Tuesday, December 2, 2008


"Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant seeking fine pearls, and upon finding one pearl of great value, he went and sold all that he had and bought it." Matthew 13:45

Energy. As I read this passage of scripture that is the thing that sticks out to me. The passage paints a picture of what happens when we find the truth that God has for us. It is a discovery that energizes the soul to the point where everything else in our life is considered as barter to pursue the glimpse of heaven we find.

Energy and motivation should always accompany my walk with God. Walking through the book of Matthew, I notice this in the lives of the people who met Jesus versus those who just encountered Him. Those who simply encountered Jesus went on their way. But those who met Jesus, those who truly met the core of who He was and caught a glimpse of the Father through him, those people were filled with the energy and motivation required to abandon all that was in their life in order to pursue the things that were available through Christ.

The cry of my heart today is that I not be content to just encounter You. I want to be introduced to the core of who You are. I desire for every fiber of my being to be energized as I come to realize the full weight of who You are.

My laziness and the lustfulness of my flesh often serve as anchors that prevent me from moving to follow You. I pray that in moments when I find myself tempted by these two enemies that You move upon my heart in a way that is real.
Nothing in me is content to be a religious man. There is nothing remotely attractive about that to me. I desire to be a life on fire; one that walks with Yahweh and is known by Him. I desire to be a reflection to the world of something heavenly.

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