Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Walking It Out

Read: 1 Corinthians 2
“But we understand these things, for we have the mind of Christ.” 1 Corinthians 2:16

The mind and heart of Christ have been planted inside of everyone who puts their faith in Christ. Though everyone has this gift it is not guaranteed that we all walk in the power of these gifts.

If I am going to see the power of my faith released in my life there are three keys I see in this text. First, I have to let go of worldly logic and embrace spiritual logic. The knowledge of the world is being done away with and on top of that it rejects the things of God. I have to know that following after the Spirit will always lead me to live my life different from what is normal around me. The Spirit is progressive and forward moving. He is not going to call me to live in what is, but will always be pressing towards what soon will be.

I also have to be prepared to feel divided. I am part spirit but I am also part flesh. This passage teaches that things of the Spirit are contrary to things of the flesh. Part of me will always embrace the things the Spirit asks of me but part of me is going to war against it. As the battle intensifies it is easy to lose sight of which is which. As this happens deception becomes a very real threat. The end result of this fight is death. As I endure and allow the Spirit to have its way my flesh dies. Dying is painful but it is necessary.

The final thing I see this morning is a reminder that I have to walk in discernment. The Spirit is not going to lay out a 3 year, 200 step plan. In verse 15 of this chapter Paul says that the man walking by the Spirit examines, investigates, inquires into, questions, and discerns all things. Walking in the mind and Spirit of Christ is a daily challenge of waking up, falling on my face, and seeking the leading of God; moment by moment, step by step.

Holy Spirit,
Today is that last day of what has been an incredible trip. I have felt Your presence and sensed Your leadership strongly this week. My sense is that there is a new revelation coming. I am not sure why but I get this strong stirring that the direction of this journey is shifting. I am aware enough to realize that this shift I feel could be nothing more than a last minute attempt from my enemy to deceive me and get me off track so I am calling out to You today for guidance.

I do not have a preferred outcome in this matter other than my deep desire to see salvation come and hope be restored to the children of Sweetwaters. I pray for a deep level of affirmation and direction not from man, but from You.

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