Today's Reading: Deuteronomy 18:9-13; Psalm 38, & Galatians 2
"My heart throbs, my strength fails me, and the light of my eyes, even that has gone from me." Psalm 38
God's response to David's sin was to discipline him. His anger was against him. David so relied on God that the absence of His hand of favor caused David's heart to throb, his strength to fail, and his eyes to lose their light.
This scripture from Psalm would adequately describe my feelings is I lost my wife. I would say this of myself if I lost a child. My job, my house, my family, and my finances would all evoke similar emotions at differing levels of severity.
Is God that real to me? That is the burning question on my mind today. If I lost His presence of in my life, would I apply these words of David to my feelings.
Prayer:Father, as I inventory my life today I realize that I have placed things ahead of You and I do not rely on You to the extent that I should. I allow other things to fill my heart, give me strength, and become the light of my eyes. The tangible presence of earthly things is easier to access for they do not really require anything more of me than for me to say yes.
But the tangible presence of You requires me to die to myself. It requires me to lay all things aside and pursue You first. It requires me to take steps of faith and to place my hope in things unseen. It takes me seeking after Your heart, Your cause, Your passion, and Your mission.
Father, I am much closer to You than I have ever been, but I am still far away from where I need to be. I pray today that You allow Your tangible presence to become so real to me and so essential to my life that I would not be able to bear the thought of moving forward without it. Let the absence of Your presence become the weight of my sin.
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