Today's Reading: Numbers 9:15-23 & Acts 27
"…and thus we came to Rome." Acts 27:14
From the time Paul was imprisoned in Judea to his arrival in Rome, somewhere around three years has passed. Two years of beatings and trials in Judea and a year of hell and torment at sea comprised the experiences of Paul and Luke during this three year journey. That is what amazes me about this verse. Luke did not celebrate their arrival at Rome as having accomplished anything. His notation of their arrival is barely a footnote.
Luke and Paul were on a mission and that mission was not to get to Rome. Their mission was to spend the balance of their life spreading the gospel. Anything and everything that happened in their life was secondary to that. No matter what events transpired in the lives of these men they stayed on task.
There are three things that are really on my heart today as I read this passage. First, I must learn to pray. Throughout the New Testament I see the mighty men of these books spending time with God in prayer, seeking the call of God for their lives. I pray but I do not pray like they did. I do not see the release of power that they saw. I go often go to God to get Him on board with my agenda. These men went to God seeking to surrender to His agenda.
Second, I must be realistic about my journey. Following after God will never be easy. The more obedient I become to God's will for my life the more at odds I become with the world. This is war. The life I lead is so comfortable I often forget that. I am called to daily surrender to God's desire to transform me into His own image. I am called to daily abide in Christ. Jesus warned His disciples that the world would hate them just as it hated Him. Following after God will be a life-long journey and an adventure. It will never end and it will never be easy. I might as well accept that.
Finally, I must stay on task. Paul never strayed from his task. Every step of the journey he just kept on pursuing God's call on his life. For me this is a challenge. I get really irritated when something comes between me and where I want to be. In my irritation I turn to all sorts of things that distract me from my mission. I seek solutions. I pursue relief. I seek new missions. In short, I will pursue just about anything that holds promise of delivery.
Prayer:The simple cry of my heart this morning is to be able to enter Your presence in a real and tangible way. Father, I can't live the life You have called me to if I am not daily connected to You in prayer. Not prayer in terms of some mindless oratory pointed at the ceiling of my home. Not prayer in terms of some well thought out words designed to create a moving moment for other people. But Prayer in terms of a simple man, entering the presence of a mighty God and receiving clear direction.
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