Saturday, April 17, 2010

Handling Adversity

Read: Psalm 69 and Psalm 118

"But I am afflicted and in pain; may Your salvation, O God, set me securely on high." Psalm 69:29


David was in a place of torment. In earlier verses he used the analogy of feeling like he was drowning to describe his condition. He was surrounded by adversity and there was no relief in sight. In the midst of this tormenting season of his life David chose to pursue God and in doing so left a great example in how to handle adversity.


Being honest about my perception of my situation and the feelings I am fighting is not a sign of weakness nor is it a lack of faith. Throughout this passage David is gut-level honest about his pain. So should I. I have to learn to make honest confessions about my weaknesses and hurts.

I also have to learn to be dependent on God and avoid being angry at Him. Depending on the severity of the trial, becoming frustrated at God is a very real temptation. My desperation to be at peace will cause me to lash out at God. David did not allow this to happen. He cried out to God but he never allowed his voice to strike a blow at God. I have to learn to maintain my submission to God even when my emotions are screaming this is not fair.

Finally, I have to maintain a sense of confidence in God and praise His Name. My praise for God has a tendency to become very conditional. If I get what I want I offer praise. If I am forced to wait, endure silence, or accept a "no" then my praise will often die down. David maintained a confident boasting in and praise of God. Regardless of what comes my way I must refuse to allow a trial to rob God of the praise that He deserves from me.


My enemy has me under siege right now. He is attacking me from three directions at once right now and there is very little I can do to control or escape the attacks. I lay down at night and it has become hard to even find rest. My mind, my thoughts, and my emotions are continually in search of relief. The waters are rising and my soul has become faint.

I am totally at Your mercy. You are my only hope for deliverance. I accept Your timing and Your sovereign control over my life. I know that at the appropriate time You will set me in a large place and replenish my heart and soul with strength. I pray that while I struggle I do so in a manner that proves my dependency on You and Your faithfulness to deliver.

Your loving kindness is everlasting. Your strength is above all the earth. Nothing can stand in Your presence. Nothing can overtake Your goodness. Nothing can out shine the greatness of Your glory. Trials come and trials go but those who depend on You and call upon Your great name will never see their hope forsaken.

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