Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A Simple Servant's Call

"The Lord's Bond-servant must not be quarrelsome, but be kind to all, able to teach, patient when wronged, with gentleness correcting those who are in opposition." 2 Timothy 2:24

This day's reading continues to teach me about being a bond-servant. As I prayed through yesterday's reading, God really opened up my heart to understanding the attitude I should have and the view I should develop of my role in life.

Even though the scriptures say that I am a joint heir with Christ, I am to humble myself and live as a bond-servant; a simple slave with no rights. A person indebted to their master and prepared to serve without expecting anything in return.

Today's passage begins to shed a little light on some characteristics that I need to allow God to develop in me. Today is about a simple servants call.

Not quarrelsome; ouch. Kind to all, eek. Able to teach, uh-oh. Patient when wronged, whoops. Correcting opposition with gentleness; duh-oh!

As the pressures of life mount up and frustration in my life build, I often find myself snapping under the weight of it all and becoming more than a little irritated. My patience runs thin and I find it pretty easy to become quarrelsome.

I am definitely kind by nature, but my kindness is not available to all people. Many times I feel a great desire to be kind only to see it overridden by my foolish pride. I withhold kindness when I am hurt, offended or pressed into a corner.

Being able to teach feels like a mystery to me. I am often unsure of what to say, how to say it, or when to say it. My fears and feelings of inadequacy often override my strong desire to see Your Word become known to others.

When I am wronged, I get riled up. Anger, bitterness, revenge, spitefulness, and vengeance boil in my blood. I fight these feelings hard, but I they take a toll on me. In the heat of the moment I often lose this battle. Rarely could one say that I am patient while I am being wronged.

Correcting with gentleness is difficult in certain circumstances. There are times when I want to use a sledge hammer on something that only requires a tap. There is something about human nature that often tempts me into believing the you have to be forceful to get anything done. I meet opposition with both barrels blazing when I should really come unarmed.

I ask for Your help in growing past all these issues today. Help me to own the fact that these things represent the service to which I am bonded. These are the traits of the good work You have for me. Your word promises that You will equip me to accomplish every good work to which You have called me. I ask today that You open my eyes to find the strength to be in submission to Your call on my life.

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