Wednesday, April 29, 2009

No Need for Signs

Today's Reading:  Psalm 139 & Matthew 16



"…do you know how to discern the appearance of the sky , but cannot discern the signs of the times."  Matthew 16:3



There are many aspects of life that can become confusing.  Understanding what is happening, why it is happening and what should be done about it can be tough.  Circumstances can seem random and things that happen can appear cruelly pointless. 


In the midst of seemingly pointless pain, worsening conditions or blatant attacks it is easy to lose sight of God's sovereign purpose.  As expectations are destroyed and faith is tested the true measure of a person's beliefs are revealed. 



I have seen me at my worst and it is not good.  I flat-out become unglued when my circumstances lose direction, purpose or meaning.  Just as the religious morons in this verse starting looking for a sign, I can often find myself sulking about feeling like I need some evidence or God's goodness.  As I read Psalm 139 this morning, I find some information about life I need to be reminded of. 


God desires more from me than religious acts, rights, rules or offerings.  He intimately knows and understands everything about me.  I am so close to my feelings and emotions that it becomes hard for me to process them.  God looks at things from afar.  He sees my thoughts in the broader context of my past, my present and my future.  His perspective is the only perspective that can help me make sense of me.  If I am not connected with Him on a daily, practical basis I will often find myself longing for meaning or purpose.



Father nothing in my life is random.  Just as You were with David, just as You were with Jesus; so are You with me now.  My life is not an accident and nothing in my past, present or future will ever be outside of Your hand.  The circumstances of my life are like a bit in my mouth.  They are the thing You use to control me.  You use them to close me in, slow me down, and direct me.


I ask that You search me and reveal to me the truth of my ways.  Teach me how to walk with You in a way that practically affects even my smallest decisions.  Father there are times that I call out for a sign.  What a foolish request.  Instead of seeking an external sign I pray that You search my heart, remove any hindrances, and consume my inner soul with the reality of who You are. Help me embrace the circumstances of my life and compare them to the greatness of who You are.  

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Hypocrites and Useless Debates

Today's Reading:  Matthew 15



"Jesus said, 'Are you still lacking in understanding also?'"  Matthew 15:16



Tradition blinds us.  It creates a perception of reality that is really hard to change.  Tradition in religion is a surrogate for obedience.  Tradition in religion is propagated by the fear of its leaders.  Tradition always distracts attention away from the heart of a man.  Tradition in religion prevents people from experiencing the mission of Christ.



Hypocrites.  Jesus cared nothing for them.  In this passage there are a few things I can learn from Him this morning that are helpful in dealing with hypocrites and their useless traditions. 


Lesson one, do not be one.  The trouble with becoming a hypocrite is that no one ever walks up to me and says, "hey, let's be hypocrites."  It does not happen that way.  Becoming a hypocrite is a slow process of deception that weaves a web of false reality of holiness.  This false reality can be near impossible to escape.  I can not lack understanding regarding what makes me holy. 


Lesson two, never let hypocrites make you defensive.  In verse 3 of this chapter Jesus immediately goes on the offensive and sets the Scribes and Pharisees on their heals. Jesus was soft, approachable and forgiving to the lost; but He was brutal to the religious elite.  He never catered to them.  He always attacked their hypocrisy.  The problem is that taking on a pack of wolves is never easy.  You have to know what you are doing.  The only way to go against false religion is knowing the truth. I can not lack understanding regarding the true intentions of God's commands.


Lesson three,  never try to change a hypocrite.  In verse 14 Jesus said leave them alone.  Jesus did not breakout a scroll and start a religious debate.  He called them out and then left them alone.  He said they were blind.  They were incapable of seeing the truth.  The church has wasted much of this century in arguing over theology and traditions.  Baptists.  Methodists.  Presbyterians.  Catholics.  The Church of Christ.  Assembly of God.  On and on and on the list goes.  Each has its on set of tradition and its own misrepresentations of right and wrong.  Each has its own set of hypocrites hindering the work of God.  God will deal with them on His own terms.  I just need to be faithfully engaged in His plans for reaching the lost.  I can not lack understanding regarding my mission.



Father I do not want to lack understanding.  Keep me out of the politics and heresy debates taking place today.  Give me the knowledge, courage and strength to stay on course with the true mission of Your Church.  Let nothing hinder me from experiencing Your redemptive work in this lost and dying world.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Connecting wtih an Extraordinary God

Today's Reading:  Psalm 142 & Mt 14



"After He had sent the crowds away, He went up on the mountain by Himself to pray; and when it was evening, He was there alone."  Matthew 14:23



This mornings readings cover two men who were known for their prayer.  In this passage Jesus has had a long day.  The news of John the Baptist's death had to be a tough blow of reality to the gut.  Jesus was fully man and it would have wreaked havoc on His emotions.  When Satan stopped tempting him in the desert, the scriptures said that he waited for an opportune time to return.  I would imagine this was such a time.


In the Psalm, David was also having a bad day.  Saul had set his desire on killing David.  David was hiding in cave.  It was a dark, lonely and desperate time.  He had to be tempted with anger and frustration.  


When the world began to press up against Jesus and David they often withdrew to pray.  Prayer for them was more than just a formality.  It was more than a panic button to usher in escape.  It was a porthole that connected ordinary men with and extraordinary God. 



Relief.  Escape.  Change of scenery.  Wrapped reality.  These are often the desires that spring from my heart during tough times.  What about prayer?  Where does it fit in my desires during hard times?  I am not talking about the little, mayday type prayers I through up when I know I am in trouble.  I talking about real, genuine times of connecting with God. 



