Monday, February 2, 2009

Four Common Failures

Today's Reading: Exodus 32 & Acts 8:1-25

"Then Moses said to them, 'Dedicate yourselves today to the LORD...In order that He may bestow a blessing upon you today.'" Exodus 32:34

The blessing of the LORD follows the direction of the LORD. Exodus 32 reveals 4 common mistakes that will cause a person to take their focus away from God. Avoiding these 4 things requires a daily commitment to dedicating oneself to the pursuit of God's direction. The four mistakes I see are associating things of God to a man, becoming frustrated with the timing of things, giving in to the weight of peer pressure, and seeking selfish desires.

As I look back over the mistakes that I have made in life, there is not a single one that does not fit into one of these four categories. If Satan is going to attack, these are his normal tactics. I must guard against them at all costs.

Father You have chosen to use men in the spreading of Your word. My life has been greatly impacted by the men You have allowed to pour into my life. The problem is man is fallible. We are all prone to failure. Please protect me from associating Your movement in my life with a human being. No matter the impact a person has on my life; it is not the person but rather You who delivers the results.

Timing is a huge issue for me. I want what I want when I want it. I get really impatient and my anger burns hot when what I seek is delayed. In these moments of frustration I am prone to wonder. Please forgive me of this. I regret the man I become when I have to wait. I confess to You this morning I am powerless against this. Delaying gratification is not something I can do on my own.

Peer pressure is by far the most powerful earthly force at work in my life. As I think upon my life I am astonished at the destruction I have brought upon myself simply because I lacked the courage to go against the desires of the crowd. Even now as a full grown man it is tempting to give in when people attempt to press me in a certain direction. Please strengthen me against this. Allow Your power to overwhelm the pressure people apply against me.

Time and time again my choices have proven that self-centered choices always result in empty accomplishments. They are no more filling than a candy bar, yet there is something so alluring about them. My appetite for accomplishment causes me to smash everything good and holy in my life should it get in the way of me going after what I want. I have seen myself cranked up on selfishness and I am honestly afraid of who I can be. Please protect me from this. I need Your Spirit to be alive to me in a way that my desires can be satisfied in only You.

You did not wire me to be one who sits and waits on things to come to him. My natural gifting is to charge the hill, take the battle to the enemy and accomplish things through blood, sweat and tears. Tenacity, courage, and sheer will are the only things I have ever been naturally gifted at. I can never be a pushover. I can never sit idle and wait. I have to be on mission. I have to be in pursuit of something. I pray that You speak clearly to me and help me to engage in things that are dedicated to You. Protect me from the dark side of the gifts You gave me.

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