing this, he gives him three reminders. Joshua's job was there to serve the people, not have them serve him. He was there to call the people to live in obedience to God, not to allow them live for themselves. Finally, he was there to serve as a symbol of strength and stability before the people.

Just a little leadership 101 this morning. The success of my leadership does not solely depend on my intellect or personality; it is driven by what I value. As a leader my people depend on me for 4 things. First, I must be connected with God's vision for them. Joshua in verse 1 receives his charge from God. In the same way I must stay on my face before God and know with confidence the direction of His leading.

Second, I must live for the benefit of my people. The verse 6 God reminds Joshua that he is leading people to possess their blessing and the land that was promised to them. It is sometimes easy to lose site of this as a leader. My call in life is not the advancement of my own interests; it is the overall health and advancement of my teams best interest.

Third, I must call people to God's standards. In verse 7 God warns Joshua to keep the people pure and holy. As an organization increases in size this becomes more difficult but I can not forget that the success of my team depends upon the purity in which they operate. I can’t stick my head in the sand and ignore behavior counter to the Word of God.

Finally, I can't get rattled. Ever. Joshua is reminded by God in verse 9 to not fear or lose heart. This is the weight of a leader. Pressures rise up. What an individual feels at the bottom of the organizational chart is ten fold at the top. The eyes of my guys are constantly on me. They look to me for confidence and strength. When it comes to showing courage, strength, and confidence I can't afford a bad day.

I find my delight in the depths of Your heart. I commit to You today my way and trust You to do all that Your word promises. I rest in You today because I know Your word never returns void.

Father there is not greater prayer for a leader than Psalm 37 and that is my prayer today. I ask that ever truth in that chapter be revealed in my actions today.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Riding the Heavens

Today's Reading: Deuteronomy 33:26-29 & 1 Corinthians 2

"There is none like the God of Jeshurun, who rides the heavens to your help." Deuteronomy 33:26

Jeshurun means righteousness and it was a name sarcastically given to the people of Israel because of their rebellion during their exodus from Egypt.

This name would have represented much to the people. It would have stood for the God who delivers from oppression, the God who punishes disobedience, the God who provides, and the God who is everything they need.

The imagery in this passage is amazing. God riding the heavens and coming through the sky to place us securely underneath his protection. God running before us to drive out our enemies. God escorting us to a place of peace, a place overflowing with every blessing imaginable.

This is the God I serve. He is a God with whom I have a history. A God who knows me and I know Him. A God who is everything I need Him to be, when I need Him to be it.

There are seasons when weight of life piles up and threatens to flatten me. There are times when the struggles I face seem to promise they will get the best of me. In the heat of these moments I am often tempted to become angry at God. I take the role of a victim and feel abandoned.

What a foolish choice. As I reflect back over my life there is not a single time that God has let me fail. Things have not always gone my way and there are many questions I carry with me even now, but He has never allowed anything to overtake me.

Father understanding the intersection of Your power and my free will is something that lies beyond my comprehension. There are days when my fear stops me from moving and prevents me from following after You. There are other times that my pride and eagerness push me out in front of You. The ebb and flow of these two scenarios has inflicted a lot of damage in my life and left me feeling a little gun shy.

Your Spirit is the only source of truth. He knows the content of my heart and the desires of Yours. I ask today that You bring me into alignment. Help me to hear Your guiding voice. When I feel the weight of my world crashing in, I ask that You train my eyes to look towards the heavens knowing deliverance is near.

Father I want to feel the warmth of Your protection but I also desire to taste the danger of Your mission. I cannot appraise nor understand Your Word outside of the working of Your Spirit. The only thing I fear today is not comprehending or correctly interpreting Your word to me. Give me ears that hear, eyes that see and a will that submits.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Consider Your Calling

Today's Reading: Deuteronomy 31:1-8; Psalm 40; & I Corinthians 1

"For consider your calling, brethren…" 1 Corinthians 1:26

The church at Corinth was experiencing trouble. There were 5 major issues plaguing the church. These troubles ranged from divisions in theology to immorality. This letter was a call to return to the purity of their faith. It was a return to their call.

Sometimes church life can become petty. I watch people sit and argue over things that really have no meaning. I observe division in the body over items that really carry no impact. I can get caught up into the things as well, but most of my problems are internal issues. I do not get hung up on theology, I get screwed up on my identity. In my own heart I become defeated over my own weakness and failure. That is why I love this chapter so much. In verse 2, Paul reminds me of the changes that took place when I surrendered to Christ.

I have been sanctified in Christ. That is just an amazing thought. God set me apart as something Holy. I do not have to work towards being something for the work has been done. I am Holy.

