Today's Reading: Revelation 3
"I am coming quickly; hold fast what you have, so that no one will take your crown." Revelation 3:11
Learning the ways of Christ, living the truth of Christ, and leading others to Christ is a universal call handed down to any who claim to be Christians. It is tough mission. Staying engaged in the battle consumes energy, time, and strength. The call from this passage today is a call to not quit.
Quitting on God sounds bad and so Satan rarely temps me to do this. More often than not, he lulls me into quitting by having me fake what I am really feeling, by forgetting what God has already done in me, or by creating opportunity for me to just go to sleep.
First, do not fake it. Verse 15 serves as a stark reminder of how God feels about me claiming Christ but not living it out. The scripture says it makes Him vomit. He would rather I openly reject the truth than to claim something that is not real to me. It is only by confessing to Him and to others the true nature of my lifestyle and choices that I open the door for God to do a true work in and through me.
Second, do not forget. Verse 3 is a call to remember what God has done in my life. There is a tendency buried deep in my nature that causes me to live with a "what have you done for me lately" mindset. This tendency causes me to move past what God has already done and get stuck lamenting over what I am asking Him for currently.
Third, do not go to sleep. Scattered throughout this chapter are constant reminders to stay alert and engaged. This is perhaps the toughest of challenges from the scripture. Pressure from the culture to conform to the ways of the world is excruciating. Pressure from peers, pressure from work, pressure from family, and pressure from insecurity all rise up at once to form a war party against me living for God. Some days it is simply easier to check out and go to bed.
Father fighting the good fight is exhausting. People do not listen. They judge. They reject. They refuse. Each time it happens it hurts. It also opens the door for me to doubt myself. In the midst of my doubts, frustrations, and weaknesses I allow sin to creep into my life and this further exasperates the problem. In the end, I find myself tired and in need of renewal.
Your Word says that You stand at the door and knock. You also promise that if I hear Your knocking and open the door; You will enter and dine with me. That is my heart's desire today. I just want to sit at the table with You and find healing, replenish my energy, and regain my focus.
Holy Spirit, guide me today in becoming the man God desires for me to be. Help me to firmly face the things that are chasing me and strengthen me to slay them. Create inside of me an unconquerable spirit that refuses to quit. Open my eyes and ears to walk only in the truth of God's word. Regardless of the outcome, fill me with the courage I need to stand for the right choices.
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