Your Word says that I should have no other God's before me.  I should seek no other place of rest and sanctuary.  But I do.  I am asking this morning that You transform my quiet times with You.  Speak to me as You never have before.  Create a desire inside of me to crave You more than I crave anything of earth.  Minister to me in a manner proves Your glory to the world watching me.  I am asking this morning that prayer stop being something I do and become something that I am. 

Friday, April 24, 2009

He is Beautiful

CORRECTED BIBLE VERSE:  Today's Reading:  Psalm 109:21-31 & Matthew 11



"'Come to me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest'.  'Take my Yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.'"  Matthew:11:28-29



In the context of this chapter Jesus is not speaking to the lost; He is talking to the Jews.  The Jewish law was complex and impossible.  From what I understand there were over 600 commands just associated with observing the Sabbath.  There were various interpretations of these laws depending on the teacher you followed.  The teachings of a Jewish Rabbi were referred to as his yoke because it was a sign of submission to the Rabbi.  It is the same imagery of the yokes used to connect oxen to plows.


Times have changed, but the message is the same: religion that loses sight of the gospel is burdensome. 



This verse reminds me of a few things this morning.  First, I have to become weary and tired before I will turn something over to God.  Jesus did not say come to me before you become weary.  He said come to Me all that are weary.  There is a level of submission that I am not capable of finding until I have failed on my on terms.


Second, I have to come to Jesus in submission.  Take my yoke is the command that He levels.  It is not about coming to Him with my own agenda or to get my own way.  It is about coming to Him emptied of me and ready to serve Him, His way.


Third, Jesus us beautiful.  He does not rub failure in my face.  He does not make me pay for what I did.  He took my shortcomings upon Himself and removed them from me.  He is gentle.  He is humble.  He gives rest.  He is a fierce warrior against His enemies but is a safe place of comfort to His followers. 



Thank you.  That is the simple prayer of my heart this morning.  You are gentle.  Your burden is light.  You have paved the way for me to live a life of peace, acceptance, and love.  I have nothing to fear, nothing to lose, and everyday inches me closer to the better things yet to come.  My hope is renewed everyday and my soul becomes more content and more alive with each passing moment. 


The storms of life come, but I rest.  The taunts of enemies rise up, but they are no more threatening than a toddler.  The complexity of the world closes in, but You always open the door for escape.  Thank you for the gift of Your Son and the mission You place on my life.  Guide me today as I seek to live for Your Glory.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

No Mr. Rogers

Today's Reading:  Psalm 141 & Matthew 10



"Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword."  Matthew 10:34



Jesus was no Mr. Rogers.  He did not come to sing songs, tell encouraging stories, and make everyone feel good about themselves.  He came to destroy the stronghold Satan has in the lives of the lost.  He came to initiate a great offensive campaign against the gates of hell and demonic occupation of human souls. 



There are certain teachers of "Christian" teaching that really drive me nuts.  The picture is painted that if I put the right thoughts in my mind and have the correct amount of faith that the blessings of the LORD will pad my life from pain, discomfort, and loss.  Bunk.  Plain and simple Bunk. 


"The world will hate You."  "I send you out as sheep among wolves."  "They will scourge you in their synagogues." Those were Jesus' words to His disciples as He sent them out.  He did not give them 12 steps to their best life.  He called them to lose their life in pursuit of the better life that follows this one.



I confess to You this morning that there is a strong desire inside of me to find success in this world.  There is a strong desire inside of me to enjoy the comforts of this life.  My natural tendency is to protect my life, my possessions, and my dreams.  I also confess that I cannot turn these desires off.


I ask today that You give me the wisdom I need to not place the desire for the blessing above my desire for You.  I ask that everything I receive from You be held with an open hand and not lose heart when threats come my way.  May everything in my life serve Your glory; not my own.


Father, guard my mouth today that I may not speak evil.  Guard the desires of my heart that I may be protected from the enemy.  Give people around me the insight and courage needed to confront me when I am wrong.  Give to me the humility to accept correction and be a strong soldier.  

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Desiring God

Today's Reading:  Psalm 63 & Matthew 9



"My soul is satisfied as with marrow and fatness, and my mouth offers praises with joyful lips."  Psalm 63:5



When you strip away all the pursuits of man and look at the core motivation behind what each is looking for, a satisfied soul and a mouth full of praise is at the heart of each pursuit. 


This verse is the promise of walking after God.  It is the ultimate fruit that is promised to each life.  The circumstances of life matter not; God's hand upon a life will lift it above circumstances, bring satisfaction to the soul, and fill his or her mouth with praise.



I have not given to God what is rightfully His.  He is a jealous God and He wants exclusive rights to my soul and my praise.  I do not offer these things to Him alone.  There are days when I feel dried up and just need to get away from everyone and everything.  I head off into the sunset looking for something to fill my soul, but I leave God behind. 


There is nothing sinful in vacations, hunting, fishing, golf, or romantic getaways with my wife.  But, they can not satisfy weary soul or fill a potty mouth with praise.  At best they can offer some temporary relief and escape from the pressures of life. 



Father I sing songs in church and confess You as being my everything.  I pray prayers and confess You are my all-in-all.  But I live a life that does not always reflect this.  As I read Psalm 63 this morning I am overwhelmed by the gap between where David is with You and where I stand today.