I am a saint by calling. That is an amazing thing for me to remember today. I have purpose. I have meaning. My life is bigger than just the here and now. I am called to a greater movement that will impact the world around me. Though my sanctification has been taken care of, my daily call is to walk in it as a saint.

I am to call on the name of Jesus Christ. This verse says in every moment of every day, regardless of the situation, I have the ability to call upon Jesus in prayer and worship.

Father this morning has been an amazing reminder of just what took place through the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. He alone is my wisdom, righteousness, sanctification and redemption. Everything I need has been given to me.

I ask today that You open my eyes to see fully the potential of this day. I pray Lord Jesus that You help me be aware of Your work around me and allow me to hear my invitation to join You. As inadequate as I often feel at taking on Kingdom ventures, I confess to You this morning that I am lacking nothing. You have given me every gift I need to accomplish Your work.

I pray that Your hand be upon Your people today. I ask that the body of Christ walk today in our identity, that we tackle the work of our calling, and that you prove to the world that Your hand of blessing is upon us.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

A Little Lost

Today's Reading: Deuteronomy 26 & Galatians 5

"But I say walk in the Spirit and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh." Galatians 5:16

Live under the influences of the Holy Spirit; admit those influences fully into your hearts. Do not resist him, but yield to all his suggestions. What the Holy Spirit would produce, Paul states in Gal 5:22-23. If a man would yield his heart to those influences, he would be able to overcome all his carnal propensities; and it is because he resists that Spirit, that he is ever overcome by the corrupt passions of his nature. Never was a better, a safer, or a more easy rule given to overcome our corrupt and sensual desires than that here furnished;
(from Barnes' Notes, Electronic Database Copyright © 1997, 2003 by Biblesoft, Inc. All rights reserved.)

I copied the above paragraph from a commentary I saw this morning. I keep laughing (cynically) every time I read it. The commentary makes it sound dang so simple. I guess in theory it is that simple but the application of it is ridiculously hard.

Father, I am a little frustrated this morning. I am genuinely a little lost. I know that You are burdening my heart for this verse but I can't for the life of me figure out what You are asking me to do. I could sit and pretend that this makes sense to me, but that would mean at best I would have a fake understanding of You.

I want to know You. I want to walk in real truth. Open up my heart to understand this passage and how it applies to my life. Teach me. In every moment of every day make clear to me the choices I make. Help me to be aware of battle between the Spirit and my flesh so that I may make a conscious choice between the two.

Your Word to me is that You will never ask anything of me beyond that which I can handle. I claim that today. As overwhelming as things seem at times I rest today in the promise of Your Word to finish what You started.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Battles to Face

Today's Reading: Deuteronomy 23:8-25 & Galatians 4

"When you go out as an army against your enemies, you shall keep yourself from every evil thing." Deuteronomy 23:9

The text says WHEN you go out to war, not IF. The "you" refers not to an individual, but to the group for we are not intended to fight alone. The back half of this text contains a warning; the weariness of battle makes us vulnerable to sin.

There are mornings that I need to be reminded of the simple rules of life. Today's reminders are centered around the battles I have to face.

This is a fallen world and Jesus himself promised that in this life we will face plenty of battles. There is a nagging voice in my head that always wonders if life has to be so tough. I hear it anytime I face a struggle and have learned that this temptation to run or escape reality is far worse than the battle itself.

Fighting alone is a constant struggle. It is hard to open up to someone and let them know what is going on with me. I often feel like I got myself into something, I will get myself out. There are other times that I am genuinely ashamed of what I face. There are also times when I am so lost, so overwhelmed, and so confused that I literally do not know how to explain it or ask for help. Regardless of my feelings the body of Christ is the family of God and healthy families face things together.

Staying pure during times of battle is a daunting task. Battles make me weary. They suck the life out of me and leave me feeling empty. In the midst of this emptiness satan never fails to offer me some sinful temptation that promises to fill me back up. It amazes me just how often his traps lead me right back to old behaviors I thought I had left behind.

Father there is so much going on in my life right now. I am stretched beyond what I thought would be my breaking point. I am grateful for Your word this morning. Thank You for speaking to me and reminding me that You know where I am and have not forgotten.

Keep me sober-minded today. Help me engage in the battles I face with honor, dignity, and purity. Help me swallow my pride and ask for help. Separate me from the worldly things that chase me down and offer their assistance.

