Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Much Fruit

Today's Reading:

John 15 & John 16:1-10


"My Father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit, and so prove to be my disciples." John 15:8


"Fruit" is not limited to good behavior. It covers a wide range of things such as obedience out of honor, joy beyond circumstance, prayers that witness answers, tangible closeness to God, love that pours out to others, and an inability to stop sharing God with others.


God is glorified by His movements in my life. His movements in my life are enabled when I abide in His Son. My ability to abide in His Son is limited by the choices that I make. John 15 points out a few things that will help me make better choices for abiding with Christ.

First I have to accept the fact that I am clean. John 15:3 records Christ telling me this. Once I confessed my sins to God and surrendered my life to Christ as savior I became spotless. I love that. It is done. Finished. Complete. Lacking nothing. Regardless of how I feel I must let go of my guilt, kick aside my condemnation, and hold my head up high. There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ. It is not based on me or my behavior; it is based on the word Christ has spoken concerning me.

Second I have to accept the fact that though I am clean my behavior still counts. Christ gives me all the freedom in the world to choose as I please and not have His grace over my life be affected at all. That truth, as glorious as it is, does not change the fact that while freedom has been bestowed, the call on my life is to abide in Him. Any pursuit that carries me away from the will of my Father will result in me being miserable. My choices must carry me into the heart of my Savior.


Father I genuinely love the fact that You started out this day by affirming that You love and accept me as being clean and pure. There is nothing I can do in this day to earn that and nothing I can do to lose that. You could never love me or accept me more than You do right now. That is an amazing truth.

I also genuinely love the fact that You refuse to allow me to coast. Bearing fruit is hard work. It necessitates sacrifice, alertness, wisdom, and energy that are beyond what I am capable of accomplishing on my own. You have truly called me to a mission that is a challenge above all I could ever seek.

I pray today that You take my heart and do with it as You please. There are still areas of my heart I hide from You. In a quiet moment of conviction I can see that there are dreams that I am not ready to lay down, sins I can not forget, hurts that refuse relief, and questions that haunt my peace. I give it all to You today and pray that You fill me to good measure with the heart I need to be the man You desire.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Experiencing the Great Shepherd

Today's Reading:

John 10:1-11 & John 11:17-44


"When he puts forth his own, he goes ahead of them, and the sheep follow him because they know his voice." John 10:4


Sheep are not born knowing the voice of their shepherd. Sheep do not learn of their shepherd through an introduction. Since they are animals it is not like the shepherd can just walk up to them and say, "Hello sheep. I am your shepherd." Sheep learn the voice of their shepherd through their experience with him. They learn to trust him. They learn that although they may not know exactly what he is saying, they can fully understand the direction he is leading them. Time with the shepherd proves that the direction he leads them is the best thing for them.


I think the same thing is true of my relationship with Christ. I am not born knowing Him. I do not come to know Him by someone simply introducing me to Him. I learn of Him by becoming familiar with the calling of His voice. I come to know Him by trusting Him with my obedience. The more I move towards Him in obedience, the more my faith in Him is strengthened.


Blind faith and trust is not a valued virtue in the world today. Every position of leadership or authority has been violated. Positions of leadership once held in regard as being pure and trustworthy have been adequately proven to be subject to the depravity of the men that hold them.

This makes trust hard. My experience has taught me to be a skeptic. Life has left me feeling as though I should look for evidence before I trust and track results so that I know when to get out.

This morning I realize that the harsh realities of living in a fallen world often impacts the relationship that I have with You. I want proof that I am on the path before I agree to follow. As I think on it this morning I see the fallacy in my thinking.

Father I pray that Your voice become clear to me and that my love, faith and respect for You compel me forward. Your ways are not my ways which often makes following You difficult as it requires me to act against my instincts and move in a direction that I do not always understand. I pray for the wisdom, discernment, faith, and courage I need to stay aligned with Your leadership.

Friday, December 18, 2009

True Inheritance

Today's Reading:

John 4


"You are not greater than our father Jacob, are You, who gave us the well, and drank of it himself, and his sons, and his cattle?" Jesus answered and said to her, "Everyone who drinks of this water shall thirst again; but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life." John 4:12-14


Fathers play an incredible role in the lives of their children and their children's children. God ordained the role of a dad to have an impact that literally reverberates throughout the generations to come. Jacob's obedience to God had left a lasting impact on his offspring in many ways. Be that as it may, no man has the capacity to offer an inheritance greater than the one offered by Christ.


In this passage I am reminded that there is nothing greater I can leave my kids than the legacy of a man who ran after the heart of God. Everything else I give to them or leave with them will perish.