I ask this morning that You help me to give myself away to You.  I want my soul to long for only You.  I want my mouth to be filled with sincere praise over who I know You to be.  I want to see Your power and glory in real and tangible ways.  I want to remember You on my bed and for even my dreams to meditate on You.  I ask that You become my all consuming pursuit in this life.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Today's Reading:  Psalm 57 & Matthew 8



"Now when Jesus heard this He marveled…"  Matthew 8:10



What the centurion believed about Jesus mattered.  The level of faith he had in Jesus was great enough that is caused Jesus to pause and marvel at Him.  This man's faith also caused his servant to find healing. 


In Psalm 57, I also see that what David believed about God mattered.  When David wrote Psalm 57 Saul's pursuit of his life had forced him into a cave.  Think about it.  Just a short period of time prior, David was minding his own business and taking care of his father's sheep.  He did not seek a mission from God, God sought him for a mission.  David agreed to follow after Him and now he sat in total physical and mental torment.  David could have made a great case against God.  Instead he chose to confess truth over emotion.


Two men both facing difficult circumstances.  For both of them what they knew in the hearts about God brought them through. 



Ok, I am a bit of a baby.  Pain, discomfort, adversity, and frustrations bring out the worst in me.  In moments of prolonged strife I wear down and become a slave to what I feel or what I want.  Finding a path of escape becomes my all-consuming desire.


Father, I ask that You forgive my grumbling.  I admit to You this morning that I have felt slighted in a couple areas of my life and this has greatly affected my beliefs about You.  Instead of allowing Your truth to heal my life, I have allowed my pride and anger to distort my image of You.


I confess today that You alone are my refuge and my strength.  It is You alone who has the power to accomplish great things before me.  Father, I believe that You send Your truth and lovingkindness before me today.  Open my eyes to see them both.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Keeping Holy Things Holy

Today's Reading:  Psalm 31 & Matthew 7



"Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, or they will trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you into pieces. 



People can tear a person down faster than anything else.  They can inflict wounds in a person that go deeper than any other weapon.  In moments of hurt, betrayal, persecution or false accusation faith can dry up and God can seem quite distant. 


This passage today offers me three reminders regarding some holy things I throw away to people intent on tearing me down.



The first Holy thing that I throw away are my choices.  Peer pressure never goes away.  The world has a tendency to treat this like a plague that only affects teenagers and college students but it is not true.  Actually, I think that peer pressure get worse as I get older.  Matthew 7:14 offers a simple reminder that the popular opinion of people is not the path that leads towards God.  The way to Him is narrow.  The way to Him leads me to swim against the currents of the culture.  I must guard against giving myself away to pressure to conform.


The second Holy thing I throw away is my peace.  People are broken.  They are bent and do some nasty things.  I carry wounds today which were inflicted by others that seem to stubbornly refuse to heal.  Hurtful words.  Betrayals.  Defamations.  My self-image is littered with trash dumped on me by others.  Matthew 7:1 reminds me that manner in which I judge, I will be judged.  As tempting as it is, as justified as it might me, there is no benefit is casting judgment on another person.  I must learn to release these things to God and allow Him to take his rightful place as judge.


The third Holy thing I throw away is my ambition.  Matthew 7:7 lays out three commands; ask, seek, & knock.  In the Greek, these are present imperative commands which means they can be read as saying, "keep on asking, seeking, and knocking".  Many times disappointments in life cause me to stop asking, stop seeking and stop knocking.  I must refuse to allow my pursuit of God to be halted by the work of others. 



Father, as I sit this morning and think forward to the day ahead of me I am overwhelmed by just how frail I am.  One carefully calculated word from a person can send my entire day into a tailspin.  In a split second I can go from the top of the mountain to the bottom of the valley. 


I need You to be my strength.  I put my trust in You today and say that You are my God.  My life is in Your hands.  Deliver me from the plans of my enemy and allow Your face to shine upon me.  Help me to take courage today not in my own abilities, but in Yours.  

Saturday, April 18, 2009

First Things First

Today's Reading:  Psalm 17 & Matthew 6



"And who of you by being worried can add a single hour to life?"  Matthew 6:27



This is not an invitation to live a life free of pressure or concern.  It is an invitation to get first things first in life and concern myself with only those things.  In this chapter from Matthew I see three things that I need to keep on the forefront of my mind and protected from the concerns of life.



In Matthew 6:33, Jesus instructs us to seek the Kingdom of God first.  Today's English Version of the Bible says it like this, "Instead, be concerned above everything else with the Kingdom of God and with what he requires of you..."  That is a powerful statement.  Get a clear picture of my place in the God's plans for His Kingdom and become consumed by them. Hold these plans are the center piece of every thought and action. 


In Matthew 6:20, Jesus instructs us to lose interest in seeking earthly treasure.  God designed us to pursue reward and gain.  Paul often talked about seeking the prize.  The problem is that I often substitute the tangible but temporary earthly gain for the intangible but permanent heavenly gain. 


In Matthew 6:1, Jesus warns us to steer clear of seeking approval.  There is nothing wrong with receiving or giving affirmation, it is when I intentionally do things to get it that I cross over into sin.  This is hard.  There are days that I want people to know what I did.  I want them to know that I get it and that I am on the right path.  This desire often presses me into talking about something that I simply should have left unsaid. 



First things first.  That is such a simple statement but it creates such an impossible demand.  I can't do the things listed above.  My cry to You tonight is that You bring these things to bear in my life. 


The degree to which Your Kingdom is real to me is the same degree to which I can let go of pursuing earthly gain. I ask that You shine through the windows of my soul in a way that brings Your Kingdom to life inside of me.  Make it so real to me that it becomes a tangible reality.  Put Your Kingdom agenda on for forefront of every thought I have and every action I take.  Divorce me from the nastiness that results from seeking earthly treasure and man's approval.  Help me find my every satisfaction in only You.

