Monday, March 16, 2009

Consider Your Calling

Today's Reading: Deuteronomy 31:1-8; Psalm 40; & I Corinthians 1

"For consider your calling, brethren…" 1 Corinthians 1:26

The church at Corinth was experiencing trouble. There were 5 major issues plaguing the church. These troubles ranged from divisions in theology to immorality. This letter was a call to return to the purity of their faith. It was a return to their call.

Sometimes church life can become petty. I watch people sit and argue over things that really have no meaning. I observe division in the body over items that really carry no impact. I can get caught up into the things as well, but most of my problems are internal issues. I do not get hung up on theology, I get screwed up on my identity. In my own heart I become defeated over my own weakness and failure. That is why I love this chapter so much. In verse 2, Paul reminds me of the changes that took place when I surrendered to Christ.

I have been sanctified in Christ. That is just an amazing thought. God set me apart as something Holy. I do not have to work towards being something for the work has been done. I am Holy.

I am a saint by calling. That is an amazing thing for me to remember today. I have purpose. I have meaning. My life is bigger than just the here and now. I am called to a greater movement that will impact the world around me. Though my sanctification has been taken care of, my daily call is to walk in it as a saint.

I am to call on the name of Jesus Christ. This verse says in every moment of every day, regardless of the situation, I have the ability to call upon Jesus in prayer and worship.

Father this morning has been an amazing reminder of just what took place through the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. He alone is my wisdom, righteousness, sanctification and redemption. Everything I need has been given to me.

I ask today that You open my eyes to see fully the potential of this day. I pray Lord Jesus that You help me be aware of Your work around me and allow me to hear my invitation to join You. As inadequate as I often feel at taking on Kingdom ventures, I confess to You this morning that I am lacking nothing. You have given me every gift I need to accomplish Your work.

I pray that Your hand be upon Your people today. I ask that the body of Christ walk today in our identity, that we tackle the work of our calling, and that you prove to the world that Your hand of blessing is upon us.

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