Leaving a spiritual legacy begins by being a spiritual man. John 4:24 says this takes place through worshiping God in spirit and in truth. If I invest my time and energy in truly pursuing honest connection with God then God will manifest Himself in my life and transform me in to the man He desires for me to be and the man my kids deserve for me to be.

As God works in my life He does not do that just so that I can be a better person for myself and my family. He works in my life so that I may have an impact on the world He so desperately longs to see redeemed. John 4:35 teaches me that all once my heart is connected with God all I have to do is look around me and I will see plenty of opportunity to be a vessel of His blessing to others. The fields are full. I just have to engage the harvest.


Father, Jacob's well reminds me that there are some great and mighty things that I can accomplish and leave behind for my kids as an inheritance. For many years the desire to do this consumed me and fueled most of my drive in life. As time has passed I am coming to a place where I fully understand that the truth of Your word is the only true inheritance I can leave for my kids is to live my life in obedience to Your desires. Everything else fades. Nothing else has the power to save.

Jesus says that to do Your will was better to Him than even eating food. I ask that Your work become that alive to me and that I pass on that hunger to my kids and to those I lead. I pray that You help me to know and live what it means to worship You in spirit and in truth. As the events of my day unfold I pray that they reveal miracle encounters with and all-powerful God that leave me with no other logical conclusion other than You are real, You are alive, You are for me, and You have mission to accomplish with my life.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Things to Celebrate

Today's Reading:

1 Peter 1 & 1 Peter 4


"In this you rejoice greatly, even though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been distressed by various trials." 1 Peter 1:6


The apostle Peter wrote this letter to encourage believers who would likely face trials and persecution under Emperor Nero. During most of the first century, Christians were not hunted down and killed throughout the Roman Empire. They could, however, expect social and economic persecution from three main sources: the Romans, the Jews, and their own families. All would very likely be misunderstood; some would be harassed; a few would be tortured and even put to death. (from Life Application Study Bible Copyright © 1988, 1989, 1991, 1993, 1996 by Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved.)


In the verses leading up to this one Peter gives me three things I can celebrate no matter what is taking place in my life. In Peter 1:3 he reminds me that I have been born again to a living hope through Jesus Christ. If my relationship with Christ is not producing a living hope then I can be certain that I am either pretending to be pursuing Him or I have been sucked into being religious. Religion produces fear. False religion produces emptiness. A genuine love relationship with Christ produces a living hope.

In 1 Peter 1:4 he reminds me that I have been given an imperishable inheritance in heaven that can never be lost. Heaven is a mystery and so I often fail to think on it, but it is a reality. One day all the pain of this life will cease and I will have an eternity to spend in a perfect place. Death has been robbed of its fear. This life is no longer all I have.

Lastly in 1 Peter 1:5 he encourages me to remember that I am protected by the power of God. This does not mean that I will not experience hardships or pain. God's on Son was not spared, there is no way I will be. What it does mean is that God will not allow me to suffer beyond what I can handle and that He Himself will be my strength and deliverance.


Father I am just in awe of You this morning. Driving into work today I found myself staring that the sun igniting the sky and it is so captivating to think that Your beauty dwarfs what was before me. You hold this world in Your hand and will it to be what You desire. My gratitude for You is often buried by my frustrations, concerns, questions, and doubts. Thank You for mornings such as this one when You allow me to see You through the fog in my life. You are mighty. You are just. You alone are God. Thank You for allowing me to know You and to experience life as a free man and an adopted son.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Testing Your Faith

Today's Reading:

James 1 and 4


"Do not be deceived my beloved brethren." James 1:16


The title of James One in my Bible is "Testing Your Faith". When faith is tested the circumstances causing the test are normally external issues, but the greatest battle is always internal. Satan sneaks in and begins to undermine the process by weaving his web of deception. This chapter in James reminds me of a few major places satan begins his attack.


The first thing he tries to do is create inside of me dread, escape, denial and pity. These emotions seem to greet hard times at the door and the first and often most difficult battle is coming to grips with the fact that the trial is real, it will not go away, I will have to walk through it and I will come through to the other side.

The second thing he tries to accomplish is to create inside of me a fear that I must defend myself. Verse 19 says to be quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger. When the pressure cranks up it becomes easy to get caught up in thinking, the hell with what you have to say, listen to me because I am ticked and tired of being treated poorly.

The final thing satan tries to do is make God feel distant. Satan knows that God is my source of life and wisdom. If he can make me feel like God is not listening or responding to me then he has me. In the midst of hard times it is really challenging to cling to the promise that God is never distant. He always hears. He always draws near.


