Saturday, July 4, 2009


Today's Reading: Hebrews 1


"God, after He spoke long ago…" Hebrews 1:1

It is quite common to lose the power of belief with the passing of time. That was the main issue being addressed with this letter. People were beginning to doubt the gospel of Christ and were desiring to head back to the old law. These Jewish Christians had received the good news with gladness but were now in need of a recharge.


I will doubt. I will question. I will wonder and begin to lose heart. That is why I can't live this life on my own or with idle hands. God will speak and direct my life but the passing of time will erode away at the impact of the word spoken. There are a three movements to counter this.

First, move quickly. The best chance of me acting on something is to act on it immediately. The longer I take in deliberation the greater chance I will do nothing at all.

Second, move continually. Complacency kills the word. It is not enough to take the first few steps. I must continually pursue God's new movements in my life.

Finally, move towards mentors of the Word. That is the beauty of Hebrews. The writer, who evidently had mentored this body of believers, took them back to the truth of the Word. I must have people in my life who are willing to confront my thinking with the truth of God's word.


Father Your word is forever and never loses its power, but my attention is limited and my ambition leaks with the passing of time. I am at a place this morning where I realize that instead of moving quickly I become locked in place; instead of staying on the go I want to move once and then catch my breath; and instead of seeking out stewards of Your truth I listen to wayward sons who excuse my complacency. I ask that You forgive me of my procrastination, my laziness, and my ignorance choices in counselors.

I doubt myself and that keeps me from moving fast. I pray that You fill me with great assurance of my standing and power in You. I pray that You take away the fears I have of doing the wrong thing that ultimately result in me doing nothing.

I get weary and that stops me from staying engaged in the battle. Living for You on this earth means that I live in opposition of the world. The constant weight of fighting against culture and peer pressure bogs me down and I have a tendency to seek rest by sitting still.

Father I ask that my life become full of older, wiser men who know Your Word and can recognize the call You have on my life. Give these men a great burden for the work You have in my life and give me a humble spirit that hears their advice.

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