Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Presence of My Enemies

Read: Leviticus 17-18 & Psalm 23

“The LORD is my Shepherd; I shall not want.” Psalm 23:1


During the balance of this Psalm, David describes life as being a place of varied emotion. There are places of green pastures and still waters that are designed for rest and feeding. There places of the valley that are dark, lonely, and threatening. There is the presence of enemies which are places that are intimidating and frustrating. All of life is not simple, easy, or predictable; but God is. The key to not wanting for David was taking his eyes off of life and placing them on God.


“Not the goodness of my life, but the graciousness of my Father.” That is the phrase that is stuck in my head this morning. As I read through this Psalm I see a few things about this phrase and why God has placed it on my heart. Sometimes when I praise God I am not really praising God. I am praising the goodness in my life. If everything is as it should be or if my picture of following God is a good one then it is easy to praise God. But is that the type of praise God really honors? If my praise is reserved for seasons of green pastures and still waters, what then happens when green grass withers and the waters dry up?


I can praise You in green pastures; I have learned to celebrate You in dark valleys; but in the presence of my enemies my praise dries up, my faith crumbles, and my submission to You is tested. This week I have experienced some emotions that remind me to places I once lived. Those were dark places to which I have do desire to return. This week has revealed wounds I received from those places that are not yet healed and I recognize vulnerable spots in me that need to be healed and strengthened.

I believe that there is a walk with You that is higher and greater than my circumstances or emotions. This passage reminds me that I can still sit at Your table and enjoy Your fellowship in the presence of adversity. While I know that it is possible to do this, I really do not know how to get there from here. There are certain buttons that once pushed seem to put me on autopilot and carry me away to bad places. I truly desire to learn to praise Your gracious and not simply celebrate the goodness in my life. I give myself to this pursuit today. Be my shepherd and allow Your goodness to be all my want.

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