Of these three things You have spoken to me this morning I sense the greatest conviction regarding my anger and defensiveness. There are many days that it is hard to continually take the hits that keep coming and not become agitated. I confess that to You this morning and just say that I am fully aware of my need for You to work in that area of my life.

The man I am is not the man You or I desire for me to be. I am simply not there yet. I submit today to the work You are doing in my life and I rest in the truth that though I have a long ways to go; I will never be more loved or accepted by You than I am right now. Thank You for not basing your heart for me on my behavior or performance.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Three Big Idols

Today's Reading: Hebrew 13 & Jude


"For here we do not have a lasting city, but we are seeking the city which is to come." Hebrews 13:14


This place is not home. Earth, in all its splendor, will always leave its people longing. The place that follows this one is the place where dreams can't come close to painting a picture that does it justice. No suffering. No longing. No emptiness. No strife. No death. No pain. No wanting. That is the place that should hold my attention.

The gap that lies between me and the eternity what awaits me in heaven is the life I must live on earth. The afterlife is hard to comprehend. It is a little scary. Living with my mind bent towards heaven forces me to examine the very core of my faith and ask some really hard questions; the primary one being, do I really believe what I say I believe?


As I read the text from Hebrews this morning I see three core areas that should be different if I really believe what I say I believe to be true of God. First is my marriage. The writer of Hebrews says marriage should be honored above all. Marriage is not a legal institution created by government. It is a holy union of two souls blessed by God. My wife should be on a pedestal in my life. My relationship with her should trump everything else. Even in the midst of hard times my faith should force me to trust God to take care of my needs and empower me to focus my efforts on meeting hers.

Second is submission to my leaders. If what I believe about my faith is true then I have to accept that people in leadership over me have been placed there by God. That does not mean they are right. It does not mean I should copy their behavior. What it does mean is that I should be found by them to be faithful and trustworthy. I have to trust that God will work on my behalf when things get tough or when I feel wronged. I have to trust that no one or anything can prevent God's favor from accomplishing His will for my life. I just have to be faithful to act on what He gives me to do and fervently seek His hand of favor in my work.

Finally the integrity of my faith is proven in my contentment. Hebrews 13:5 makes this abundantly clear. Longing for money and possessions is not a healthy appetite. If I truly believe that God is all that He claims to be then I must live my life according to His promise to provide me with everything I need to have to be happy. This does not mean that I can't have dreams or challenge myself with goals. I would dry up and my life would be pretty flat if I did not have ambitions and targets to pursue. But what it does mean is that I have to be content and not allow my longings to ascend to such heights in my life that they leave me unable to enjoy my current reality. God is faithful. He will provide in His timing.


The state of my marriage, the state of my job and the state of my possessions control a overwhelming majority of my life. Being brutally honest; they have a greater impact on my joy in life than my relationship with You. That is the classic definition of idolatry and I confess it to You this morning.

Being in this world and not of this world is flat out the toughest challenge I could undertake. As I sit with You this morning I am awaked to just how badly I need You stirring in my life. There is no way I can surrender these things unless You are alive and tangibly present in my life to the point that I am able to make You my greatest pursuit. I pray that all my energy and hope be found in You and You alone.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Riddled Faith, Leaking Hope

Today's Reading: Hebrews 3 and 4


"Let us, therefore, make every effort to enter that rest, so that no one will fall by following their example of disobedience." Heb 4:11


This is not the struggle of doing good in order to obtain salvation, nor is it a mystical struggle to overcome selfishness. It refers to making every effort to appreciate and benefit from what God has already provided. Salvation is not to be taken for granted; to appropriate the gift God offers requires decision and commitment.

(from Life Application Study Bible Copyright)


In reading Hebrews 3 and 4 this morning I am reminded that getting all of God that He desires for me to have begins with me hearing truth. The trouble with truth is that it often conflicts with my wants. I must continually position myself so that I have people around me who care enough about me to speak the truth of God to me. Once truth is hear it always falls to me to decide to act on it and be committed to sticking with it.

Truth that is heard is of no value if it is not mixed with faith. Faith is confidence in a truth that is not based on proof. I can spend all day everyday looking for proof and still not find it. I have to decide on the front-end that I believe God's truth is the best for my life. I have be willing to accept it and apply it to my life. Most of the time "I do not believe" is really just a code language for "I do not like."

Hope is the fuel of life. Once hope is dried up my motivation goes with it. The truth of God will ALWAYS produce hope. That does not mean I will always get my desired result. What is means is that being obedient to God will produce a hope that is a far greater result than anything of earthly value could ever offer. God desires that I live a life full of certain hope in the good things to come.

