Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Same Mission

Read: Leviticus 9-10 & Acts 27

“I am sending you to open their eyes, so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.” Acts 27:11-18


Paul’s mission was quite simple. He was being sent into the world to make disciples of Jesus. Regardless of the cost or pain, that was his call. It was not about his best life or the easy life. His mission was about bringing the life of Christ and the hope of eternity to the lost. That was Paul’s mission and it is the same mission that is given to all who profess Jesus as Lord.


I have often had moments when I was confronted with the question of purpose for my life. There have been sleepless nights, restless days, and empty successes as I looked around and wondered is this all there really is? This journey of meaning quickly becomes complicated and expensive. The promise of marketing leads me to believe that I am missing out on something that should be mine. I search for a magic pill that will align my life and make it make sense, but this is all a senseless pursuit.

My mission in life is quite simply to learn of the greatness of Christ, to live my life as a model after Him, and to lead others to do the same. Any intentions that do not fit into those three buckets are vain pursuits that will only leave me deceived, captured, and frustrated.


To learn of the greatness of Christ requires death to myself. It is a daily process that represents a great struggle for me. By faith I have to open up my heart and surrender my picture of a good life to You and walk blindly after the prompting You place in my heart. There is nothing about this that is easy. Learning of Jesus is not a cerebral event. Learning of Jesus is an active process of experiencing Him replace the things that I sacrificially lay down. Holy Spirit, this is something I can only do through Your great wisdom and power.

To live for Christ means that my salvation brings life. The personal call is for me to come and die, but the reward is so that I might live. Salvation is not a millstone around my life nor is it banishment to a land void of joy. It is life. It is life in abundance, joy that is unspeakable, and peace that is beyond understanding. It is learning to let go of the temporal things of earth for the surpassing greatness of the eternal things of God. Jesus, set my sights on the things that are above.

Leading others to Christ happens as I learn of Him and live for Him. The fruit of God in my life will always compel me to share the life I am finding from Christ and tune me in to the work of the Spirit around me. Holy Spirit, help me be attentive to Your work in the lives of others today. I pray that I not miss an opportunity to see someone’s eternity changed.

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