Today's Reading: Ephesians 2:1-10; Ephesians 3:14-21; & Ephesians 4
"Therefore I, the prisoner of the Lord implore you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called." Ephesians 4:1
The word "worthy" means equal weight. In this verse Paul is telling them that one's calling and conduct should be in balance. This calling is more than just salvation but also speaks to their union in one body. Therefore a Christian's conduct concerns both his personal life and his responsibility to other believers in the church.
As I read through these passages of scripture I sense three things that need attention in my walk with Christ. First, Paul encourages me to remember that my former life was death. This is a crucial thing for me to constantly keep in remembrance. Some days it is tempting to look back at the former things and long for them. But they possess the power to produce nothing of worth or lasting value. My walk with Christ should produce life in me that overshadows the glory of the former things. If it is not then I am missing the mark.
Second, there is more to being a Christian than do's and don’ts. Being right with God has nothing to do with my behavior. I am right with God because Christ redeemed me from my sin. The moment I accepted Christ I became as holy as I will ever be. Good behavior results from me drawing closer to Christ; it has nothing to do with taking me closer to Christ. Religious standards make poor targets. My goal for everyday should be to live centered around the heart of God.
Third, other people are my mission. Paul was a prisoner. He lived each day in captivity. There was much reason for him to complain or to ask for help. Yet these letters he wrote maintained an external focus. In the midst of losing everything he had of earthly value Paul kept his heart set of the needs of others. That is the model my life should follow. If all my pursuits, all my studies, and all my prayers focus on my personal needs then I must know that I am not walking after Christ. There is a time and a place for personal needs, but they never should be the main point of attention.
Father I pray that from the abundance of power, wisdom, strength and insight that You possess that You grant for me be filled to all fullness with Christ. I pray that every fiber of my being radiate His heart for You, His heart for Your people, and His heart for who do not yet know You.
Everything about You surpasses human comprehension. Everything about You exists outside the realm of intellectual discovery. There is not one single thing about You I can accept outside of You empowering me to get it. I pray today that You open Your heart to me in a way the exceeds anything for which I could hope or ask. Help me to be what Your body needs me to be today.
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