Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Struggling a Little

Today's Reading: John 6


"This is the will of Him who sent Me, that of all that He has given Me I lose nothing, but raise it up on the last day." John 6:39


Jesus was on a mission and of that fact He was clear. He walked seeking the will of the Father and used His understanding of that will to Guide His life. I see three things that I can model out of this text.


First, I have to know the will of the Father. The know the will of the Father I have to know the Father. To know the Father, all my energy, all my study, all my desire, and all my plans must be purposed in my heart to drive me into the heart of my Father. There is nothing else worth pursuing.

Second, I have to walk with the Father in context of His will. It is not enough to know the Father or to know His will; I have to walk in it. Jesus modeled that perfectly. He lived each day walking out His obedience to God's will. He moved forward on what He knew God wanted to accomplish.

Finally, I have to make the most of every opportunity given to me by God. I have to live with my eyes wide open for open moments to connect with people God is drawing near to Himself. When I see those moments, I must act. I should never rest. It is God's desire that I not lose a single one and He desires that I share His urgency for the souls of others.


Father, I am struggling today. There are things in my life that are not as I desire for them to be. I have longings that are unmet, stresses that will not go away, and purposes that can't understand. These things combine in my heart this morning to make it very difficult to hear from You.

It is moments like these that I often become confused. I feel like the things I am struggling with this morning are not evil things and I also feel like they are very real and basic needs common to all men. Yet, I feel like these things are carrying me away from You.

I come to You this morning asking for help. I pray that You fill me this morning. I pray that You pour into me all that I need to stay on task with You today. Keep me on Your mission for the life You have given to me. To know You, to walk with You, and to share You with others is my only call in life. Forgive me for allowing my weaknesses to get in the way of my call.

You are the only thing that can satisfy my hunger. You are the only thing that can quench my thirst. I beg that You allow me to experience the fullness of You plans for me and rest deep in the satisfaction that only You can bring to my soul.

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