Dealing with Adversity

Today's Reading:  Psalm 34 & Matthew 5



"Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivers him out of them all."  Psalm 34:19



Being righteous does not guarantee a free pass through life.  There is not a scripture in the Bible that points to believers being able to live a pain-free life.  In fact, it is quite the opposite.  There are numerous passages that outline the same undertones as this one.  Hard times will come, but the LORD is there to deliver.


In the midst of adversity it is essential to seek after the LORD and avoid the natural tendency of human nature to seek sinful solutions.  Sin is never more tempting than it is when a man is pressed by his circumstances.



If the LORD is to be my deliver from adversity there are three things I must keep in mind if I am to call upon Him.  First, I must not speak evil.  Anger is a part of my natural make up.  When I get amped up and pointed towards a person or circumstance my tongue and mouth start talking trash.  I can say some really vile things.  I sometimes I refer to it as "venting".  The Bible has a word for it too.  It is called "sinning".


Second, I must depart from evil and do good.  Satan knows there is not a better time to tempt me than when I am weakened from adversity.  There are days when everything hits the fan and I am tempted by my flesh to pursue actions that represent conduct unbecoming my call.  I must avoid these temptations.  But it is not enough to just avoid evil,  I must do good. It is awfully tempting to withhold good from others when I am going through hard times but I must avoid this temptation and allow God to continue to work through me. 


Third, I must seek peace and pursue it.  Adversity has a way of bringing out the very worst of my instincts for self-preservation.  I often trade in my pursuit of peace for the destruction of the person or thing causing my pain.  Laying aside my pride and truly pursuing peace is the only pathway that leads towards God. 



Life has a way of getting complicated.  Circumstances escalate and before I have time to really even think I find myself in the eye of a horrible storm.  The choices I make in these storms are critical.  I pray today that I chose to speak things that are representative of Your truth.  Help me to hold my tongue and refrain from speaking things that are evil. 


I also pray that Your protect me from seeking evil pleasures.  As adversity drains away my strength I become vulnerable to my past tendencies and I can really make some bad choices.  Instead of seeking relief in things that destroy me I ask that You create inside of me a desire to do good. 


Finally I pray that You help me seek and pursue peace.  Pursuing peace means that I let things go, offer forgiveness, and sacrifice things on my agenda.  Those are not actions I am good at.  My mind, will, and emotions set themselves against these things.  I pray for the strength to be a man of peace.


Those who look to who look to You see their faces become radiant.   Their lips continually carry Your praise.  They taste and see that You are good.  They never want of anything.  I am grateful today that You are faithful to those who seek You.  

Friday, April 17, 2009

Top Three's

Today's Reading:  Psalm 59 and Matthew 4



"Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil."  Matthew 4:1



The lust of the flesh.  The lust of the eyes. The pride of life.  Those were the three warriors Satan brought with him to the desert to use in his attack upon the Messiah.  Those three commanders are no doubt Satan's greatest weapons of war.  All throughout the scriptures we see men fall victim to something their flesh craved to fill a desire, something their eyes beheld that was not in their possession, or an action that was sure to garner the favorable attention of men.


Satan stood toe-to-toe this day with the darling of heaven, just has he had stood toe-to-toe with other men of God.  This one, however, was special.  He could turn the tides of his battle against God if he could only cause Jesus to stumble.  No doubt about the fact that he would have brought his a-game. 




Satan uses the same ploys against me that he used on Jesus.  Some deep longing in my flesh, some alluring thing to covet, or some promise of favorable fame are always at the heart of falls.  I know what is coming and I must be ready.



Father as I have thought on this passage today I am reminded that just as Satan has three constants in his battle against man; Jesus had three constants in His battle against Satan.  Teaching the truth of Your word, proclaiming the gospel, and healing the sick or hurting captivated Christ's desires as He walked the earth.  


I ask that You bring the beauty of Your gospel to life to me and allow the sharing of it to become the number one goal I have in any situation.  I also ask that You open my soul and mind the truth of Your Word and allow me the privilege of teaching it to others.  Finally, I ask that You teach me how to help the sick and hurting find Your healing hand. 


Christ was so focused on His mission that the lust of His flesh, the lust of His eyes or the pride of life, while tempting, were still not strong enough to distract Him.  I ask that I find the same path for my feet to trod upon as I journey through the life you have given me.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Beast That is Religion

Today's Reading: 1 Samuel 18:12-16; Psalm 11; & Matthew 3

"and they were being baptized by him in the Jordan River, as they confessed their sins." Matthew 3:6

This is an incredible scene. The act of baptism had long existed. It was reserved for Gentiles who wanted to convert to Judaism. The Jews hated the Gentiles. Hated them. By following John in baptism they were publically acknowledging that they themselves were as the Gentiles. It was a humbling act for them as they admitted publically that what was on the inside of their heart was not anywhere close to what they pretended to be on the outside. They were tired of religious lives. They were thirsty for something genuine.

Religion really is a horrible beast. As I think back over my life I am appalled at the time I wasted chasing after it. As I grow older I am even more appalled by what I see it doing to our society today. So what is the deal with religion? I hate it deeply, so why do I have to guard against it so much?

I think the answer lies in the hidden recesses of my heart. There is a level of intimacy with God that simply is not achievable if I do not submit to Him ever square inch of my heart. That is why religion becomes so alluring. It creates a system of justification that allows me a hiding place for desires I can't control or do not wish to acknowledge as sin.

There were two groups of people standing at the river that day listening to John. One group turned their back and walked away unchanged by the truth You spoke through John. The other stepped out in a bold move of self abandonment, humbled themselves and admitted their full depravity in the midst of all who were watching.