In all these things I pray that Your hand of favor rest upon my life. Keep me grounded in the promises of Your word and allow me to learn to marvel at Your ability to deliver me. Instead of dreading the odds I face, I pray that I be filled with joyful anticipation of Your promise to bring me through.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Weight of My Sin

Today's Reading: Deuteronomy 18:9-13; Psalm 38, & Galatians 2

"My heart throbs, my strength fails me, and the light of my eyes, even that has gone from me." Psalm 38

God's response to David's sin was to discipline him. His anger was against him. David so relied on God that the absence of His hand of favor caused David's heart to throb, his strength to fail, and his eyes to lose their light.

This scripture from Psalm would adequately describe my feelings is I lost my wife. I would say this of myself if I lost a child. My job, my house, my family, and my finances would all evoke similar emotions at differing levels of severity.

Is God that real to me? That is the burning question on my mind today. If I lost His presence of in my life, would I apply these words of David to my feelings.

Prayer:Father, as I inventory my life today I realize that I have placed things ahead of You and I do not rely on You to the extent that I should. I allow other things to fill my heart, give me strength, and become the light of my eyes. The tangible presence of earthly things is easier to access for they do not really require anything more of me than for me to say yes.

But the tangible presence of You requires me to die to myself. It requires me to lay all things aside and pursue You first. It requires me to take steps of faith and to place my hope in things unseen. It takes me seeking after Your heart, Your cause, Your passion, and Your mission.

Father, I am much closer to You than I have ever been, but I am still far away from where I need to be. I pray today that You allow Your tangible presence to become so real to me and so essential to my life that I would not be able to bear the thought of moving forward without it. Let the absence of Your presence become the weight of my sin.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A Desire for More

Today's Reading: Deuteronomy 15:1-11 & Galatians 1

"And they were glorifying God because of me." Galatians 1:24

This was not an arrogant statement from Paul. The life Paul led prior to his conversion was so vile and violent towards the church that people had no other explanation for his conversion other than God had done a work. He was now living his life according to the will of God and for His glory.

I should never think highly of myself, but I should always think highly of the things that God has done in my life. I should learn to identify them and to celebrate them. I serve an extraordinary God who does extraordinary things. Living life according to His will and for His glory should not be something I passively pursue. I should go after it with all that I am and in spite of whatever others may say.

Father, I am so unsure of myself. I hesitate. I look for affirmation from others. I seek approval. I do these things because I am afraid of messing up. As I study over this passage from Paul I am reminded of his boldness and convicted of my own timidity. As soon as people notice me I shy away because I so fear attention. There is a crassness in the men of the Bible that is missing from my life.

All this creates inside of me a desire for more than I am currently experiencing. This prayer is frightening to me for I know that the level at which I experience You is directly related to the level at I am willing to die to myself. I ask that You do something in me that is according to Your will and for Your glory.

Monday, March 9, 2009

A Weary Soul

Today's Reading: Deuteronomy 10:12-22 & Mark 16

"Looking up, they saw that the stone had been rolled away, although it was extremely large." Mark 16:4

For those who had followed Jesus this was a horrible day. He was dead and they had completely missed His teaching so they were distraught. They were also afraid. Now that He was gone the religious leaders would stop at nothing to finish them off. They all went into hiding.

In this passage a handful of ladies do a very brave thing. They head out on a mission to anoint His body. They had no idea what they would face or how they would accomplish their task. They also did not have a clue as to the fact that they had completely missed the teachings of Jesus and were dead wrong in their thinking and behavior.

Be all that as it may, they chose to press forward. They picked themselves up off the ground and did the best thing they could think to do. As a result they were the first to see the risen savior. They were the first to have the hope restored.

There are days when, just like the disciples depicted in this chapter, I feel like everything I believed in lies buried in a cave, covered by a huge rock, and guarded by a band of solders. These seasons of doubt can cover many things. Sometimes it is my belief in God. Sometimes it is my belief in myself. Sometimes is my belief in the outcome of a situation. My wife, my kids, my future, my finances and on and on I can go. There is not one aspect of my life that at some point does not face what feels like extinction. It is in the midst of the storms that I must learn to pick up my broken faith, weary heart, and tattered emotions and press on towards God.

Why are you weary O my soul? David penned those words quite often in his writings and they best express my feelings today. My soul is weary this morning. I feel weak and my defenses seem vulnerable to all forms of attack. There is no strength to my faith as it seems to fold at the slightest of adversity.

The tormenting part of this moment is not what I face externally; it is the internal battle that is wearing me out. In my heart of hearts in know that my feelings and emotions are out of control and wrong. At the same time I feel as if they have created a cage of torment from which there is no escape.

