Read: Psalm 49 and Psalm 100
"This is the way of those who are foolish, and of those after them who approve their words." Psalm 49:13
This Psalm is a wisdom poem, dealing with the age-old problem of the prosperity of the wicked. The Psalmist observed that the wicked are prosperous and rich, and filled with pride and a sense of security. But the wise Psalmist stated that they are no better than the beasts of the field. In the end, the hope of the righteous is better than the false security of the wicked.
In light of this Psalm I see two foolish choices that are guaranteed to rob my soul of joy and God of my praise. The first is I can choose to fear death and decline. Aging is a fact of life. Both my mind and body will degenerate until I ultimately die. This is a fact of life that no person can escape. If I allow myself to worry with this I have chosen to engage in a losing battle. As a believer the aging process should be celebrated. Though my body and mental strength may slip with age; my soul and spirit will grow stronger. Though my time on earth is running out; my eternity in heaven is drawing near.
I can also make a foolish choice and allow earthly possessions and accomplishments to become my scorecard for success. The things of earth will pass away. Money, land, praise from others, awards, rewards, and everything else this life has to offer dies when I die. I can't take it with me. Comparing my standing with others and being consumed with what I have or do not possess is a guaranteed ticket to disaster. God's scorecard for success differs wildly from that of the world. When death calls and the final scores are settled the righteous life of God will prevail.
Your Word calls me to enter Your gate with thanksgiving in my heart and to enter Your courts with praise. I must confess that I often allow my dissatisfaction with the circumstances of my life to prevent that from happening. My emotions get the best of me and I can quickly find myself separated from a heart of praise. My adoration of You is tied to Your performance in my life. I confess these foolish and sinful choices to You this morning.
The brevity of worldly glory is nothing when compared to the everlasting glory that You have established for my eternity. It is illogical to make choices that lead the first and forsake the latter.
Lead me to Your heart today. Help my praise for You to be solely based on Your loving kindness and faithfulness. Reveal Yourself to me today in a way that is so real and tangible that my only natural response will be heart of praise. Prove Your glory to be better than anything the world has to offer.
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