Father, it is in me to be among those who refuse Your word in order to hold on to my thoughts, feelings, and actions. Saving face is my default nature. I confess to You today that I allow pride to hold me back from being fully Yours.

Father I do not want a religion. Nothing in me desires to be a religious person. I simply desire to be a man after Your heart. Help me today find Your strength to overcome the things that inhibit me from fully walking in Your grace. Pour into me everything I need to be fully devoted; devoted to the point that I may find the same courage as the Jews noted in this passage.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Experiencing God

Today's Reading: 1 Samuel 17 & Psalm 9

"And those who know Your Name will put their trust in You." Psalm 9:10

David's praise of God was not comprised of empty words. It was not based on blind faith or puffed up hope. It was grounded in the proven results of his past experiences with God. For each phrase uttered in his Psalms he had a mental picture of a specific event that had occurred.

I can't praise what I have not experienced. That is the agony of living a safe life. If I live under my own power, my faith will become built around my own ability. If I live beyond myself and truly come to KNOW the name of the LORD then my faith will become built around the name of the LORD.

Father my praise to You is often based on words that I do not know in practice. They are emotional expressions of something I wish to be true far more often than they are a true retelling of my past experiences with You. I play it safe and do things out of my own strength. This greatly limits my ability to truly experience all that Your name has to offer.

There is a part of my flesh that really likes this conversation because there is a desire inside of me to experience the thrill of great risk and great victory. I ask that You protect me from that man. I am not coming to You today seeking greater adventure. I just come to You today seeking a greater experience of Your name.

I ask that You allow me to keep my eyes open to what You desire for me to know today. Help me to live dead to myself and trade every selfish desire for a deep longing to see Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, and Your name established among the peoples of the earth.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Three Sides of Me

Today's Reading: 1 Samuel 15 & 16; Matthew 1:18-25

"And the Spirit of the LORD came mightily upon David from that day forward." 1 Samuel 16:13

These passages of scripture parallel the lives of three men; Samuel, Saul and David. All three had calls on their lives by God. All three of them present opportunities from which lessons can be drawn. This morning, I see a lesson from each.

There is a sense inside of me that if I follow after God all will be well with me. That is a myth. Actually it is a lie. That is the lesson I clearly see from Samuel in this mornings readings. He did everything as he was told from God and yet he struggled. We see him at the top of his game anointing the future King of Israel and then see him hiding while losing his battle with depression. No man of earth is exempt from the ebbs and flows of life.

God's call on my life does not immediately remove my defects. That is the lesson I see in the life of Saul this morning. Saul was self-willed, self-centered, and self-conscious. Everything was about him. His failure to address those things ultimately led to his downfall. As a leader and a follower of Christ I must stay aware of my dark side. My weaknesses will take me down if I am not constantly in touch with where I am headed. Allowing God to heal me is a daily choice I must make.

God will come get me when the time is right. That is the lesson I see from David this morning. There was a season of labor for David during which he as not anointed. He was just obedient. He did his thing to the best of his ability day after day. When his season came, God came to him. The struggle between God's sovereignty and my effort is a constant battle. I must learn to be patient and wait on the LORD.

At this moment, I feel like all three of these men. I, like Saul, am struggling with putting a harness around my self-will and healing my self-image. I, like Samuel, am sitting in a lonely place trying to discern why some things turned out as they did. I, like David, feel like I am giving things my all but am still waiting on Your anointing for the next chapter of my life.

These three men represent the three sides of me: the part that is twisted and broken, the part that is submitted to Your will but struggling with what You have allowed to happen, and the part that is waiting for You to do more. In their own way each of these sides fight against me having peace or finding rest.

I pray today that You teach me to battle well with these three things. Be my courage, my strength and my wisdom. You alone possess the power to overcome the nagging weight of my emotions. I believe that what I need today more than anything is Your anointed hand moving me forward in pursuit of Your appointed time.

Monday, April 13, 2009


Today's Reading: 1 Samuel 14:1-23 & 2 Corinthians 13

"Finally brethren, rejoice…" 2 Corinthians 13:11

Christians as a whole do not celebrate their faith anymore. If you walk into a majority of churches or Christian homes, especially in the U.S., there is a good chance that you will not find them celebrating their faith.

I am afraid that I often fail to celebrate my faith. I look for reasons to rejoice but they are all external. Unexpected income causes me to rejoice. Great accomplishments cause me to rejoice. Goals achieved cause me to rejoice. But what about my faith? Does it really cause me to rejoice?

It should. I am complete in Christ. I am a child of God. No weapon formed against me can prosper. My eternity is set. The love of God has been lavished upon me. I am more than a conqueror. Blessed, set apart, a priest, a child, marked, sealed, and destined for an eternity of peace. The promises go on and on.

This morning as I think about all that You have done for Your people; I rejoice. I ask today that You open my eyes to know just how great a gift You gave the world through Your Son. I ask that You great inside of me a desire to live in constant celebration of the transforming work that is taking place.

I choose today to submit to Your will. Lead me to be complete, comforted, peaceful and grounded in Your love. Help me to reflect something to the lost world that is worthy of Your Name.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Process of Sin

Today's Reading: 1 Samuel 12:14-25 & 2 Corinthians 11

"But I am afraid that, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds will be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ." 2 Corinthians 11

The more things change, the more they stay the same. In this passage Paul points out that Satan's tactics have not changed at all. The way that he worked in the garden with Eve and then Adam is the same way that he works today. There were four elements to satan's strategy that day in the garden.