There is one final, inescapable truth before me this morning: I have to work this out. Work is a verb. It is active. It is tough. It requires endurance. It requires absorbing setbacks. It demands that I look into the teeth of the storms of life and deny them their goal of robbing me of the truth, of my faith and of my hope.


Father life on this earth can get nasty in a hurry. People make really horrible decisions and those decisions carry real, painful, and destructive consequences. Some of these I experience myself, others I see carried out in the lives of others, but the aftermath of both cases leaves my faith riddled with holes and my hope spilling out on the ground.

Holding firm to my belief is easy when things are as I desire them to be. It is an entirely different beast when things seem to make no sense. I pray that the truth You have so graciously offered me this morning seep in to the depths of my soul and accomplish its desired result.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Game Plan for Difficult People

Today's Reading: Titus 1, Titus 2, & Titus 3:1-11


"Reject a factious man after a first and second warning..."Titus 3:10


If there is one thing that a church is known for it is division. That is a sad but inescapable truth. Paul speaks to this a great deal in his letters to the early church. He encourages people to avoid division. The problem is that most of the people with the right answers keep quiet while people wreaking havoc gain all the focus and create quite a mess. In book of Titus Paul lays out a game plan for dealing with difficult people.


Rule One: Don't be a difficult person. To say that I am opinionated, head-strong, and passionate is a lot like saying Jaba the Hut struggles with manners. There lies within me the potential to use these strengths to build up people or to tear them down. I need to make sure that I have people around me who love me enough to tell me the truth when I cross the line into being overbearing and I must make sure that I am humble enough to receive the first and second warning.

Rule Two: Pick the battles that truly matter. If I chose to split hairs over matters I could spend all day everyday arguing over things. Several times in this passage Paul encourages me to stay clear of foolish battles. At the end of the day the heart of the gospel is the only hill upon which I should die.

Rule Three: Have a conversation before I have a conflict. I have a tendency to become deeply offended before I choose to say anything. I get angry, get my facts strait, and then erupt without warning. Titus 3:10 is a good reminder for me to have a discussion before conflict and consequences emerge. If diplomacy fails then conflict is the lone recourse remaining and I can then use it with a clean conscience.


I pray today that You enable me to not be a difficult person. Help me find the humility I need to accept correction and keep my mind focused on building people up. The heart of every battle between two people is an offense and it is important for me to remember that I choose when to allow someone or something to bother me. Help me to make that choice wisely. Dealing with people along the way is hard. I have a tendency to stuff frustration until it boils over. I pray for the courage to speak out early enough in the process that I might have the time I need to salvage the relationship.

Honest discussions lead to wisdom and unity. Foolish arguments produce hurt and division. I pray that in all these things my goal not be to be right; but rather my heart be set on love, truth, peace and Your will. I am grateful for all that You are and all that You do on behalf of those who love You. I pray that my day be a holy offering to You. Thanks for inviting me along for the journey.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Not as They Should Be

Today's Reading: 1 Timothy 1, 1 Timothy 2 & 1 Timothy 3


" But the goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith." 1 Tim 1:5


The intended result of Paul's instruction to Timothy was love, and the purest kind of love at that. It is a love which pours naturally from a cleansed heart, a untainted conscience, and a sincere, unhypocritical faith. Each of these three traits join together in producing the most exquisite kind of selfless love which is seen in its ultimate form in God's love itself.


Paul's instruction to Timothy applies to my life today in three ways. First, a cleansed heart speaks to my motivation for pursuing God. I do not have to look very far to discover people who are using religion as a platform to accomplish their goals. My heart has to be cleansed of its own agenda and fully turned over to God.

The second speaks to my lifestyle. My conscience will never lie to me. I may intellectually justify or block out certain aspects of my behavior but ultimately there is a force at work inside of me that will point out my poor choices. I will never be able to stand firm if I am not walking in purity.

The third is a genuine acceptance of God's heart for others. That is the essence of a sincere faith. Being a Christian is not a place of privilege; it is a foundation of responsibility. The world is dying and God's heart for my faith is that it move me towards His people. Rules, regulations and intellectual debates are poor substitutes for walking in the life of the Holy Spirit and allowing that joy to spread.


As I read through these three chapters it becomes impossible for me to miss the fact that there are things in my life that are not as they should be. There are areas of my heart that are still powered by bent motivations. My conscience is tainted by certain behaviors that I choose to tolerate and excuse away. My faith's sincerity is threatened by my tendency to succumb to judgmental thoughts of comparison.

