Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Things to Celebrate

Today's Reading:

1 Peter 1 & 1 Peter 4


"In this you rejoice greatly, even though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been distressed by various trials." 1 Peter 1:6


The apostle Peter wrote this letter to encourage believers who would likely face trials and persecution under Emperor Nero. During most of the first century, Christians were not hunted down and killed throughout the Roman Empire. They could, however, expect social and economic persecution from three main sources: the Romans, the Jews, and their own families. All would very likely be misunderstood; some would be harassed; a few would be tortured and even put to death. (from Life Application Study Bible Copyright © 1988, 1989, 1991, 1993, 1996 by Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved.)


In the verses leading up to this one Peter gives me three things I can celebrate no matter what is taking place in my life. In Peter 1:3 he reminds me that I have been born again to a living hope through Jesus Christ. If my relationship with Christ is not producing a living hope then I can be certain that I am either pretending to be pursuing Him or I have been sucked into being religious. Religion produces fear. False religion produces emptiness. A genuine love relationship with Christ produces a living hope.

In 1 Peter 1:4 he reminds me that I have been given an imperishable inheritance in heaven that can never be lost. Heaven is a mystery and so I often fail to think on it, but it is a reality. One day all the pain of this life will cease and I will have an eternity to spend in a perfect place. Death has been robbed of its fear. This life is no longer all I have.

Lastly in 1 Peter 1:5 he encourages me to remember that I am protected by the power of God. This does not mean that I will not experience hardships or pain. God's on Son was not spared, there is no way I will be. What it does mean is that God will not allow me to suffer beyond what I can handle and that He Himself will be my strength and deliverance.


Father I am just in awe of You this morning. Driving into work today I found myself staring that the sun igniting the sky and it is so captivating to think that Your beauty dwarfs what was before me. You hold this world in Your hand and will it to be what You desire. My gratitude for You is often buried by my frustrations, concerns, questions, and doubts. Thank You for mornings such as this one when You allow me to see You through the fog in my life. You are mighty. You are just. You alone are God. Thank You for allowing me to know You and to experience life as a free man and an adopted son.

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