The sin met promised to meet a real, pure need. There is nothing sinful about being hungry. That is where satan started his attack on Eve. She first saw that it was good for eating.

The sin was delightful to the eyes. It was not something that looked nasty or evil. Evidently the tree was beautiful. It was easy to look at from a distance and its promise was intriguing.

The sin promised self-promotion. The promise satan laid out was equality to God. It appealed to making Eve greater than she was. Satan started with the weaker vessel and promised to exalt it to being equal with God.

Finally, the sin spread. Eve did not have knowledge of evil when she went to eat of the fruit. She did when she passed it on to Adam. The nature of sin cannot suffer alone it has to attack others.

I need to know where I am needy. I do not like to admit being needy, but it is crucial that I understand my longings because that is where satan will strike. He will show up at the opportune time and deliver something that promises to fulfill a real need that is currently not being met.

I need to guard my eyes. Just because something looks good does not make it good. Whether it is the eyes of my imagination or my actual physical eyes, most everything that I fall into starts with me seeing something and defining it as being good or desirable.

I need to die to myself. This is a hard one to balance. I am ambitious, tenacious, strong-willed, proactive and very aggressive in my pursuit of anything. I wake up on go and charge head first into my day. This is a great strength when I am dead to myself and seeking God. It is a horrible weakness if I am alive to my flesh and seeking my own agenda.

I need to be careful with my tongue. The sin in my life is not content to stay contained in my life. Whatever I tolerate inside myself will eventually spread to others through my tongue. My interactions with others will either advance the kingdom of God or it will advance the spread of satan's agenda.

Father sin is not an event; it is a process. That is the torment of it. I often spend my time dealing with the final act of sin and miss out on the fact that the process was started long ago.

I am at a place in my life right now where satan's attacks have left me longing for unmet needs. I am very vulnerable at the moment in many different areas. It feels like attacks are coming in ten ways at once. The battle is intense, my soul is weary and the days are long. There is a side of me that just wants to quit, lay down or shrink back. But the truth inside of me screams out for satan to give me his best shot. You are my defender, I am not. You are my strength, I am not. You are my way out, I am not. My life is eternally grounded in You as a son because of my faith in Christ as my Lord and Savior.

I ask that you slow me down. You alone are able to meet all my needs. Help me to seek You with them. Guard what I see today. As I walk through this earth help me to look at things only through Your vision for what they could be. Protect me today from my strengths by helping me stay dead to myself. Finally, I ask that I alone suffer for my foolish ways. Wire my mouth shut from speaking anything that is not of You.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Need for Seed

Today's Reading: 1 Samuel 7:3-4; Psalm 72; & 2 Corinthians 9

"Now He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness." 2 Corinthians 9:10

All things are from God and for God. Seeds come in all forms and produce many different types of harvest. In my reading this morning I feel drawn towards three seeds I would like to see sown in abundance.

I need a deeper desire to see God's glory come. Psalm 72 is a shining example of a man of God seeking His glory. I use the term God's glory to describe why I do things, but I inside I really battle with this. More time than not the thing that I am seeking is my own peace and comfort.

I need a deeper brokenness for the poor. It is not my responsibility to care for the poor; it is God's. In Psalm 72 God says that He will take care of them. So while it is not my responsibility, it is impossible for me to follow after God and not take care of the poor. His heart will always lead me there to be used by Him.

I need a deeper appreciation of the gift of God. Good news. Blessed hope. Precious gift. Riches. Honor. These are just a few of the words penned in the letters of the New Testament used to describe what God did through Jesus. I do not know why it is so easy to lose sight of that. God did an amazing work on the cross and I must allow the beauty of that work produce its harvest in my life.

Precious Father. All glory belongs to You, forgive me for not seeing it. The poor and needy are close to Your heart, forgive me for not hearing their cries. The gift of Your Son is indescribable, forgive me for taking it for granted.

You see my needs and know the seed I need. I trust today that You are faithful to produce inside of me an abundant harvest of all the good things You desire for my life. You alone are faithful to complete every word You have spoken over me. Help me today to sow what You given to me so that those around me may share in Your harvest.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Pray, Give, and Give Some More

Today's Reading: Psalm 77 & 2 Corinthians 8

"But now finish doing it also, so that just as there was the readiness to desire it, so there may be also the completion of it by your ability." 2 Corinthians 8:11

Making a commitment is always easy on the front end. In the emotion of a moment when anything seems possible it is easy to commit. But there is always a point on the journey where it becomes just as easy to lay a work aside and not complete it. In this mornings readings, I am reminded of three tasks to which I must be dedicated to completing.

First, I must be dedicated to praying through hard times. Psalm 77 is a beautiful picture of this. Asaph comes to God in prayer not because his soul was troubled, but to pray until his soul was comforted. There is a huge lesson in this for me. I often to God with my troubles but am not sold out to the fact that I will pray until I find rest. Asaph laid out before God all night praying through an issue. I need to be ready to do the same thing. I need to approach prayer with an attitude that once I start I will not stop until the work is finished.

Second, I must be dedicated to giving from what I have. There is not a fixed amount of time, money, or energy expected of me from God. That is the teaching from Paul in 2 Corinthians. God is proportionate and judges me based on what I have to offer. There is a sense of pride in me that does not feel good about giving a little. If I only have a little to offer a circumstance my tendency is to give nothing.

Third, I should give until it hurts. Giving out of abundance proves nothing. Anybody can do that. Sacrificial giving, on the other hand, proves much. There are times when God calls me to be stretched beyond what I am able to give in order to prove to Himself worthy. If I never go beyond what I am capable of offering how will I ever expect to experience the fullness of God?