Father I admit to You that I am still a work in progress. I know my shortcomings and confess them to You today as being what they are; sin. I fully rely on You today to be faithful in completing the work You started in me. That is the promise of Your word and the hope of my heart. I submit to what You desire for me today and ask that You fully supply me to accomplish all that You desire for my life to be.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Dead Man Walking

Today's Reading: Colossians 3


"Therefore if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth." Colossians 3:1-2


Setting my sights on the things of heaven means more than just thinking about the life that comes after this one. Setting my sights on heaven means that I allow the truth of God's word to transform the way I live my life on earth. It means that the work of Christ in me produces something that is distinct from what the world produces.


Three things that I need to consider this morning. First, I am a dead man. The plain and simple truth of verse 3 is that when I accepted Christ I agreed to die to myself. There are a couple things I need to keep in mind regarding dead men: they have no rights, they have no fears, and they have nothing left to lose.

The second is my behavior. Paul, in verses 5-8, lays out two sets of behavioral things for me to apply. The first one speaks to impure pursuits and protects me from moral failures. The second speaks to my attitude in relationships and protects me from becoming a pompous, arrogant, condemning, religious jerk.

The third are my roles in life. Verses 18-25 speak to this and do so in manner that does not allow me much room to wiggle. Paul makes the priority clear by instructing me to love my wife first, my kids second and my work third. He also makes it clear that in all these roles I should behave in a manner that honors the name of my Savior by sincerely giving my heart to their betterment; even when it hurts to do so.


Father there is still a lot of life and pride left in me. I read this passage and I find myself tempted to respond with "yea, but what about this and what about that."

This is not an easy teaching. It is crazy hard to figure out how to maintain my drive and ambition and yet not pursue my own deal. It is flippin tough to do the right thing and have people run me over and pass me by. This process of dying to myself is grueling, painful and confusing. I am completely unable to do it on my own and there is absolutely no way I can do it if what I get from my relationship with You is not all that You desire it to be.

All that said, I also know that seeking my own gain is no good either. I have walked that path and found it to be more than empty. From where I am, as best I can; I confess to You today that I desire You above all things. My life is Yours and I pray that You do with it as You will. In doing this, I trust that You will provide for all my needs and supply to me a joy that is beyond anything I could ever achieve on my own.

Friday, December 4, 2009

What the Body Needs

Today's Reading: Ephesians 2:1-10; Ephesians 3:14-21; & Ephesians 4


"Therefore I, the prisoner of the Lord implore you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called." Ephesians 4:1


The word "worthy" means equal weight. In this verse Paul is telling them that one's calling and conduct should be in balance. This calling is more than just salvation but also speaks to their union in one body. Therefore a Christian's conduct concerns both his personal life and his responsibility to other believers in the church.


As I read through these passages of scripture I sense three things that need attention in my walk with Christ. First, Paul encourages me to remember that my former life was death. This is a crucial thing for me to constantly keep in remembrance. Some days it is tempting to look back at the former things and long for them. But they possess the power to produce nothing of worth or lasting value. My walk with Christ should produce life in me that overshadows the glory of the former things. If it is not then I am missing the mark.

Second, there is more to being a Christian than do's and don’ts. Being right with God has nothing to do with my behavior. I am right with God because Christ redeemed me from my sin. The moment I accepted Christ I became as holy as I will ever be. Good behavior results from me drawing closer to Christ; it has nothing to do with taking me closer to Christ. Religious standards make poor targets. My goal for everyday should be to live centered around the heart of God.

Third, other people are my mission. Paul was a prisoner. He lived each day in captivity. There was much reason for him to complain or to ask for help. Yet these letters he wrote maintained an external focus. In the midst of losing everything he had of earthly value Paul kept his heart set of the needs of others. That is the model my life should follow. If all my pursuits, all my studies, and all my prayers focus on my personal needs then I must know that I am not walking after Christ. There is a time and a place for personal needs, but they never should be the main point of attention.


Father I pray that from the abundance of power, wisdom, strength and insight that You possess that You grant for me be filled to all fullness with Christ. I pray that every fiber of my being radiate His heart for You, His heart for Your people, and His heart for who do not yet know You.

Everything about You surpasses human comprehension. Everything about You exists outside the realm of intellectual discovery. There is not one single thing about You I can accept outside of You empowering me to get it. I pray today that You open Your heart to me in a way the exceeds anything for which I could hope or ask. Help me to be what Your body needs me to be today.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

My False Belief

Today's Reading: Romans 10 & Romans 11.


"For the Scripture says, 'Whoever believes in Him will not be disappointed." Romans 10:11


To live in the truth of this verse is a bit tricky. The text says that whoever believes IN HIM will not be disappointed. To believe in something or someone means to have confidence in the truth, the existence, or the reliability of something without absolute proof that one is right in doing so. This means that in order to believe in someone you have to first have truth, but then you also have to know that you will eventually need to take a step of faith because all your questions will not be answered upfront.


