Today's passage: John 5:16-47 & John 6:16-24
"It had already become dark and Jesus had not yet come to them." John 6:17
The disciples expected Jesus to show. When He did not, they set out on their own. Things went from bad to worse. It was dark. They could not find Jesus. It was storming. Things were getting pretty rough for them.
I really relate to this story. Especially when it says it became dark and Jesus had not yet come. There are several places in my life right not where I feel like I am alone, in the dark, on a storm tossed sea. Helplessness and hopelessness pursue me. Fatigue keeps calling on me to just lay down. Frustrations mount as I wonder where Jesus is in the middle of all this. Questions began to surface. Doubts set in. My anger boils.
I hate these types of situations. People often panic over the storms of nature, but not me. I can handle, track or predict them. It is the storms of life that freak me out. They're seldom are something I can handle, track or predict. They come at the oddest of moments and there is no way to know when they will end.
This morning, I am reminded of a few important things. First, I need to be walking with Christ. Many times I have turned to God only after a storm hit and I needed help. This is not the best of times for this. I need to daily guard where I stand with God and pursue him continually.
Second, I need to learn to expect darkness and storms. They will happen. It does not matter what I read, what I pray, or what anyone else says; the storms of life are inevitable. This does not mean that I live life in dread, but I do need to develop a healthy acceptance of these things as being part of my growth and development.
Third, I need to learn to balance seeking the Lord while working out of the things I face. When the disciples see Jesus, they were not just sitting in the boat doing nothing. They had not thrown down their oars. They were not waiting on death. They were rowing the boat and alertly watching what was going on around them. That is the same lesson I must apply. Regardless of what situation I face, I must strive to keep going and never stop expecting God to show up.
Father there are areas of my life right now that are dark, stormy places. Many nights I sit alone, wrestling with desperation, and struggling to find hope. My energy has fades and I really feel like I am running on fumes.
I have been in these moments before and I am grateful for all You have taught me, but I still do not like it and I do not understand it. But, I respect the path You have placed me on.
I confess before You today that You are worthy of my praise, You alone are able to deliver, and that the struggles of this life are a cheap price to pray for the relationship I have with You now and are counted as nothing when compared to the life that is to come.
I ask that You strengthen me today to handle the things that come my way. In the darkest of moments, when the storm is at it greatest, I pray that You fill my heart with excitement and anticipation as I await Your deliverance.
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