Today's Reading: Hebrew 13 & Jude
"For here we do not have a lasting city, but we are seeking the city which is to come." Hebrews 13:14
This place is not home. Earth, in all its splendor, will always leave its people longing. The place that follows this one is the place where dreams can't come close to painting a picture that does it justice. No suffering. No longing. No emptiness. No strife. No death. No pain. No wanting. That is the place that should hold my attention.
The gap that lies between me and the eternity what awaits me in heaven is the life I must live on earth. The afterlife is hard to comprehend. It is a little scary. Living with my mind bent towards heaven forces me to examine the very core of my faith and ask some really hard questions; the primary one being, do I really believe what I say I believe?
As I read the text from Hebrews this morning I see three core areas that should be different if I really believe what I say I believe to be true of God. First is my marriage. The writer of Hebrews says marriage should be honored above all. Marriage is not a legal institution created by government. It is a holy union of two souls blessed by God. My wife should be on a pedestal in my life. My relationship with her should trump everything else. Even in the midst of hard times my faith should force me to trust God to take care of my needs and empower me to focus my efforts on meeting hers.
Second is submission to my leaders. If what I believe about my faith is true then I have to accept that people in leadership over me have been placed there by God. That does not mean they are right. It does not mean I should copy their behavior. What it does mean is that I should be found by them to be faithful and trustworthy. I have to trust that God will work on my behalf when things get tough or when I feel wronged. I have to trust that no one or anything can prevent God's favor from accomplishing His will for my life. I just have to be faithful to act on what He gives me to do and fervently seek His hand of favor in my work.
Finally the integrity of my faith is proven in my contentment. Hebrews 13:5 makes this abundantly clear. Longing for money and possessions is not a healthy appetite. If I truly believe that God is all that He claims to be then I must live my life according to His promise to provide me with everything I need to have to be happy. This does not mean that I can't have dreams or challenge myself with goals. I would dry up and my life would be pretty flat if I did not have ambitions and targets to pursue. But what it does mean is that I have to be content and not allow my longings to ascend to such heights in my life that they leave me unable to enjoy my current reality. God is faithful. He will provide in His timing.
The state of my marriage, the state of my job and the state of my possessions control a overwhelming majority of my life. Being brutally honest; they have a greater impact on my joy in life than my relationship with You. That is the classic definition of idolatry and I confess it to You this morning.
Being in this world and not of this world is flat out the toughest challenge I could undertake. As I sit with You this morning I am awaked to just how badly I need You stirring in my life. There is no way I can surrender these things unless You are alive and tangibly present in my life to the point that I am able to make You my greatest pursuit. I pray that all my energy and hope be found in You and You alone.
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