Disappointment is a part of life. I am generally a positive person and I find the silver lining no matter how hard it is hidden; still, life rolls me over and some days it is really hard to keep perspective when it does. I am a man of faith. All that I do I approach through prayer, seeking the face and wisdom of God as I do. Because of this it is really hard to separate my disappointment with my outcomes from feeling like God let me down.

The heart of this message is that a pure belief in the truth about God will never let me down or leave me disappointed. False beliefs based on selfish or shortsighted interpretations of God will never leave me anything but disappointed.


There are certain truths about You that are inconvenient to me and my plans. There are certain truths about You that are not politically correct. There are certain truths about You that are not all that comforting to consider. To help with this I often adopt my own version of truth about who You are.

As a result of my trying to make You fit into my world view I spend a lot of time dealing with my own confusion and disappointment. Father, I confess to You this morning my desire to have a god that fits my world view. That is nothing short of idolatry.

I pray that You enlighten the eyes of my heart to see You in truth. Open Your word to me in a way that it fills every fiber of my being with an honest acceptance of who You are, just as You are and also help me find the humility and courage I need to live the life of faithful submission to which You have called me.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Radical Truth

Today's Reading: Romans 5:1-11; Romans 6:15-23; & Romans 8:28-39


"Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ." Romans 5:1


The boldness of this statement would not have been missed at the time this letter was penned. For Paul's original audience there was nothing capable of producing this. It was a radical statement because it opened the door to a sanctuary never before experienced.


The boldness of this statement can easily slip past me unnoticed in today's world. It is no longer radical in concept. I have heard this truth preached regularly from the pulpit. The radical nature of this statement is in the application of it. Peace. That is the promise. Freedom from sin. That is the promise. Joy in abundance. That is the promise. A new life. That is the promise.

Yet many days I wonder around feeling anything but peace. My struggles with sin seem to continue without relief. Joy comes in waves but never stays with consistency. There is something about this once radical truth that feels empty when I search for its fruit in my life.


Father in the verses that follow this one I see something in the life of Paul that is absent in mine. Paul's relationship with You produced a joyful celebration that was greater than anything he faced in life. The reality of heaven tasted so sweet to him that nothing of this earth could come close to interfering with his pursuit of it. He was willing to endure anything and go anywhere to pursue what You placed before him.

In all honesty I do not always get that. If I replay the events in my life that have occurred over the past six weeks I notice a pattern of me getting frustrated with You over things that are incredibly petty compared to the hardships faced by Paul. There seasons when I allow the fear of losing the comfort of my life to become a stumbling block to following after You. I confess that to You this morning as sin.

Father I sense an awakening inside of me that scares me. I am further out on the edge of my faith that I have ever been but I am also fully aware that where I am is not a resting place. Your plans for me are not done. I ask for all of You that You desire for me to have. I lay aside anything in my life that interferes with that and seek your strength is staying strong in the midst of the fight.

Monday, November 30, 2009

A Yes Man

Today's Reading: Romans 3 & 4


"Without becoming weak in faith he contemplated his own body, now as good as dead since he was about a hundred years old, and the deadness of Sarah's womb." Romans 4:19


Stinking unbelievable. Knowing the end of the story sometimes makes it easy to blow past the relationship that Abraham had with God and the amount of faith he displayed in saying yes.


Faith. That is the word that keeps coming to my mind this morning. My faith should be more than something I cling to for peace and comfort. It should be the call in my life beckoning me to stretch myself beyond what is known and comfortable. It should be the fuel that empowers me to leave behind all that is known in pursuit of the vision God has for me. It should not be the thing that comforts me from the sidelines; it should be the very thing that creates such a great discontentment inside of me that it renders me unable to sit out of the game.


Abraham's choices with his life proved his belief in You. Generations of people have studied this man's life and there is no conclusion to be drawn other than he is a man upon whom You proved Yourself to be faithful. Your presence, Your existence, Your power, Your glory, and Your favor all radiate from the life of this man because he simply believed in You enough to say yes.

I want to be a yes man. I want to walk with You in a manner that I hear Your voice and know what You want. I want to be in constant awareness of where You are and what You are doing. My heart's desire is to find myself in the center of Your will building Your kingdom. Nothing else matters to me. Help me to make wise choices today with the life You have entrusted to me.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Keeping Prayer on Track

Today's Reading: Matthew 20 & Matthew 21:1-22


"The the mother of the sons of Zebedee came to Jesus with her sons, bowing down and making a request of Him." Matthew 20:20


The mother of these men was not intentionally acting with evil intent. She was doing what she felt was the best thing to do for her family by asking that the faithfulness of her sons be rewarded. The issue with her and her sons was that they totally missed the heart of what Christ had been teaching.

