Friday, July 24, 2009

Traits of a Man of Prayer

Today's Reading: Isaiah 40; Isaiah 41:10-13; & 1 Peter 3


"For the eyes of the LORD are toward the righteous, and His ears attend to their prayer…" 1 Peter 3:12


Prayer can be one of the more confusing things about the Christian life. More times than not most of my frustrations toward God are born out of my prayer life. I ask for something and do not get it. I lift up a worry and it still presses down on me with no relief. I seek His movement to save me from trouble and the trouble still gets the best of me.

In the midst of all that frustration and disappointment this verse just sticks out to me this morning and grabs my heart. It is so beautiful. God eyes are towards the righteous and his ears are bent towards their prayer. I must continually pursue the traits of a righteous man of prayer. I must know that my frustrations and disappointments create opportunities for God to move me closer to him and not allow them to carry me away.


I feel like God is asking me to consider three traits I need give some attention. First, a God's ears attend to the prayers of a man who hates sin. I tend to want to live in the gray area. I want to walk as close to sin as I can get without stepping over the line. I want as much of the world as I can get away with. But that is not what God wants. God wants me to be zealous for Him. He wants me to hate sin as he hates it.

Second, God's ears attend to the prayers of a man who waits on Him. I try to inform God about what is taking place in my life and direct Him in my prayers. This is a bad habit that I have yet to break. A part of waiting on God is understanding who He is, but it is also tied to me knowing that I am His. My life is not mine. My time on earth is no longer about me. I am to wait upon the LORD, resting in the knowledge that I am His and that I exist to accomplish His purposes for my life.

Third, God's ears attend to the prayers of a man who treats His wife well. There are a lot of life issues that can be difficult to understand in context of the scriptures; marriage is not one of them. God speaks quite clearly on what it means for me to treat my wife well. It is a definition that is in stark contrast to the world's. If the honor, love, patience, appreciation, sacrifice, and encouragement I give to my wife does not compare to what Christ offered the Church then I am not treating my wife well and my prayers will be hindered.



Wow. This morning really went a way I did not plan. I wanted You to speak. I asked for You to speak. I just did not anticipate the weight of the word You had for me. As my eyes look over my journal from this morning I clearly hear what You desire to teach me.

Hating sin is not the same as being legalistic. I ask that You reveal to me a pure hatred of sin and open my eyes to the irresistible beauty of Your righteousness.

Praying to You is not about giving You information and direction. It is about me receiving those things from You. Father I beg that You teach me to pray in a manner that honors prayer as a precious gift.

Being a good husband and being a Biblical husband are vastly different things. I can be a good husband on my own but becoming a Biblical husband can only be done through Your empowerment. I pray that You give Brandy all that You desire for her to have in me.

Father I ask that every moment of this entire day build inside of me a deep appreciation of Your beauty, Your power, and Your acceptance. I ask that You and I be drawn near together. I can live without much today but my heart breaks at the thought of not experiencing You or being used by You.

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