Pray, give and give some more. That is the simple, yet complex command I hear from You today. I ask today that You help me not to just do these things, but to begin to desire to do these things. I ask that You help me not to just start these things, but the stick with these things long after they become painful.

I am in a season right now where my money, my energy and my emotions are being stripped away by the needs of the people around me. As that happens my natural reaction is to pull away and seek to preserve myself. Help me find the prudence needed to choose wisely between taking care of myself and being greedy.

You are the God who works wonders and the God who makes His strength known to the peoples. I pray today that I be constantly reminded that the success of my journey depends on Your resources; not my own.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Battle Tactics

Today's Reading: Ruth 3, Psalm 64, & 2 Corinthians 6

"He my voice, O God, in my complaint; Preserve my life from dread of the enemy." Psalm 64:1

Whether I am fighting against myself, another person or a circumstance I have only one enemy; satan. His tactics are good. He has been doing what he has been doing for a long time. He knows when to strike, what weapons to chose and who to use in delivering his blows. This morning, I see some battle tactics to remember.

In Psalm 64:6 I am reminded that the external actions of a person are only outward manifestations of something that runs much deeper on the inside. So many times I am tempted to deal with what is seen on the outside. This verse reminds me that the intentions of a man run much deeper. They are beyond what I can control and I have to trust God for He is the only one who knows the depths of man's thoughts and intentions. He is my deliverer.

In 2 Corinthians 6:1 I am reminded that I need to know my faith. God has made much available to me through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. I am righteous. I am anointed. I am blessed. I am a son. I am protected. I have a mission. I have value. I can find forgiveness. At any moment, of any day, in any circumstance I can enter into the presence of God and find what I need.

In 2 Corinthians 6:3 & 6:7 I am reminded that God has given me both offensive and defensive weapons for use in the ministry given to me. I have to center my energy on my God given mission to solider for the ministry of the Gospel. God did not arm me to defend myself or to advance my agenda. He armed me to advance his Kingdom. Paul says both his left hand and right hand have been armed. The left would have held a shield for defensive tactics. The right would have held a sword for advancing against an enemy. I need to know how to use both.

Father I ask that I be attentive today. Help me walk through this day with a sense of purpose and be made fully aware of the battle raging around me. I desire to engage in battle today not as one with a weak heart, but as a good solider who uses all that has been given to him to its fullest potential.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Broken Faith

Today's Reading: Ruth 1; Psalm 61; & 2 Corinthians 5

"Therefore, always being of good courage, and knowing that while we are at home in the body we are absent from the Lord- for we walk by faith, not by sight." 2 Corinthians 5:6-7

Not so much. That is the honest answer I would often have to give if someone asked me if my faith produced a courage that was greater than what could be seen. There certainly are times when my faith holds firm but if the circumstances intensify enough; I fold. True faith does not shrink away. It produces courage. It assures of the end. It rises above what can be seen.

Faith is more than a feeling. It is more than a blind belief in something unknown. Faith is a system of truth upon which I rely. For instance, I have faith that my truck will be in the driveway in the morning. I have faith that it will crank. While on my way to work I generally have faith that each passing car will not cross over to my side of the road. My history in these matters has proven the outcomes to be reliable and good.

But what if the circumstances change? What if car theft became common in my neighborhood? What if my truck started breaking down? What if there became an outbreak of people crossing the mid-line and hitting cars head on? Things would become different. I would have to check and see if my truck were in the driveway each morning. I would be a little nervous before I turned the key. I would flinch each time I passed a car. My faith in my truck would be broken.

If I am not careful my faith in God ends up broken. There is only one thing in this world that is certain; life here is broken. This is not home. While I am here there will be troubles. If my faith does not address this I will constantly wake up full of doubts. I will be nervous anytime I must stand on faith. I will always be on guard for something hitting me out of nowhere.

Father, I try and use my faith to pad my life. I am not trying to be evil when I do this, just comfortable. But sin is sin. I place my desire to feel something comforting over my need to live my life on mission for You. That is sin and I confess it to You.

I pray that You affirm my faith. Build up inside of me a strong fortress that always produces courage and never folds under the weight of trials and tests. I ask that the love of Christ control my every thought and emotion. Help me to see the new creature I became when I accepted Your grace and surrendered to You as Savior and Lord.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

The Beauty of Satan

Today's Reading: 2 Corinthians 4

"But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, so that the surpassing greatness of the power will be of God and not from ourselves. We are afflicted…" 2 Corinthians 4:7-8

The phase Paul uses here for "we are afflicted" does not mean something that happened in the past. It means something that continues to happen. Affliction. There is nothing pretty about the word. Nothing attractive about it. Even the most vile of society seeks to avoid being afflicted.

It is this desire to escape suffering that satan has used as the ultimate bait for his trap. He was weaved together a web of ideals, opinions, goals, hopes, and views that blinds the world from God. He uses his beauty to offer something easy. Something pleasurable. Something good. Something deceptively deathly.

I can honestly say that I have never woke up and said to myself, "Self, we just need to be wicked today." Never happened. Yet, at the end of many days I have looked in the mirror and sat in stunned silence over the level of wickedness I had achieved. Satan was an angel of light before he fell from heaven. He was beautiful. He still is.

It is his beauty that often allows my defenses to be penetrated. He invades my ideals, opinions, goals, hopes and views with beautiful promises and noble ambitions. When any area of life heats up and I feel the weight of it; he is always there with a promise of escape. A simple pleasure. A new line of thought. A better destination. A promised relief. A better justification.