It is easy to sit in the comfort of my chair and throw rocks at the people in this story, but in reality I am no better. I walk up to Christ, kneel in false humility, and ask Him to make much of me. I can sugar coat it and dumb it down but if I remove all the pretense that is what a lot of my prayers are essentially about. Something in my life is hindering my joy or advancement and I want it taken away.


I see three things that can help me keep my prayers on track from today's text. The first is in 20:1-16; fairness is not a Biblical value. Fairness is in fact quite a selfish and egotistical feeling. If I am approaching Christ with even a hint "this is not fair" in my mind then I can know that I am not praying according to His intent.

The second is in 20:20-28; Christ does not exist for my comfort and convenience. The Son of Man did not have a place to rest His head, why should I expect anything better. If I am approaching Christ with a heart that is bent towards wanting a better life then I have opened myself up for all types of deception.

The third is in 20:18-22; Christ expects me to bear fruit. Appearances do not matter. I can do all the religious acts I want and still miss the mark. Christ's plans for me are life transformation. Everything He has invested in me was intended to produce fruit for Him to enjoy. Whenever I reach a place where I feel as if I am just going through the motions I should remember how this worked out for the fig tree.


There is much on my heart today that is not right. There are things I seek which clearly work against what You have spoken to me this morning. My desire for things to be fair clearly indicates how disconnected I am from what I truly deserve. My desire for comfort and convenience reveals how locked into this world I am and how busy I am working at making it feel like home. My lack of fruit is a grim reminder of just how caught up I am in going through the motions.

I give to You today these things. These three matters of the heart are as wicked and nasty as any act I could ever commit. Even as I sit here this morning fully awake to the gravity of this teaching I still sense pride that is resisting this conviction. Father I am grateful for Your forgiveness and my only hope is that You remove these mountains in my life and produce through me the fruit You desire for me to bear.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Three Stops

Today's Reading: Matthew 15 & 16


"But He turned and said to Peter, 'Get behind me satan! You are a stumbling block to me; for you are not setting your mind on God's interests, but man's.'" Matthew 16:23


These words sound harsh and they are. Peter was missing the point of the mission. He walked with Christ daily and yet he still was missing where it was that Christ was taking him.

The same is very true of my life. I have the potential to be right in the center of God's will for my life or I can choose to be a stumbling block to my Savior. From today's reading I see three things that I must stop doing in order to guard against this.


First, I have to stop seeking signs. It is in my nature to want proof before I will commit to anything. Faith requires taking God at His word and moving forward. Looking for signs is a farce. Even if I get the sign I seek it will not be any easier to believe. Belief is birthed in the heart; not the head.

Second, I have to stop waiting to be resourced. I look at the needs around me and compare them to the resources I possess. In doing this I am always woefully short. I do not have the patience, time, energy, wisdom, purity, peace, understanding, money, or opportunity to address all that I see on a daily basis. In doing this I miss the point. God does not care what I have; He just wants me to be mobilized.

Finally I have to stop seeking life. This one is all about my will for my life. I have dreams. I have ambitions. I have a picture in my head of what I want to be, what I want to do, and what I want my legacy to be. If I am running to God only to pursue these things then I will constantly be disappointed. God did not indwell me to make much of my life. He redeemed and empowered me to make much of His will for redeeming this world.


The redemption of the world. I stare at that sentence and the words reflect back to me an image that is not nearly as beautiful to me as it should be. There is still too much of me in me. My desires are not for the redemption of the world in as much as they are centered on the preservation of my ideas, beliefs, values, and desires.

Father, I am completely powerless to let go ambitions. I would say I can try but I know without a doubt I will return to them. Bottom line is that I have limits to what I am willing to do for You. There are places I will not go, things I will not do, and sacrifices that I will not make. I confess this to You this morning and in all humility ask for Your help in stopping the things You have asked me to leave behind.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

My Who

Today's Reading: Matthew 8:1-17; Matthew 9:35-38; & Matthew 10


"...and Judas Iscariot, the one who betrayed Him." Matthew 10:4


Judas really blew it. The man is forever inked as a shining example of greed and betrayal. All men live and all men die. That is a common fate assigned to every person who walks the earth. It is common ground upon which we all stand.

One day I will leave this earth and pass on to the life that follows this one. There is a statement waiting for me that says, "Jason Hester, the one who ________."


