Today's Reading: Psalm 59 and Matthew 4
"Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil." Matthew 4:1
The lust of the flesh. The lust of the eyes. The pride of life. Those were the three warriors Satan brought with him to the desert to use in his attack upon the Messiah. Those three commanders are no doubt Satan's greatest weapons of war. All throughout the scriptures we see men fall victim to something their flesh craved to fill a desire, something their eyes beheld that was not in their possession, or an action that was sure to garner the favorable attention of men.
Satan stood toe-to-toe this day with the darling of heaven, just has he had stood toe-to-toe with other men of God. This one, however, was special. He could turn the tides of his battle against God if he could only cause Jesus to stumble. No doubt about the fact that he would have brought his a-game.
Satan uses the same ploys against me that he used on Jesus. Some deep longing in my flesh, some alluring thing to covet, or some promise of favorable fame are always at the heart of falls. I know what is coming and I must be ready.
Father as I have thought on this passage today I am reminded that just as Satan has three constants in his battle against man; Jesus had three constants in His battle against Satan. Teaching the truth of Your word, proclaiming the gospel, and healing the sick or hurting captivated Christ's desires as He walked the earth.
I ask that You bring the beauty of Your gospel to life to me and allow the sharing of it to become the number one goal I have in any situation. I also ask that You open my soul and mind the truth of Your Word and allow me the privilege of teaching it to others. Finally, I ask that You teach me how to help the sick and hurting find Your healing hand.
Christ was so focused on His mission that the lust of His flesh, the lust of His eyes or the pride of life, while tempting, were still not strong enough to distract Him. I ask that I find the same path for my feet to trod upon as I journey through the life you have given me.
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