This is huge for me. My desperate desire for simplicity and escape is my greatest weakness. This morning as I sit with You I realize that I desire a life free from affliction. I want to live free of pain. Everything I seek in life that draws me away from You is something that I have thought would make me feel less afflicted. These things are quite often pure, but they are seldom holy.

To live in this world is to face troubles. They come with the same certainty as the sun comes in the morning and the moon at night. I have looked to the outside of the gift of Your Son for escape from the worries and pressures of life. My dreams seem to always end with me being in a place where all is well with me. I need new dreams. Dreams I am not capable of manufacturing. Father I lay down before You today all my ideals, opinions, goals, hopes and views. I ask that You take them and burn them. Utterly destroy them from my life.

Help me to seek only the beauty of the light placed inside of my by Your Son. Refocus every ounce of my energy, creativity, hope, ambition and determination to bringing Your Kingdom into the lost world. Be my peace. Be my strength. Be my reality. Be my dreams. In everyplace and in every moment allow my joy to become seeing Your light shine through me.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Increasing Confidence

Today's Reading: Psalm 89:1-29 & 2 Corinthians 3

"Such confidence we have through Christ towards God." 2 Corinthians 3:4

Paul often uses words that really resonate with my soul. Freedom. Boldness. Confidence. Liberty. They resonate with me, but often I feel more like I am attracted towards something that I do not have more than I feel like I am celebrating something I know. There are some things I see this morning that will increase my confidence and strengthen my faith.

First, I need to understand my level of need and seek God in all things. This is very different from what comes natural to me. Godly confidence does not result from me puffing myself up. It comes from me emptying myself to the point where I realize just how much I need God. The more I own my weaknesses and release them to God, the more I get to experience the faithfulness of God. I am more apt to fire myself up and charge into things under my own power. I would be better served to move towards a God sized task knowing I had no chance in succeeding.

Second, I need to reorient my goals. Paul's confidence was not based on his personal accomplishments. His confidence was based on the manner in which God used him to impact the lives of others. His goals were all centered around impacting a lost world. My goals, on the other hand, often involve God doing something that will make my life more comfortable. This is nothing more that selfish ambition.

Third, I really need to expect more. When it comes to faith it is unbelievably hard to not dumb things down. Questions around theology, fear of failure, and uncertainty of God's will are just a few of the many things that mount up on my faith and weigh it down. That is not a good way to live. If I am emptied of myself, focused on God, and seeking the souls of others; why would I not seek God to do something extraordinary. I spend time seeking Him to do things that are just plain old ordinary. Things that are not that miraculous if they take place.

My strength is not often a good reflection of Your glory. I have failed to center my goals on Your Kingdom work. You are not in the business of doing extraordinary things for selfish seekers.

I confess my selfishness to You today as sin and repent of it. Holy Spirit, I ask that You provide the wise counsel needed to help transform me into a man set on Kingdom work, Kingdom goals, and Kingdom values. Set before me today the reality of the heavenly prize that lies before me. Make it real and tangible to me. Help me to see the work of the Father going on around me and enable me to hear the call to join in.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Today's Reading: Psalm 50 & 2 Corinthians 1

"For our proud confidence is this: the testimony of our conscience, that in holiness and godly sincerity, not in fleshly wisdom but I the grace of God, we have conducted ourselves in the world, and especially toward you." 2 Corinthians 1:12

Relationships often go sour. That is what Paul was facing here. All that he had invested with the church of Corinth was being threatened. People were rising up against him to challenge not only his leadership, but his calling from God.

As a leader this must have been a painful test. It had to be tempting to doubt what God had done. But Paul points out that the secret to confidence does not lie in what we do or the results we achieve. The secret to great confidence is the degree to which we are dead to ourselves and surrendered to Him.

As I have been looking at this verse this morning I have also been looking at Psalm 50. In Psalm 50, I see four things guaranteed to destroy my confidence.

Psalm 50:17 points out that I can't hate discipline and ignore God's word. There is no doubt that the greatest gift of God I received in Christ is my freedom. I have been set free from the weight of the law and no longer have need of guilt and condemnation. That said, my lifestyle matters. God still loves me and will discipline me as He grows me. My confidence can't be established until I learn how to recognize His leading in my life. If I resist His direction or remain ignorant of His discipline, I will never be anything more than shaky. A confident man is an obedient one.

Psalm 50:18 points out that I can't be pleased with thieves and adulterers. Sin is sin. I must develop a holy contempt for sin. If I chose to justify the sin in the lives of others or allow it in my own life, I will never walk in confidence.

Psalm 50:19 points out that I must guard my tongue. Man, this one hurts. My tongue creates a lot of trouble for me. In the heat of battle my neck flushes red, a little vein pops out on my temple, my anger bursts into flames, and I can be flat nasty. Words spoken in fleshly anger are planted around me like landmines. Confidence is impossible when I live in fear of each step causing one of them to explode.

Psalm 50:20 point out that I must not speak in slander. Falling into this is easier than I think. If I ever say anything negative about a brother or sister to another person for any reason other than to seek their help in building that person up; I have slandered. Many times I start out with good intentions, but then I fail to finish well. As hard as confrontation can be, things I have spoken in slander will always hold my confidence hostage.

In moments when my confidence is shaken, I ask God for the wisdom and humility I need to accept responsibility for my actions. I do not want to lose sight of Your words nor do I want to resist Your discipline. Holy Spirit I ask that You guide me in discerning the work of my Father in my life. Grace is free but confidence is a result. It is produced when my life is aligned with Your will, truth and ways.