Thankfully my "who" is still blank and I have some time. That is good but it also presents itself with an issue around what do I want my "blank" to say? Over the years I have filled the blank in with many things. There are seasons of my time that would have left that blank filled with words that would have shamed my legacy. While I am grateful for the chance to continue working on my "who"; I am also sobered by the reality that the choices I make today are determining the words to be penned that will forever ink my legacy in the hearts of those who come after me.


"In word, spirit, and deed he reflected the life of Jesus Christ." That is the true answer to what I should desire to have people say when they fill in the blank describing my life. Reality, however, is that I still struggle with this one. Given the fact that You know everything about everything I know that does not surprise You; but it frustrates me the mess out of me.

My choices regarding my desires and my passions will ultimately write the history of my life and determine the legacy I leave behind. That is a little frightening to me. I know my desires. I know my passions. You have brought me a long ways from the places I used to frequent with them, but I also look in the mirror everyday and know full well that my flesh is still dying and is fighting tooth and nail on its way out.

The only thing that I fear in this world is the enemy that lies within me. There is an internal traitor who has no plan other than self-destruction. I sit with You this morning and simply confess that I am completely unable to live a life worthy of any better legacy than Judas'. If left to my own I would consume anyone and anything in pursuit of the things that satisfied any itch I had.

I pray that You lead me to follow well today. Consume my heart with desires and passions that point towards a strong spiritual legacy and guide me with the wisdom I need to make those choices. Pure and holy passions often require me to delay my gratification; so I also ask that You sustain me today as I deny myself, take up my cross, and follow after You.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Defining "IT"

Today's Reading: Matthew 5:1-16; Matthew 6:5-15; & Matthew 7


"Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened unto You." Matthew 7:7


Ask and "IT" will be given. Knock and you will find "IT". The key to this passage is found in chapters that come before. This is not a blanket statement covering anything that I desire to have. It is buffered by Christ's teaching in the previous chapters. The key becomes defining the "IT" I ask for and seek after.


The problem with me is that the thing I am asking for is rarely the thing that I need. I am reminded this morning that there are normally three "IT's" that God will always give to me when I pray: ambitions that are Kingdom focused, a heart for the corporate good and a clear view of my unhealthy thoughts.


Jesus You taught me in Matthew 6:16-24 that seeking earthly treasure is of no good to me. You make that abundantly clear and yet that is where a majority of my prayers stop and start.

I set my sights on something of earthly value (things, relationships, possessions or success) and then allow the lack of having it to drive me nuts. So I pray asking for it and lose sight of anything else in life until I get it.

It is insanely stupid for me to think that You are going to freely give me something that You have so clearly taught is no good for me. I ask that You forgive my pig-headedness.

I confess to You this morning that regardless of what I feel the thing that I need is to have all my ambitions be focused on Your Kingdom agenda, my driving desires to all be pointed towards the corporate good of others, and my stinking thinking to be replaced by pure thoughts about You and the life You have given me. Everything else is just chaff that will be burned or swept away.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Choices to Make

Today's Reading: Psalm 125; 2 Corinthians 12; & 2 Corinthians 13


"Finally, brethren, rejoice, be made complete, be comforted, be like minded, live in peace, and the God of love and peace will be with you." 2 Corinthians 13:11


Living life with Christ can become very difficult and confusing. This passage shrinks the Bible down to 5 simple choices to seek each day: (1) Rejoice. (2) Be made complete. (3) Be comforted. (4) Be like minded. (5) Live in peace.


All five of these things seem like worthy goals to target, but there are not goals. They are choices. The goal is to be in the presence of the God of peace. These choices lead me there.


Choosing to rejoice means that I choose to be separate from my circumstances. I pray that Your word and truth become alive to me in a manner that I will rejoice in You because of who You are not because of what You have done for me.

Choosing to be made complete means that I acknowledge I am lacking and submit to Your plans for remodeling my heart. I ask that Your voice and direction be clear in my life as I seek to conform to Your will for me.

Choosing to be comforted means that I let go of how I want things to be and allow You to make me rest in the midst of what things are. I pray that I not seek to be removed from the storm as much as I seek to find Your presence in the storm.

Choosing to be like minded means that I lay down my pride and seek to understand on much larger scale than I seek to be understood. I pray that You guide me to only take divisive stands on issues that are truly essential to Your will.

Choosing to live in peace means that I sacrifice my rights to have things as I wish them to be. I pray that I be enabled to tap into the strength You have provided so that I may walk this troubled life in peace.

Father You know my inability to any of these things. My only hope is You working in me to complete the truth You have set before. My goal is not to have life my way. My only ambition is to be surrounded by Your perfect love and peace.