Father in the heat of this moment and the dryness of this desert I am running towards You as best I know how. I ask that You calm my soul and grant to me the ability to pull myself under control. Bring to me confidence and boldness. Guide my steps and along the road I travel. Reveal Yourself to me in real and tangible ways.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Something More

Today's Reading: Deuteronomy 4, Psalm 36 & Mark 13:31-37

"Has anything been done like this great thing or has anything been done like it?" Deuteronomy 4:32

In this passage in Deuteronomy Moses walks the Israelites back through their history. In this verse he challenges them to look back over the course of their life and to search the earth from one end to the other and see if they could find anything that compared to what God had done in their lives. They truly served an extraordinary God.

This is a challenging word to me. The world we live in today is filled with extraordinary things. It is a world unlike any generation has ever known. Things that my grandparent's generation saw as modern marvels are honestly second nature to people of my generation. Gadgets from the James Bond movies of the 60's and 70's that were far-fetched back then are common place items in our current reality.

So the challenge for me this morning is to create two lists. In the first list let's suppose I were to examine my life from its beginning to its current state and take an inventory of all the things God did in my life. In the second list let's suppose I took an inventory of all the inventions that the world has seen from the beginning of my life until now. The question would then become which list is more impressive?

Father I do not need to create these lists. In my heart, I know which one would be more impressive. I have not sought after the extraordinary God of the Bible. I fear that I have not pursued much more than something ordinary and comfortable. Instead of looking to join Your movement in the world around me, I have sought to have You create movements of convenience in my own life. My prayers and my life have been self-serving for most of my time on earth.

Father we need something more in our world today than the ordinary image of You created by religion. The church is dying for the extraordinary God we read about in the Bible to show up and do extraordinary works. Father I ask that You manifest Yourself in a manner that proves to the lost world that the hand of YAWEH is upon His people. I pray that the choices I make lead me not to a life of just peace and prosperity but to a life that joins You in creating the movement You desire for this generation.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

A Leader's Burden

Today's Reading: Deuteronomy 1 & Mark 12

"The LORD our God spoke to us at Horeb, saying, 'You have stayed long enough at this mountain. Turn and set your journey.'" Deuteronomy 1:6

40 years in the wilderness. 40 years of wondering around aimlessly. 40 years of disappointment. 40 years of punishment. 40 years of torment. 40 years of living in regret of past actions. 40 years of living as vagabonds. 40 years, not wondering where they should be going, but 40 years of seeing the land that was theirs and all the while knowing they could not get to it.

That is the power of this verse. After 40 years God releases them and gives them another shot at obedience.

The modern church does not like to think of God in terms of being a God who punishes His children but the scriptures do.
God loves us and what father does not apply consequences to poor choices out of love for his kids? What leader does not apply consequences to poor choices made by his employees? To not do this produces worthless kids and causes entities to fail.

I have to learn that God will not reward my poor choices and more than likely will allow me to experience some adverse circumstances. He does this in hopes of training me to make better decisions. In the midst of these times it is important that I hold onto my hope. The day will come when God will release me to move forward.

Life moves so fast. There are days that I come home and I simply can't remember where I went, who I met and what I said. The pace at which I am called to make decisions is incredible. No generation of people on earth has ever been faced with so much information and so many choices.

In the position of leadership You have given me every choice I make affects hundreds or thousands of people. The relentless pace, the never ending supply of decisions, and the constant opportunities to make judgments pile up on top of me and can at times feel oppressing. Knowing that choices have consequences is the primary burden of a leader.

My fear is that I lose my connection with You and make bad choices. The thought of leading thousands down a path that is not Holy causes my stomach to churn and the brow of my head to bead in sweat. I can live with my own consequences, but I do not want others to suffer from my poor choices.

Please do not let me ever take for granted the enormity of the call You have on my life. I must walk in Your counsel. I must hear Your wisdom. I ask for Your voice to be clear before me.

When I do fail, I ask that I weather the storm with dignity and grace and lean on Your presence to guide me through. I ask for Your favor and grace to go before me. Keep my emotions in check and my head screwed on straight. Let me know when it is time to get up and try again.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Just Have Faith

Today's Reading: Numbers 35:33-34 & Mark 11

"And Jesus answered saying to them, 'Have faith in God.'" Mark 11:23

I can't help but wonder how the disciples responded to this statement. It is such a simple statement. Many times I have heard people use this phrase as the default answer to questions they could not handle. Life kicks you in the teeth, have faith. Lose your job, have faith. Sickness strikes, have faith. Depression sets in, have faith. On and on it goes. The world we live in has clearly polluted this phrase and robbed it of its glory. This morning I sense from God His desire to see the power of faith return.

