Thursday, February 19, 2009

Face Down in the Dirt

I saw on the way a light from heaven, brighter than all the sun, shining all around me and those who were journeying with me. Acts 26:12

God got Paul's attention and the attention of those around him. There was no doubt in his mind as to what God had told him to go and do. He also got the attention of those traveling with him. They could not hear what was said, but there was little doubt that something amazing had taken place. It was an amazing encounter, however; the value of the encounter was not determined by the moment of light on the road to Damascus. The value of the encounter was determined by what Paul did once he got up off the ground.

As I sit here this morning, I am more than a little weary from wrestling with the scripture. My mind is running in a hundred different directions and gathering them together feels a lot like herding cats. There is much to understand about Paul's encounter with God.

First I must change my communication expectations with God. A blinding light knocked Paul flat on his face. A thundering voice instructed him in the way he should go. I wonder, just what would the impact to my lifestyle and my prayer life be if I were to live in expectation that God would move speak to me that clearly? Often I go into prayer not really expecting much and consequently I do not get much.

The second thing that really get me in this passage is that the others with Paul saw the light, but the did not understand the voice. As I follow after God, I should be prepared for this. God spoke to Paul as an individual. He spoke to Moses as an individual. He spoke to Abraham as an individual. He will speak to Jason as an individual. The groups around these men rarely heard the instruction and often worked against the fulfillment of the mission handed down.

The third thing that I am taking away from this story is that Paul was living counter to God at the time of his call. I mean, seriously, he was murdering Christians. It does not get much worse than that. I put so much pressure on myself to get cleaned up before I expect God to use me. There is no truth in that. I need to seek God as best I can from where I am. He will take care of the rest.

I have spent many days face down in the dirt. Most of the time, it is hard to get back up. I pray that I learn to treat these encounters with you has the Holy moments that they are. I pray for the strength to not lay there wallowing in self-pity but to pick myself up and continue in a new direction.

As I sit here this morning my soul stirs at the excitement that comes from following You on this mission that you have for me. In all that I do, allow me the Wisdom to hear Your voice clearly. Speak to me in a manner that is unmistakable. Direct my life and keep me moving.

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