Ok, so I hate responding to this statement. Have faith in God. In the Christianese book of comeback phrases this is the one often dropped when a Christian does not know what to say or has run out of arguments.

The problem is that faith is not that easy for me. It takes work. It takes focus. It takes experience. As I read through Mark 11, I see a few things that could hinder my faith, but the main thing I noted this morning is pursuing the wrong expectations.

As Jesus enters the city the people come out and welcome Him with customs fitting the arrival of a king. They wanted to exalt Him to the throne and see Him take charge of their nation. It had to be tempting for Him. He was fully human and what human is not tempted to get caught up in the expectations of others.

The same is true of me. There are times in my life when I get off track chasing down the expectations others have for me. Man you ought to be______. I have filled in that blank with many things. Often I have found myself in a place God never intended for me, trying to use God's faith in pursuit of something He never desired me to pursue. Faith does not work very well like that.

I must learn to seek God's answers as I fill in the blanks of my life. His faith is available in full measure as long as I am aligned with His will and purpose in my life.

I am sorry LORD for the mess that I have made of my faith. I think back over my life and there have been many nights I sat in anger and disappointment over what felt like empty promises from Your Word. The more I grow in You the more I realize just how often I twist Your Word and attempt to apply my faith to pursue my own selfish desires.

The call on my life is to be broken and poured out as an offering before You. I am to care about the things that You care about. I struggle with this. The noise of the world is so loud. Every second, of every day is filled with things pursuing my faith and focus.

I need for You to ground me this morning. Father am totally dependent upon You today. I ask that You open my eyes to see You walking before me. Allow me to be led by Your tangible presence. Help me to hear Your wisdom and direction in any situation I face, provide me with the boldness needed to speak Your truth and focus my life's ambition on nothing else but Your glory being revealed.

Monday, March 2, 2009

My Son Bryce

Today's Reading: Numbers 30 & Mark 9:14-17

"And one of the crowd answered Him, 'Teacher, I brought You my son, possessed with a spirit which makes Him mute.'" Mark 9:17

This boy's parents had been through it all. Their son was afflicted by a an evil spirit which was determined to destroy him. They brought the boy to Jesus, but Jesus was not there. He had gone up the mountain with Peter, James and John. The other 9 disciples attempted to cast the demon from the boy but were having no success.

The timing of this passage to me is amazing. In December we took Bryce in for some tests. One of the tests they did was a sleeping eeg and we were told that the eeg showed some activity and they wanted us to see a neurologist.

On Friday we went in for a follow up visit. They want to put him in the hospital on Monday and Monday night to do another eeg and to video him while they are doing it. The first eeg showed significant seizure activity and they want to pin-point what is going on before they talk to us about treatment. Unless something changes (such as God intervening) we will have to put him on seizure medication.

I have too much going on Monday to be out so Brandy is taking the day shift. I will be with them on Monday night and most of Tuesday. If they are not satisfied with the tests we may have to stay again on Tuesday night. They told us there was enough activity on the eeg that they were shocked we had never observed him having a seizure while he was awake. They also said most of his hyperactivity could be attributed to the night time seizing. His brain never rests and so he is always sleep deprived.

There is nothing life threatening with this, but we have to make some significant decisions about his treatment. I hate putting my son on seizure medicines. From what I understand they have to experiment with them to see what the side effects are and that is a process I am not very excited about.

As a parent and a believer, this situation creates confusion inside of me.

Father, I am not afraid. You are my peace, my joy, my hope and my rock. I have long since given to You my children and trust them in Your hands. With each of them I truly feel that I have received promises from You regarding their lives. With Bryce I know the things that You have said to me about him and in moments like these I cling to those words alone as my strength. I trust Your plan. I trust Your will. I know Your heart for my son. I just don't always get Your methods.

My struggle today is confusion over what should I do. When the medical world and the spiritual world collide, I am left wondering and I honestly do not know how to pray so I am just going to give You my heart this morning.

I pray for You to move upon the health of my son and make Him whole. Be glorified in this situation. You alone are my healer. I bring my son to You this day and ask that You heal Him. I believe that if You are willing, You can heal Him without using doctors. I also realize that You inspired man with the ingenuity needed to create the medical world and often use this to bring healing. Either way You chose to move, please move. I ask that You be glorified in the life of my son.

I also ask that You heal the things inside of Brandy and me that medicine can't heal. Take away our anxiety, our fears, our doubts and our concerns. Help us walk through this in a manner that reveals Your glory to those around us and in a manner that will prove our faith and make it stronger.